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The rhetorical approach

 Writing is not an obscure process but rather an art that requires


 Requires students to start writing with the questions that they are
shaping and developing their thoughts.

 Views teaching writing as a rhetorical art by demonstrating to the

students how description, narration, classification and evaluation
can be exploited to structure writing.
The rhetorical approach
 Describe the components of situation you may want to communicate

 Asking this questions “ who is talking to whom about what, how and why?”

 Five main components :

a. Purpose
b. Writer
c. Audience
d. Message
e. Context / Culture
 Why you are writing

 Three general purposes:

a. to create a record
b. give / request information
c. to persuade
 Creator / designer of the communication

 Examine motivation for writing, biases, past experiences &


 These elements influence how writing is shaped.

 Include the role of author as well as relation to target audience

 Viewers / readers.

 Examine the primary / secondary audiences

 These questions help to determine who that particular writing is for.

 Different audiences will have specific purposes in reading

 Authors should consider the needs of the audience too.

 Information to be communicated.

 Should be aligned to the purpose and targeting the audience.

 Avoid unnecessary / irrelevant information for that specific


 Writing should be expressed in an appropriate tone for the

audience, purpose and context.
 Situation that creates the need for writing.

 Influenced by current events, timing, locations and culture.

 Avoid unnecessary / irrelevant information for that specific


 Ignoring the context will impact the ability to convey the ,essage
to the audience.
The linguistic system approach
 Novice writers develop writing skills and achieve proficiency in the same way
that adults develop second language skills (Horning, 1987).

 Krashen’s Monitor Theory which is based on five hypotheses supported

Horning’s view:
- Learning and acquisition are two well-defined processes;
● - There is the natural order in the acquisition of grammatical structures;
- Learning (as opposed to acquisition) functions only as the monitor for output;
- Language is best acquired when the input is comprehensible yet challenging;
- Acquisition takes place when the acquirer is stimulated, self-confident and has
low anxiety level
The linguistic system approach
Based on Krashen’s Monitor Theory, Horning advocates five components that relate to L1
1. The written form of language makes up a second language.
2. Writing skill progresses through process of acquisition and learning.
3. The acquisition of writing skills occurs in a systematic mode.
4. The lessons students learn in a basic writing classroom functions only as a monitor on a
product of the writing skills they have acquired.
5. To ensure that language acquisition takes place, comprehensible input is important. In
order for students to acquire writing skills, the affective filter must be brought down
The Multi Modal Approach
• Refers to the use of different modes, such as written, oral, non-
verbal, and visual, to communicate and persuade.

• Composition using multiple modes that work purposely to create

meaning (Lutkewitte, 2014)

• Offer a unique way in which to engage and enhance students’ learning

and writing by utilizing such alternative processes.

• Teachers should response to students’ writing through rich response.

The Multi Modal Approach
• Application of multiliteracy, multimodal frameworks is
necessary within our social and academic contexts because
it allows for not only a more thorough writing process.

• Allows students to write and engage in the writing process

in ways that makes the most sense to them, which
ultimately enhances learning and celebrates their unique
identities as writers and as people.

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