Lesson 1 Introduction of Art Appreciation

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Lesson 1



“ What a society without art
would be like? How would
buildings look? Could any kind of
visual communication exist at all?”
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- Something that is perennially around us
- Work of art-visual expression of an idea or experience
formed with skill through the use of a medium.
- Media/medium- type of tools used to create the
(clay, fiber, stone, wood, paint, video, photography,
- Some communication can only be expressed through
visual form of music
Art - comes from the latin word ars, meaning “
craft or specialized form of skills”.
- taken from the Italian word artis, which
means craftmanship, skill, mastery of form,
inventiveness, and the associations that exist
between form and ideas, between material
and technique.
- Art is an expression of our thoughts,
emotions, intuitions, and desires
(1)Art must be man- made
(2)Art must be creative, not imitative
(3)Art must be benefit and satisfy man and man must
make use of art in practical terms
(4)Art is expressed through a certain medium or material
by which the artist communicates himself to his fellows.

Cave Painting
The Galloping Wild Boar,
Altamira, Spain 1897
Two kinds of Arts as to Subject

1.Representational Art or Objective Art

2.Non- representational Art or Non- Objective
Representational Art
or Objective Art
They are those arts which depict
(represent) objects that are
commonly recognized by most
A. Still life(natural or man-made)
B. Portraiture (Portrait)-
painting,photograph, sculpture or other
artistic representation of a person
C. Landscapes, Seascapes,
Non- representational Art or Non-
objective Art
 They are those arts without reference to anything
outside itself (without representation).
 It is nonobjective because it has no recognizable
 It is abstract in the sense that it doesn’t represent
real objects in our world.
 It uses “content” and is concerned with “how” the
artwork is depicted.
4 Functions of Art

1. Aesthetic Function
2. Utilitarian Function
3. Cultural Function
4. Social Function
Aesthetic Function
Man becomes conscious of the beauty of
nature . He benefits from his own work and
from those done by his fellowmen. He learns
to use, love and preserve them for his
enjoyment and appreciation
Utilitarian Function
Man now lives in comfort and happiness. Through
art, man is provided with shelter, clothing, food,
light, medicine , beautiful surroundings, personal
ornamentals, entertainment, language,
transportation, and other necessities and
conveniences of life.
Cultural Function
Art transmits and preserves skills and
knowledge from one generation to another.
It makes man aware of his/her cultural
background, making him/her more
knowledgeable and his/her life more
enduring and satisfying .
Social Function
Through civic and graphic arts, man learns
to love and help each other . International
understanding and cooperation are fostered
and nations become more unified, friendly,
cooperative, helpful, and sympathetic.
The Scope of Art
According Manaois
2 General Dimensions of Arts
1. Fine arts or independent arts
(Aesthetic enjoyment through the senses especially visual
and auditory)
2. Practical arts or utilitarian arts
(This is intended for practical use. – art, civic art, commercial art,
agricultural art, distributive art, and fishery art)
According Custodiosa Sanchez (2002)
Arts consist of:

1. Graphic arts- painting, drawing, photography,

graphic process, commercial art
2. Plastic arts- structural architecture , landscape
architecture, city physical planning and interior arranging
According Josefina Estolas
3 major and minor arts which includes.

1. Major arts- painting, drawing, photography, graphic

process, commercial art
2. Minor arts- decorative arts, popular arts, graphic arts,
plastic arts and industrial arts
According Panizo and Rustia (1995)
2 major divisions of art:

1. According to purpose
2. According to media and Forms
According Panizo and Rustia (1995)
2 major divisions of art:

1. According to purpose
- Practical or useful arts
- Liberal arts
- Fine arts
- Major arts
- Minor arts
According Panizo and Rustia (1995)
2 major divisions of art:

2. According to media and Forms

- Plastic arts
- Kinetic arts
- Phonetic arts
- Pure arts
- Mixed arts
Art is Universal
“ … Art is not good because it is old,
but old because it is good.”

A great piece of work will never be

Art is not nature

Art is man’s way of interpreting

Art involves experience

“All art depends on experience, and

if one is to know art, he must know it
not as fact or information but as

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