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2 Learning Events

Learning Event
• Learning event is a situation that allows exchange of
ideas and creation of new ones
Types of Learning Events
• A conference is a meeting of
people in a large or small group.
The participants are usually a
close-knit group who consult
together in a formal fashion on
problems to which they give
most serious consideration
Types of Learning Events
Uses Advantages Limitations
 For a group with a high  Participants usually have a  It is hard to predict
interest to discus in depth a high interest in the area attendance.
rather narrow technical area being discussed.  Evaluation of the result is
 Participants usually attend often difficult
because of their own desires
to do so, and are not required
to attend or delegated by
their organizations as
participants at institutes and
Types of Learning Events
Types of Learning Events
• A conference is a meeting of
people in a large or small group.
The participants are usually a
close-knit group who consult
together in a formal fashion on
problems to which they give
most serious consideration
Types of Learning Events
Uses Advantages Limitations
 To decide upon policies or  Gives the individual an  Considerable advance
platforms, to agree upon opportunity to see and planning is required.
candidates or to plan strategy understand the organization  The individual plays a
and promotion. of which he is a part. passive role & can often be
 To discuss and consider ideas  The most practical way to made to feel insignificant the
which may strengthen local bring together and obtain the total picture.
and parent organization thoughts of many groups  Groups whose ideas were
spread over a wide rejected by the organization
geographic area, and to may go away unhappy
obtain consensus of the many
local groups making up the
Types of Learning Events
• The forum is a public gathering
where everyone has a chance to
voice his views.
Types of Learning Events
Uses Advantages Limitations
 To facilitate orderly  The forum permits audience  The success of the forum
discussion after the topic has participation in a large depends upon the ability of
been introduced by a meeting. the moderator and the
speaker, panel, film or other  It helps the development of maturity of the audience.
technique opinion by testing ideas  Partisan controversy and
under fire. heated debates may be
 It can contribute to the stimulating, but it often
development of the inhibits the development of
consensus necessary before consensus.
action may be taken in the
Types of Learning Events
Types of Learning Events
• The seminar is a group of
persons engaged in specialized
study led by a recognized
authority in the subject being
studied. It may be a single
session or series of sessions
Types of Learning Events
Uses Advantages Limitations
 To study the subject in depth  A recognized authority is  It may be difficult to find the
under the guidance of an available to guide and right person to direct the
authority. systemize discussion and to seminar
assist the learners.  Members may or not want to
 Detailed and systematic spend all the time required
discussion and inquiry can for preparation of reports
take place  The presence of an expert
 All members of the group may inhibit participation of
have the opportunity to some members
participate over time in the  It may be difficult to find all
discussion and in formal the source materials.
Types of Learning Events
• A symposium is a series of
prepared speeches given by two
or five experts on as many
aspects of a problem as there are
speakers. The talks should be
short and to the point within a
10 to 25 min period for each
Types of Learning Events
Uses Advantages Limitations
 To present new materials in a  Allows for several point of  The symposium is quiet
concise and logical way view formal
 To present several objectives  More comprehensive  The role of the audience is
viewpoint to give an coverage of the subject is passive
impartial treatment to the possible  There is little opportunity for
subject under consideration  Short speeches prevent discussion between the
 To give a fair analysis of lengthy discussions and keep speakers.
several sides of a the audience alert
controversial issue  The program does not sink or
swim with the performance
of one speaker
Types of Learning Events
Types of Learning Events
• Training can be defined as a
learning activity designed to
improve an individual’s
performance on the job and
effectively contribute to the
achievement of the
organization’s goals.
Five (5) Major Areas which Training Addresses:
• This is concerned with helping the
individual/ participant to learn,
understand, remember facts,
Five (5) Major Areas which Training Addresses:

• This is concerned with the physical
act or action such operating a
computer, shorthand writing, etc.
Five (5) Major Areas which Training Addresses:
• This involves the application of
both knowledge and skills in a
dynamic situation, e.g. problem
solving techniques, driving a
vehicle, etc
Five (5) Major Areas which Training Addresses:
• There is some controversy in this area and much has
been written about it boils down to the fact that not all
attitudes can be changed through training. If our concern
is to modify attitudes rooted in ignorance then there is a
possibility that training can bring about change.
Five (5) Major Areas which Training Addresses:
• However, if the “undesirable” attitudes are results of the
socio-cultural environments such as deep-seated
religious beliefs, certainly training may not readily
remedy the situation.
Five (5) Major Areas which Training Addresses:
• The area of concern is different from the others in that it
cannot be fully taught in a classroom setting. Rather, it is
a result of using all the above over the period of time and
in varying conditions. It is for this reason that On-the-
Job Trainings (OJTs) or re-entry plans are incorporated in
many training programs.

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