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21 to 27th DEC 20
EXPERIENCE 28 to 3rd JAN 20
Main porch Pre consultation
Arrival experience experience
at lobby
Post consultation
Registration experience
Outpatient billing
OP Appointment experience
adherence Procedure Rooms
Consultation Rooms

“WOW Outpatient Experience- WEEK 3

4 to 10th JAN 20

Sample collection
The Apollo Way” – People,
Infrastructure &
Diagnostics &
Report collection
Out patient
Moments of Patient Experience @ Sample Collection

All guests will be acknowledged and greeted Phlebotomist to greet with smile and Namaste,
with a smile and a traditional Namaste by the
well groomed member
2 6 introduce himself/herself and check for guest
identification- UHID, Name, age etc. maintaining
guest’s confidentiality

Member to assist guests on how to use token

. vending machine , wherever applicable 3 7 Phlebotomist to explain the details of the tests to the
guest for e.g. we will withdraw 4-5 vacutainer tubes

1 blood for these recommended tests.

Member to inform the guest of the

approximate waiting time
Always stand and speak to them- do not sit
4 Well groomed billing 8 Phlebotomist to take guests consent before
withdrawing the sample
and answer
secretary will guide the
Guest to the Sample
Collection room

Member to be polite and maintain

Member to inform Guest on estimate time of
comfortable smile and involve in a
conversation with the guest to reduce their
9 report availability. Guide guest on How to check/
download report from Prism
Sample collection: To be kept organized always
1. Member on duty to ensure that their work space is neatly organized, clutter free and well maintained- 5S principle is
2. Premises is smelling fresh and there is no foul odor
3. Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/night time
4. Walls, ceilings & Floor should be in good condition a) No chipped off paint b) no loose wires
5. Flooring- a) Cleaned every 2 hours minimum; b) no chipped flooring c) no wet floor d) door mats to be dry and clean/
dark color
6. Sanitizer to be available in Sample collection area
7. Waste bins- clean, emptied when full, labeled
8. Signage- signage to be clean, visible, not chipped
9. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counter/ desk
10. Pick up calls within 3 rings
11. Area to be manned at all times
12. Member to inform the guest of the approximate waiting time(if any)
13. guest couches / sample collection chair should not be worn out/chipped etc and should be comfortable
14. Token system should be placed appropriately near the sample collection door. Appearance of the Token system should
be proper, no rusting, should be dust free.
15. Members to assist in using the token vending machine
16. Steps to use token vending machine should written right next to the vending machine in Local and English language
17. Tray to be made available to keep the stool/urine sample in the washroom and properly labelled
18. Samples to be cleared from Washrooms in every 30 mins
19. Curtains should appear neat, clean and stain free (If available)
20. Tourniquet should be in good condition, to be sanitised before every use In front of the guest
21. Housekeeping to empty the BMW bins in every 2 hours, to avoid the blood stink in the room
22. Washrooms to be cleaned properly every 1 hour or as and when required
23. Sample collection rooms to smell fresh at all times and should be very well lit and should have proper lighting
24. Phlebotomist to change Gloves after every single use
25. Ask guest if they are fine for movement or else allow them to settle down
26. Do NOT paste information on walls- only in designated places/notice boards
27. DO NOT call out guest names loudly
Moments of Patient Experience @ Diagnostics and Investigation Experience

All guests will be acknowledged and greeted

with a smile and a traditional Namaste by the
well groomed Technician
2 6 Member to take guests consent before starting with
the Investigations

.Member to introduce himself/herself and

check for guest service requirements 3 1 7 The guest will be informed of the total time duration
that will be taken for the investigation process.

