Introduction to Genetics (1)

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◦ Is the scientific study of genes and heredity- of how
certain qualities or traits are passed from parents to
offspring as a result of changes in DNA sequence. A
gene is a segment of DNA that contains instructions
for building one or mole molecules that helps the
body work.
Gregor Mendel
(1822-1884)- known as the
proposed the key laws of
genetics from his works on
inheritance of traits in peas
in 1866.
- Discovered the fundamental laws of inheritance. He deduced that genes come in pairs
and are inherited as distinct units one from each parent.
Mendel’s Law of Heredity are usually stated as:
◦ 1. The Law of Segregation: Each inherited traits is define by a gene pair. Parental gene
are randomly separated to the sex cells so that sex cells contain only one gene of the
pair. Offspring therefore inherit one genetic allele from each parent when sex cells
unite in fertilization.
◦ 2. The Law of Independent Assortment. Genes for different traits are sorted
separately from one another so that the inheritance of one trait is not dependent on
the inheritance of another.
◦ 3. Law of Dominance: An organism with alternate form of a gene will express the form
that is dominant.
Definition of terms:
Genes – a unit of heredity, which is transferred from parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the
Heredity – is the genetic heritage passed down by our biological parents.
Trait – genetically determined characteristic.
Dominant trait – trait that are always expressed when the connected allele is dominant, even if only one copy of the
dominant trait exist.
Recessive trait - recessive traits are expressed only if both the connected alleles are recessive.
Homozygous – refers to inherited the same version of that gene from both parents.
Heterzygous – inheriting two different versions of gene one from the mother and one from your father.
Sex linked traits – characteristics that are determined by genes located on the sex chromosomes.
Pedigree Analysis – was developed to understand the inheritance of genes from parents to offspring. It was developed as a
chart that can represent a family tree along with the family members and their genetic traits respectively.
Phenotype- detectable expression and its observable characteristic.
Genotype- set of genes and the combination of alleles that it carries or possess.
◦ Similar with family tree, shows information about an inheritance trait passed across generation.
Symbols for identifying common human pedigree:
Lets watch!!
Dominant Recessive Trait

If the trait is dominant, one of the parents must have the trait.
Dominant traits will not skip a generation. If the trait is recessive,
neither parent is required to have the trait since they can be
Males are more likely to inherit a sex-linked gene as only one
chromosome of a diseased trait is needed, whether the disease trait
is dominant or recessive.
•This is a pedigree that shows the
inheritance of green hair in a
human family (individuals with
green hair are shown as affected ).
Assume complete expressivity and
Punnett Square
Questions for the pedigree analysis
sample problem:
◦ 1. How many family members have the trait?
◦ 2. What is the genotype of the individual number #2
(G2) and #3 (G2)?
◦ 3. Can individual 1(G1) be heterozygous?
◦ 4. What is the relationship of individual #4 (G2) and #1
Draw the Punnett square, give the genotype, phenotype and ratio of
the offspring.

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