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Lesson 5A – Vocabulary and Grammar 2

UNIT 5 – Lesson 5A
We’re learning…
- Long Adjectives

- PB p.59

- AB p.2

Activity: Clap your hands

- Divide the class into groups of 6.
- Remind students of the three stress patterns in the previous lesson ( Oo, Ooo,
- Ask students to listen to the teacher.
- The teacher will say the word (Ex: football), students will listen and clap their
hands on the correct stress of that word (Ex: FOOTball)
- Make the game funnier; the teacher can invite a student to become a teacher
and read the word.
- Note: The teacher can use the words from Activity 2 on page 58 to play the
game. All members need to clap their hands at the same time to get points.
VOCABULARY – Long Adjective

- Have students look at the pictures, listen and repeat.

VOCABULARY – Long Adjectives

Let ’s spell

exciting c

e x c i t i n g
VOCABULARY – Long Adjectives

Let ’s spell

i n t e r e s t i n g
VOCABULARY – Long Adjectives

Let ’s spell

delicious c

d e l i c i o u s
VOCABULARY – Long Adjectives

Let ’s spell

peaceful c

p e a c e f u l
VOCABULARY – Long Adjectives

Let ’s spell

boring c

b o r i n g
VOCABULARY – Long Adjectives

Let ’s spell

dangerous c

d a n g e r o u s
VOCABULARY – Long Adjectives

The teacher asks students to review all the words.

VOCABULARY – Long Adjective

cheap peaceful dangerous

one syllable two syllables three syllables

short adjective long adjective long adjective

VOCABULARY – Long Adjective

Activity: Picking up
- Divide the class into groups of 4. Ask each team to prepare six pieces of paper.
- Tell students to write six long adjectives they learned before on the papers.
- The teacher assigns a number to each student in the team (Ex: Student A – 1,
Student B – 2, Student 3 – C, student 4 – D)
- Ask students to look at the picture and find the correct adjective.
- Listen to the teacher calling out the number (ex: Number 3). The students with the
number 3 stand up and hold up the correct paper.
- The faster team with the correct Adjective can get 2 points
Note: All team members need to say the correct Adjective to win.
Activity: Picking up

Activity: Picking up

Activity: Picking up

Activity: Picking up

Activity: Picking up

Activity: Picking up

VOCABULARY – Long Adjective – The opposite word

cheap - expensive

safe - dangerous

boring - interesting

ancient - modern

quite - busy

Ask the whole class to say aloud the adjectives.

Work in pairs, to find the opposite adjective pairs.
VOCABULARY – Long Adjective

Activity: Fill in the blank

- Divide the class into groups of e. Ask each team to prepare
a mini-board.
- Look at the picture and the sentence.
- Work with your team to choose the adjective which
describes the pictures.
- Then, write the answer on the mini-board.
- The faster team with the correct Adjective can get 2 points
Note: The teachers ask all members to say the complete
This ice cream is ________.

delicious exciting
interesting cartoon book.
This is an __________

interesting peaceful
peaceful and beautiful.
The parks are ________

dangerous peaceful
boring for me.
The history movie is _______

peaceful boring
exciting football match.
There is an _______

exciting boring
dangerous and noisy.
Roads are __________

peaceful dangerous

Ask students to open books, look at the pictures on page 59 again.

Remember the words they learn in lesson 1, then ask them to close their books.
The teacher says the numbers and the students try to say the word.
The teacher can say 2 or 3 numbers at the same time.

- Review vocabulary and grammar.
- Do exercises in the Activity book (page 4).

- Check answers in the Teacher’s book (page 34) or Active Teach.

UNIT 4 – Lesson 1
We’re learning…
- Outdoor Places

- PB pp. 44,45

- AB p.2

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