Member to check for correct guest

identification like UHID, Name, age etc. before
starting and diagnostic investigations
4 Well groomed billing 8 Member to inform Guest on estimate time of report
availability. Guide guest on How to check/ download
Member /Doctor’s report from Prism
secretary will guide
the guest to

Technicians should not reveal the test results to the

Member anticipates logical guest needs based
upon service sequence or guest comment. 5 9 guest or attendants.
Diagnostics and Investigation: To be kept organized always
1. Ensure that the workspace is neatly organized, clutter free and well maintained- 5S principle is followed
2. Premises is smelling fresh and there is no foul odor
3. Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/nighttime
4. Walls, ceilings & Floor should be in good condition a) No chipped off paint b) no loose wires
5. Flooring- a) Cleaned every 2 hours minimum; b) no chipped flooring c) no wet floor d) door mats to be
dry and clean/ dark color
6. Sanitizer to be available at counter and Investigation room
7. Waste bins- clean, emptied when full, labeled
8. Signage- signage to be clean, visible, not chipped
9. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counter/ desk
10. Pick up calls within 3 rings
11. To be always manned
12. Members to inform the guest of the approximate waiting time(if any)
13. Members to ensure confidentiality of guest information
14. The gown that is offered to ladies and gentlemen during x-ray will be changed after every use and should
be torn free with adequate belts and buttons
15. The glove that is used by the technicians for performing the diagnostic will be changed after every use.
16. For high end investigations which take more than 15-20 minutes, the guest/attendant will be made
aware of the procedure in detail.
17. In areas where liquid gel is used like ECG, Ultrasound, Sonography, paper tissue rolls will be provided to
the guest after the diagnostic phase.
18. Bed sheets and pillowcases will be in good condition, colorfast and free of snags, tears and stains.
19. Bed will be carefully and neatly made and presenting a comfortable impression. Disposable Bed rolls will
be changed after every guest.
Diagnostics and Investigation: To be kept organized always
20. Televisions which are installed inside the investigation area will play the standard Apollo
information channel.
21. Technicians should not reveal the test results to the guest or attendants.
22. A blanket or a bedsheet to be provided to all female guests while they performing
the CT or MRI
23. In all the diagnostic rooms lighting will be pre-set to create a pleasant and soft atmosphere.
24. DO NOT call out guest names loudly.

25. Guidelines for Water dispenser/ Cooler

i) Water cooler / water dispenser to be kept near ultrasound room
ii) Dispenser/ Cooler to be in good and working condition
iii) Disposable glasses to be kept near water cooler / water dispenser
iv) A dustbin to be placed next to watercooler / water dispenser to discard used glasses
v) Dustbin bin to be - clean, emptied when full, labeled
DO’S & DON’T at Sample collection, Diagnostics and Investigation

 Be well groomed & Greet everyone in 5 feet radius  Do not look blank, try to handle or resolve at your level

 Always Smile- Smiling lowers stress and anxiety  No Mobile phones on duty

 Members should not stand/ sit in group

 Be observant and quick in assessing their requirements and
guide accordingly  Avoid high pitch in your voice while communicating with the guests

 Wear an approachable gesture with a happy to help attitude  Do not leave documents/ files/ belongings on the counter

 Preference to be given to our existing customers/ scheduled  Do not leave guests query unanswered
appointments without making them wait and guide them for
consultation  No cross interaction to be done in front of the guest

 Members to avoid usage of slangs/ loose talks whenever around

 Always display polite body language and maintain proper eye
contact is necessary
 Do not reveal guest results
 Always keep your desk/ workstation clutter free
 guests gowns should not be torn
 Remain calm while handling guest queries
Moments of Patient Experience @ Report collection Experience
All guests who have undergone their diagnostic
phase will have to collect their reports in the
stipulated time frame that has been informed
to them.
2 6 The guest will approach the Doctor's Secretary
and hand over the reports.

No guest will be made to wait in the lounge for

more than 5 minutes exceeding the time frame
that has been promised to the guest for 3 1 7
Doctor's Secretary will check with the Doctor for
his/her availability before sending the guest into
Consultation room.
collecting their reports.

