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A pathway for Rainfed Marginal Farmers to come out of the Agrarian Distress

Innovation Model By


Problem Statements…
Poor land Productivity
I. Due to rain-fed farming - Lack of assured irrigation, vagaries of nature, Land degradation, Lack
of access to adequate extension services & lack of access to good quality agri. Inputs & small
land holding,

i.Poor resources hampered the capacity of farmers to take risks and invest in improved technologies.
ii.Increase in cost of cultivation due to heavy dependence on costly external inputs and borrowings from money
lenders at exorbitant interest rates.
iii.Indebtedness and economic distress is the main proximate reason behind farmer’s suicide. Root cause – Farming
has no longer remained financially viable far small & marginal farmers

i.Poor application of knowledge and technology to reduce production costs, increase productivity and meet
quality standards.

Poor livestock Productivity

i.Poor productivity and low income from livestock due to lack of access to improved inputs, technology, credit
and marketing arrangements.
Problem Statements…

Absence of vibrant institutions of poor at the village & cluster level to access and assure resources
and other entitlements available from Government & other agencies.

High costs of marketing and low profitability due to exploitative marketing systems.
Absence of mechanism to counter production and market risks without falling back unto
poverty and distress.

Secondary status of women in agrarian society.
Social pressures & Economic constraints faced by single woman headed families.
Inadequate technical knowhow and skills about improved farming practices .
Inability to access and acquire government schemes

AFARM has strived to address issues faced by the farmers of Vidarbha region to an

A Innovation By AFARM
Sustainable Livelihood Promotion Strategy
Integrated Strategy to address multitude of problems faced by the rural poor

Sr. Clustetrs Kalamb Ralegaon Total


1 FPO Cluster – Villages 10 10 20

2 FPO Cluster – HHs 1707 877 2584

3 MKSP Cluster – Villages 42 42 84

4 MKSP Cluster – HHs 1348 1445 2793

5 Total Villages 52 52 104

6 Total HHs 3055 2322 5377

Results Achieved

• Al together 62 Krushisakhi/
Pashusakhi trained in
Sustainable Agriculture &
Backyard Poultry
Management, and are
supporting implementation
of the household and block
level development plans.

 The expertise and services of

a cadre of trained CRP’s being
utilized by the community
Results Achieved

 Sustainable Agriculture
Technology Adoption
 Average 111 Farmers Field Schools
per year on Cotton, Redgram,
Soyabeen, Pulses were run
successfully on frontline
demonstration’s covering 5377 no of
• 80% of participated women farmers adopted
promoted LEISA technology includes Soil
Testing, Seed treatment, Jeevamrut, Neem Ark,
Yellow sticky board, Trap Crop, Dashparni, 2%
urea spray, Neemark, Looping in tur, Bird
Antena, Onion extract etc.
• 35% families cultivate a diversified basket of
locally suitable crops like Cotton, Soyabeen,
Redgram, Wheat, Gram Vegetables, with
intercropping, mix cropping & LEISA technique.
• Target group realized reduction in cost of
production ranging from 5 to 15%.
Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Technologies – As per MIS (FPO Cluster)

Year Kharif 2017-18

POPs Promoted No of Targeted HHs
No of HHs adopted PoPs % Adoption
Soil Testing 1743 815 46.76
FYM/ Vermicompost 1743 1206 69.19
Nadep Compost 1743 135 7.75
Seed Germination Test 1743 653 37.46
Seed Treatment 1743 833 50.32
Jivamrut 1743 666 38.21
Trap Crops 1743 796 45.67
Bird Perches 1743 535 30.69
Pheromone Trap 1743 141 8.09
Neem arc 1743 1029 59.04
Dashparni arc 1743 1402 80.44
Chilli/Tobaco Extract 1743 498 28.57
Lopping in Tur 1743 553 31.73
Yellow Sticky Board 1743 614 35.23
2 % Urea Spray 1743 291 16.70
Results Achieved
 In all 5300 HHs trained on backyard Poultry Management from 103 villages.
 590 from 39 villages Households Initiated Backyard Poultry Enterprise.

