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Each of the following statements concerning the surface structures of bacteria is correct EXCEPT:

(A) Pili mediate the interaction of bacteria with mucosal epithelium (B) Polysaccharide capsules retard phagocytosis (C) Both gram-negative rods and cocci have lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) in their cell wall (D) Bacterial flagella are nonantigenic in humans because they closely resemble human flagella in chemical composition

Each of the following statements concerning peptidoglycan is correct EXCEPT:

(a) It has a backbone composed of alternating units of muramic acid and acetylglucosamine (b) Cross-links between the tetrapeptides involve Dalanine (c) It is thinner in gram positive than in gram negative cells (d) It can be degraded by lysozyme

Each of the following statements concerning bacterial spores is correct EXCEPT:

(A) (B) (C) (D) Their survival ability is based on their enhanced metabolic activity They are formed by gram-positive rods They can be killed by being heated to 121oC for 15 minutes They contain much less water than bacterial cells

Each of the following statements concerning endotoxins is correct EXCEPT:

(A) They are less potent (ie, less active on a weight basis) than exotoxins (B) They are more stable on heating than exotoxins (C) They bind to specific cell receptors, whereas exotoxins do not (D) They are part of the bacterial cell wall, whereas exotoxins are not

The MAIN host defense against bacterial exotoxins is

(A) Activated macrophages secreting (B) IgG and IgM antibodies (C) Helper T cells (D) Modulation of host cell receptors in response to the toxin proteases

Each of the following statements concerning the normal flora is correct EXCEPT: (A) The most common organism found on
skin is Staphylococcus epidermidis (B) Escherichia coli is a prominent of the normal flora of the throat (C) The major site where Bacteroides found is the colon the

member fragilis is

(D) One of the most common sites where Staphylococcus aureus is found is the nose

Of the following choices, the MOST important function of antibody in host defenses against bacteria is
(A) Acceleration of proteolysis of extoxins (B) Acceleration of phagocytosis (C) Facilitation of phagocytosis (D) Inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis

Which one of the following BEST describes the mode of action of endotoxin?
(A) Degrades lecithin in cell membranes (B) Inactivates elongation factor 2 (C) Blocks release of acetylcholine (D) Causes the release of tumor necrosis factor

The identification of bacteria by serologic tests is based on the presence of specific antigens. Which one the following bacterial components is LEAST likely to contain useful antigens?
(A) Capsule (B) Flagella (C) Cell wall (D) Ribosomes

Each of the following statements concerning bacterial spores is correct EXCEPT:

(A) Spores are formed under adverse environmental conditions such as the a carbon source (B) Spores are resistant to boiling (C) Spores are metabolically inactive and contain dipicolinic acid, a calcium chelator (D) Spores are formed primarily by of the genus Neisseria organisms absence of

Each of the following is a typical property of obligate anaerobes EXCEPT:

(A) They generate energy by using the cytochrome system (B) They grow best in the absence of air (C) They lack superoxide dismutase (D) They lack catalase

Each of the following statements concerning the Gram stain is correct EXCEPT:
(A) Escherichia coli stains pink because it a thin peptidoglycan layer (B) Streptococcus pyogenes stains blue because it has a thick peptidoglycan layer (C) Mycobacterium tuberculosis stains blue because it has a thick lipid layer (D) Mycoplasma pneumoniae isn't visible in the Gram stain because it doesn't have a cell wall has

Each of the following statements concerning the killing of bacteria is correct EXCEPT:
(A) Lysozyme in tears can hydrolyze walls bacterial cell

(B) Silver nitrate can inactivate bacterial enzymes (C) Detergents can disrupt bacterial membranes cell

(D) Ultraviolet light can degrade bacterial capsules

The effects of endotoxin include each of the following EXCEPT:

(A) Opsonization (B) Fever (C) Activation of the coagulation cascade (D) Hypotension

Bacterial surface structures that show antigenic diversity include each of the following EXCEPT:
(A) Pili (B) Capsule (C) Flagella (D) Peptodoglycan

The effects of antibody on bacteria include each of the following EXCEPT:

(A) Lysis of gram-negative bacteria in conjunction with complement (B) Augmentation of phagocytosis (C) Increase in the frequency of lysogeny (D) Inhibition of adherence of bacteria to mucosal surface

Each of the following concerning bacterial and human cells is correct EXCEPT:
(A) Bacteria are prokaryotic (ie, they have one molecule of DNA, are haploid, and have no nuclear membrane, whereas human cells are eukaryotic i.e, they have multiple chromosomes, are diploid, and have a nuclear membrane. (B) Bacteria derive their energy by oxidative phosphorylation within mitochondria in a manner similar to human cells (C) Bacterial and human ribosomes are of different sizes chemical compositions (D) Bacterial cells posses peptidoglycan, whereas human cells do not

Each of the following statements concerning endotoxins is correct EXCEPT:

(A) The toxicity of endotoxins is due to the portion of the molecule lipid

(B) Endotoxins are found in most gram- positive bacteria (C) Endotoxins are located in the cell wall (D) The antigenicity of somatic (O) anigen is to repeating oligosaccharides due

Each of the following statements concerning exotoxins is correct EXCEPT:

(A) Exotoxins are polypeptides (B) Exotoxins are more easily inactivated by heat than are endotoxins (C) Exotoxins are less toxic than the same amount of endotoxins (D) Exotoxins can be convered to toxoids

Each of the following statements concerning cholera toxin is correct EXCEPT:

(A) Cholera toxin inhibits elongation factor the mucosal epithelium 2 in

(B) Binding of cholera toxin to the mucosal epithelium occurs via interaction of the B subunit of the toxin with a ganglioside in the cell membrane (C) Cholera toxin acts by adding ADP-ribose G protein to a

(D) Cholera toxin activates the enzyme adenylate cyclase in the mucosal epithelium

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