The guest will collect the report from the The Doctor's Secretary will inform the guest of
counter that is exclusively meant for report 4 Well groomed
members to greet all
8 the approximate waiting time to meet the Doctor.
guests with a smile
and traditional

The reports will be presented to the guest in a

When the Doctor is available, the secretary will escort
neat and clean envelope. Guide guest on How to check/
download report from Prism
5 9 the guest to the consultation suite.
Report collection: To be kept organized always
1. Member on duty to ensure that their work space is neatly organized, clutter free and well
maintained- 5S principle is followed
2. Premises is smelling fresh and there is no foul odor
3. Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/night time
4. Walls, ceilings & Floor should be in good condition a) No chipped off paint b) no loose wires
5. Flooring- a) Cleaned every 2 hours minimum; b) no chipped flooring c) no wet floor d) door mats
to be dry and clean/ dark color
6. Sanitizer to be available at the counter
7. Waste bins- clean, emptied when full, labeled
8. Every counter/ kiosk to have printer & scanner connected
9. Signage- signage to be clean, visible, not chipped
10. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counter/ desk
11. Pick up calls within 3 rings
12. To be manned at all times
13. Members to inform the guest of the approximate waiting time(if any)
14. Members to check for guest identification- UHID, Name, age etc. maintaining guest’s
15. guest waiting areas to be clean, organized at all times with alternate seating- no torn/broken seats
16. DO NOT call out guest names loudly to give away reports
DO’S & DON’T - Report collection

 Be well groomed & Greet everyone in 5 feet radius  Do not look blank, try to handle or resolve at your level

 Always Smile- Smiling lowers stress and anxiety  No Mobile phones on duty

 Be observant and quick in assessing their requirements and  Members should not stand/ sit in group
guide accordingly
 Avoid high pitch in your voice while communicating with the
 Wear an approachable gesture with a happy to help attitude guests

 Always display polite body language and maintain proper eye  Do not leave documents/ files/ belongings on the counter
contact is necessary
 Do not leave guests query unanswered
 Always keep your desk/ workstation clutter free
 No cross interaction to be done in front of the guest
 Remain calm while handling guest queries
 Member to avoid usage of slangs/ loose talks whenever
around guests
Moments of Patient Experience @ Out guest Pharmacy Experience

The guest will not be asked to wait for more than 15

2 6
Prompt services will be provided to all guests minutes at the pharmacy counter. If there is a delay
with special needs. in getting the prescribed medicine, then the same
will be communicated to the guest/attendant

The pharmacist will collect the doctor's

prescription from the guest and inform them of
the estimated bill amount. 3 1 7
The pharmacist will ensure confidentiality of
information that has been entered by the
Consultant or Doctor in the prescription.

The pharmacist will check for the availability Pharmacists will cross check the accuracy of the medicine
of medicines as soon as the guest gives
4 8
before packing it. All medicines will be handed over to the
the prescription and the same has to be Well groomed guest in an Apollo Pharmacy envelope. Pharmacist to explain
members to greet all
communicated to the guest. the dosage of medication based on prescription
guests with a smile
and traditional
The billing executive will check with the guest on
In case of non-availability of a medicine,
the mode of Payment. This will be done only in the
the pharmacist will check with the
billing section and on a one-one basis. member will
. Doctor for an alternative medicine
and inform same to the guest.
5 9 seek permission of the guest/attendant before
proceeding for final billing.
Out guest Pharmacy : To be kept organized always
1. Member on duty to ensure that their work space is neatly organized, clutter free and well
maintained- 5S principle is followed
2. Premises is smelling fresh and there is no foul odor
3. Proper Lighting to be installed and is switched on/off as per day/night time
4. Walls, ceilings & Floor should be in good condition a) No chipped off paint b) no loose wires
5. Flooring- a) Cleaned every 2 hours minimum; b) no chipped flooring c) no wet floor d) door mats
to be dry and clean/ dark color
6. Sanitizer to be available at the counter
7. Waste bins- clean, emptied when full, labeled
8. Signage- signage to be clean, visible, not chipped
9. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counter/ desk
10. Pick up calls within 3 rings
11. To be manned at all times
12. Ensure proper Queue management, not more than 3 customers to be waiting
13. Do not paste anything on the walls- it should only be on notice boards
14. If there is going to be a long wait time, the guests will be made to wait in the hospital lounge and
medicines will be delivered in the lounge.
15. All medicines will be handed over to the guest in an Apollo envelope
16. Every counter/ kiosk to have printer & scanner connected
17. Every counter to have dedicated credit card machines. Clean before offering to the guest for
typing his pin
18. Payment QR Codes to be displayed neatly and properly visible
19. Files/ documents/ papers not to be kept on counter
20. Check the furniture to be all similar, clean, polished, in order
21. Guest waiting areas to be clean, organized at all times with alternate seating- no torn/broken
DO’S & DON’T - Out guest Pharmacy