 770 HHs involved in collective input purchase resulting saving in input

 240 HHs participated in Dal Processing & Marketing.
Results Achieved

 Altogether 104 No of custom

hiring centres/ implement bank
initiated through VOs, resulting
benefit to 574 HHs generating
Rs 45360/- as a rent of

 Two poultry mother unit

having capacity of 2500
poultry birds are running
successfully, resulted
providing services to 215 HHs.
Results Achieved
 506 HHs established Kitchen Garden and received nutritious vegetables from
the Kitchen Garden.

 Mobilized an amount of Rs 47,59,307/- from various Govt. Schemes in 20

villages covering 575 HHs as a direct beneficiary. (Under schemes as National
Food Security Mission (Tur Crop), Organic Farming Scheme (ATMA),
MGNREGS, Panchayat Samiti – Spiral Separator, Cycle Hoe, NRLM CFT –
NREGS work etc.)
Results Achieved
 Registered successfully 2 FPO’s with 2565 no of shareholders, amounting Rs 12,
82, 500/- as shareholders amount.
 BoD’s of FPO trained in Governance operation and system development,
Account managements, Resource Mobilization & Scheme Convergence, legal
compliances & Financial & Institutional sustainability of FPO etc.
 Road Map & Business Plan are in place & being implemented.
 Started office by both the FPO with furniture & staff.
 Obtained Govt. License to run the agriculture service centre, and started
Agriculture Service Centre with the support from MSRLM.
 Obtaining APMC License for
Direct Marketing.
Results Achieved – Livelihood Value Generated (SA)
Livelihood Value
Pre project (2014 -15) Existing (2017-18)
Reducti Total
on in Area
Avg. Avg. Avg. ental
Avg. Avg. Avg. cost of under Reducti
Name Avg. Avg. Value of Input Net Net
Value of Input Net Product LEISA Increase on in
of Crop Yield Yields Producti Expend Incom Income Total
Producti Expendi Income ion Cultivati in net Cost of
(Qtls/ (Qtls/ on iture e (Rs/ (Rs)
on (Rs/ ture (Rs/ (Rs/ (Rs./ on income Product
Acre) Acre) (Rs/Acr (Rs/Ac (Rs/A Acre)
Acre) Acre) Acre) Acre) (Acre) ion
e) re) cre)

13= (12 x 14= (12 x

1 2 3 4 5=(3-4) 6 7 8 9=(7-8) 10=(9-5) 11 = (4-8) 12 15 = (13+14)
10) 11)

Cotton 3.97 16640 10462 6178 5.82 29698 11850 17848 11670 -1388 5145 60042150 52900890
3.53 12930 8887 4043 4.60 14286 7548 6738 2695 1339 1155 3112725 1546545 4659270
Tur 1.76 13607 5373 8234 3.40 16908 4976 11932 3698 397 450 1664100 178650 1842750

Wheat 4.00 7200 5500 1700 4.00 8000 5200 2800 1100 300 35 38500 10500 49000

Gram 8
Total 6793 64857475 59451910
No. of Households involved in LEISA Farming (Nos.) 80% of 1743 1394
Per Household Value of Livelihoods Generated (Rs.) 42648
Results Achieved – Livelihood Value Generated by All Sources
Existing net
Pre-Project net Net Incremental
Sample Increase in Total No of
increase in Income per Total Livelihood Value
Category of Enterprise Farmers income per Farmers
income per HHs HHs Generated (Rs)
Surveyed HHs (Nos)
(Rs) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 = (3-4) 6 7 = (5 x 6)
Agriculture/ LEISA
174 75016 34069 40947 1394 570,80,118.00
Livestock including
126 16146 8333 7813 590 46,09,670.00
Enterprise/ Business/
Dashparni, Lamit, Dal
Making, Input 24 54708 33750 20958 690 144,61,020.00
Purchase, Kitchen
Garden etc
CHC/ Implement Bank -- 45360 0 45360 574 45,360.00
Convergence of Govt.
-- -- -- 575 47,59,307.00
Schemes 8,277
Total 809,55,475.00
Cost of Project for 3 Years 44,08,395.00

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