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• In an era where health and fitness are paramount, acknowledging health and fitness disparities
is essential. These disparities reflect variations in health outcomes among individuals and
communities due to factors like socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, genetics, lifestyle
choices, and more.
• Such disparities can result in a reduced quality of life, economic burdens, social inequity, and
health inequality. Addressing these disparities requires education, improved healthcare access,
lifestyle interventions, research, and policy changes.
• By tackling these issues, we can strive for a healthier and more equitable society which can
only be done by encouraging physical and mental health.

• In an era where health and fitness resources have skyrocketed, there is also an equal amount of paranoia or just ouright negligence of ones own
• Eventually most of us come down with a fever or cold and start asking questions like: “What did I do that resulted in this?” or “Was it that thing…?”
or “There must have been something bad in that one thing I ate”. This is due to most of us neglecting our health.
• So what I propose is an ICT solution where we have a habit tracking app. The idea may be vague but Ito narrow it down it tracks your sleeping
habits, eating habits, Skin temperature, Heart rate etc. This can be entered by the user on a timely basis or we could package our solution to target
wearable devices such as fitness trackers or smartwatches that have these trackers built into them.
• Furthermore, our solution makes use of a classification decision Tree to classify our habits against common desease symptoms from a medical
database. IF any values are needed we ask the user for them. E.g: a user does not report stomach pains outright so we ask them to catagorize it on a
scale of : mild, moderate, high. Then diagnose our users
• This gets rid of the need to follow the steps we usually do to figure out our condition like check your temperature, see how much you cough, stomach
pains?, shivering on anemia etc. So what we have done is instead of leaving people to their own devices, we guide them through that process.
• After that we output: you are likely experiencing [mild,moderate,high] condition, we recommend using these [home rermedies or medications].
• IF the condition is severe or the user is highly stricken or feel like that then we link them to a proffessional institution and or Medical expert. We
arrange an online eeting where we supply the patient record collected through our app and then have the medical staff decide wether or not they
should pay a visit to a hospital.
• So a user may untruthfully enter information due to paranoia. To ease said paranoia, we arrange a meetup with a medical proffessional
where they decide wether or not to pay a visit to a hospital.
• We can also have our platform be an advertising hub for medical institutions or pharmacutical companies. Usually they have
middlemen that discuss promotion with highly experienced practitioners (of their medicine). IF let them use this app, we can reduce
the need for such middlemen and generate bussiness for big pharma and hospitals.
• Further more We can have our solution be an app for a ”Parent Company” lets call this Company Bio Flow . Bio Flow will partner up
with different intitutions and collect data from patients albeit with their consent to meet NIH guidelines for data collection. Some
institues such as cancer hospitals specialize in collecting data on certain diseases. We could have separate apps for these created by
our parent company.
• For example: a patient wants to diagnose themselves on lung cancer, they go through an app made by Bio Flow and that app will have
them run a self diagnosis based on their habits,find the nearest lung cancer treatment centre or a general cancer hospital and arrange a
meeting with the staff if needed and also recommend prescription approved by medical staff which is ofcourse sponsored but only
after actual diagnosis through an online meeting.

• So we can have the app be optimized for ”Walk in Clinics” such as Shaukat
Khanam. They have low space and poor scheduling and have high crowd
density issues. This has resulted in our country having 1 cancer hospital for
250,000 patients who all have to wait weeks on end before Diagnosis.
• The app will act as a scheduler as well to minimize crowd density and our
online meetups allow us to have patients who need urgent care get the
attention they need.

• So the crux of our app is : habit tracking and monitoring, Online meetings for urgent check ups and to ease paranoia,
advertising via sponsors and investors and to help facilitate small walk in clinics especially in unstable economies.

• We can also have a subscription plan where an urgent meetup can be made only if a member has the subscription. There
can be upto 15 meetups per month billed at $2 USD per month. The user can still hold meetups but will be limited to
general and lower level staff.

• Since we are generating bussiness for hospitals or clinics, we can do a 80:20 split (with 20 % profits for us). We can bill
them per subscription made and remember that Bio Flow will operate multiple specialized apps like this generating
huge profits. In the future we could expand to include international institutions as well as mental wellness institutions.

• The purpose of the app may be diverse but its meant to keep you concentrated on your health by having you jot down
your habits and analyse them for you (while easing the paranoia that self diagnosis creates) and providing care for
patients when needed all while catering to investors and users alike.

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