 Be well groomed & Greet everyone in 5 feet radius  Do not look blank, try to handle or resolve at your level

 Always Smile- Smiling lowers stress and anxiety  No Mobile phones on duty

 Be observant and quick in assessing their requirements and  Members should not stand/ sit in group
guide accordingly
 Avoid high pitch in your voice while communicating with the
 Wear an approachable gesture with a happy to help attitude guests

 Always display polite body language and maintain proper eye  Do not leave documents/ files/ belongings on the counter
contact is necessary
 Do not leave guests query unanswered
 Always keep your desk/ workstation clutter free
 No cross interaction to be done in front of the guest
 Remain calm while handling guest queries
 Member to avoid usage of slangs/ loose talks whenever
around guests
Roll Out Plan
Date Area Day Activities
VCON address by Regional CEO's to all Ops & Unit Heads including SE & L&D Team on the sustenance of patient experience in OPDs
Sample collection – HOD / Ops Head to ensure the communication on project reaches the lowest level (Including night/ evening shifts )
People, Training by L&D Team on the 9 Moments of Patient Experience @ Sample Collection -Standards and Grooming Standards
4th Jan Day 1
Infrastructure & 9 Moments education emailer by corporate communication
SE SPOC to monitor and share observations with L&D and HOD's

Training by L&D Team on the Diagnostics & investigation experience- Standards and Grooming Standards
Diagnostics & SE SPOC to monitor and share observations with L&D and HOD's
5 Jan
investigation Day 2 Fun & Learning-An Online Quiz on the Patient Experience pointers can be created and shared with the members to answer
9 Moments of Patient Experience @ Diagnostics & investigation experience education emailer by corporate communication

Training by L&D Team on the Report collection experience- Standards and Grooming Standards
Procedure &
SE SPOC to monitor and share observations with L&D and HOD's
6th Jan Treatment Room Day 3
Experience 9 moments of Patient Experience education emailer by corporate communication-Report collection experience Standards

Training by L&D Team on the Out patient pharmacy experience- Standards and Grooming Standards
Out patient Day 4 SE SPOC to monitor and share observations with L&D and HOD's
6 Jan
9 moments of Patient Experience education emailer by corporate communication-Out patient pharmacy experience Standards

SE Spocs and L&D Spoc to do a combined audit basis the checklist

A video byte on the Do’s and Don’t’ of Patient Experience can be reeled and shared with the SE and L&D Corporate. The best use of creativity in designing the video
8th & 9th Jan Monitor & Sustain Day 5 & 6
with capture of all the essentials will be recognized
Recognize the most compliant areas and the members sustaining the initiative in both the shift Morning & Evening
Measurement Parameter- VOC Scores for the week on
1) Security Experience
2) Registration Experience
3) Consultation Experience
4) Out Patient Billing Experience
5) Parking Experience
6) Services in Pharmacy & Radiology
7) Referral Score

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