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Reliance Retail Ventures

Limited: Policy on Prevention

of Sexual Harassment at
This policy outlines Reliance Retail Ventures Limited's commitment to providing a safe and respectful work
environment for all employees, free from sexual harassment. It details the company's procedures for
preventing, prohibiting, and addressing sexual harassment, ensuring compliance with the Sexual Harassment
of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
1 Safe Environment
To create a safe and respectful work environment free from discrimination and
violence against women.

2 Discourage Inappropriate Behavior

To actively discourage actions or behaviors that could lead to direct or indirect
harassment of women at the workplace.

3 Compliance with the Act

To fulfill the directives of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, and Supreme Court guidelines.

4 Zero Tolerance
The Company adopts a policy of zero tolerance against any conduct that amounts to
sexual harassment.
Coverage & Applicability
This Policy extends to Reliance Retail Ventures Limited, its
Subsidiary and Associate Companies.

Employee Coverage
This Policy applies to all women employees, including permanent,
temporary, casual, consultants, contract workers, probationers, and
apprentices, as well as visitors.
Roles & Responsibilities
Responsibilities of Employees Responsibilities of Managers
• Read and understand this policy. • Provide support and guidance in raising complaints
• Undertake POSH awareness training. of sexual harassment.

• • Treat all employees equally and ensure no one is

Be aware of inappropriate behaviors and avoid them.
subjected to sexual harassment.
• Report inappropriate behavior in writing to the
• Create awareness that harassment will not be
respective enquiry committee.
tolerated and complaints will be taken seriously.
• Co-operate and participate in the enquiry
• Refrain from taking discriminatory actions or
• Maintain confidentiality.
Duties of Employer
1. Provide a safe working environment at the workplace.
2. Display the penal consequences of sexual harassment and the constitution of the State Level Internal Committee.
3. Organize workshops and awareness programs for employees.
4. Formulate and disseminate an internal policy for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment.
5. Provide necessary facilities to the Internal Committee for dealing with complaints.
6. Assist in securing the attendance of the respondent and witnesses before the Internal Committee.
7. Make available information to the Internal Committee as required.
8. Provide assistance to the aggrieved woman if she chooses to file a police complaint.
9. Monitor the timely submission of reports by the Internal Committee.
10. Display posters and the constitution of the Internal Committee at all conspicuous places.
Constitution of Sexual Harassment
Redressal Committee
Apex Committee
The Apex Committee is a central governing body responsible for promoting equality,
monitoring the implementation of the policy, and investigating sexual harassment complaints
reported at NHQ.

State Level Internal Committee (IC)

The Internal Committee is responsible for conducting enquiries and recommending appropriate
disciplinary action for complaints filed by aggrieved women.

Responsibilities of the IC
The IC is responsible for preventing, prohibiting, and redressing sexual harassment at the
workplace, conducting enquiries in a timely and unbiased manner, and maintaining
confidentiality throughout the process.
Redressal Procedures and Guidelines
Filing a Complaint 1
The complainant must file a written complaint
within three months of the incident. The complaint
should include details of the incident, the alleged 2 Receiving a Complaint
respondent, witnesses, and any supporting The IC will acknowledge receipt of the complaint
evidence. within three days and share a copy with the
respondent within seven days.

Preliminary Investigation 3
The IC will determine whether a prima facie case of
sexual harassment exists within three days of
receiving the complaint. 4 Redressal Procedure through
The IC may attempt to conciliate the complaint
Redressal Procedure through Enquiry between the complainant and the respondent if
requested by the aggrieved woman.
If conciliation fails, the IC will initiate an enquiry,
which may include interim relief measures such as
transferring the complainant or respondent,
granting leave to the complainant, or restraining the Disciplinary Action
respondent from reporting on the complainant's
If the IC finds the respondent guilty of sexual
work performance.
harassment, it will recommend disciplinary action,
including warnings, suspension, demotion, or
Confidentiality, Anti-Retaliation, and Third
Party Harassment

This policy prohibits any person from disclosing information relating to the complaint, the identity of the
parties, or the enquiry proceedings.

The Company will ensure that the complainant, respondent, or witnesses are not victimized or discriminated
against during or after the enquiry proceedings.

Third Party Harassment

The Employer will take reasonable steps to assist the affected women employee in terms of support and
preventive action if sexual harassment occurs as a result of an act or omission by a third party.

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