UNIT - 1 (NEW)

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UNIT - 1


Functions of Sports Events
Management – Management is a dynamic process which involves
responsibility for economical and effective planning and regulation of
operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes.
“ Management is the art of getting things done through people in
formally organized groups.”
Sports Management – Management is very significant in the field of
games and sports. It provides sports development, general planning
activities, organizes all relevant resources, processes and functions and
provides communication skills and coordination.
“Sports management can de defined as the efficient use of available
These functions of management are effectively related to the field of
sports event management. These functions are elaborated separately
but in reality, these functions are closely inter-related with each other. It
shows that these are inseparable. Each function affects the performance
of others in some or the other way. They are ------
Planning – Planning is the major function of sports event management,
because it works as a roadmap in attaining the organizational goals. It is
the process of deciding what, when, where, how, and who is to be done.
With the help of planning, errors in organizing sports event can be
reduced up to a large extent. Planning is helpful in avoiding confusion,
uncertainties, wastages and risks in sports event management. Cont.--
Organizing – Organizing sports is the second function of sports
management. It is process of bringing physical, financial, human
resources and developing good relationship among them for the
achievement of organizational goals. An effective organizing is one in
which all the officers and employees do their work smoothly. It identifies
the activities required to achieve the objectives and implement the plan.
Staffing – Staffing is also one of the significant functions of sports event
management. It is very important that each and every person should get
the right position in the organization so as to get the right job according
to his ability, talent aptitude and specializations. If the organization
related to sports management done not have competent and skilled
officials then it cannot perform the functions of sports management like
planning, organizing and controlling function efficiently. So, for proper
staffing in sports management, manager, coaches, referees, umpires,
ground men, scorers and other workers should Cont.----
Be selected according to their skills and qualification.
Directing – Directing is the heart of management function. It the process of
instructing, inspiring, guiding, counselling, motivating and leading all the officials
towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. It is a continuous managerial
process that goes on throughout the life of the organization. Communication,
supervision, motivation and leadership help the employees related to the field of
sports management to perform their duties in the most efficient and effective
manner to accomplish the desired goals.
Controlling – The function of management which helps to seek planned results
from the subordinates, managers and at all levels of an organization is called
controlling. It is a process of comparing the actual performance with the set
standards to ensure that activities are performed according to the plans and if not
then taking corrective action. Controlling involves establishing standards,
measurement of actual performance, comparison of actual performance with the
Various Committees for Organizing
Sports Events
For Organizing Sports Event, Various Committees are formed for Systematic and
Smooth Conduct of Competitions. The Committee is headed by the President,
Organizing Secretary. Under whom Executive Committee Performs its duty. The
Various Committees which function are as follows…..
1) Organizing Committee – The head of Various Sub- Committees are the members
of organizing Committee which are responsible for Smooth Conduct of Sports
Events. They make planning in advance So that Can Organize the Sports events
2) Technical Committee – It is responsible for the technical Conduct of the event.
This committee is responsible for making draws and Conducting the event. The
preparation of field and officials are also looked after this Committee.
head of Various Sub- Committees are the members of organizing Committee which are responsible for Smooth Conduct of Sports Events. They make planning in advance So that Can Organize the Sports events effective is responsible for the technical Conduct of the event. This committee is responsible for making draws and Conducting the
event. The preparation of field and officials are also looked after this Committee.
TT head of Various Sub- Committees are the members of organizing Committee which are responsible for Smooth Conduct of Sports Events. They make planning in advance So that Can Organize the Sports events effectively.
3) Finance Committee – It is assigned to make budget for the Event. The
financial working of the games is done by this Committee. This Committee
makes all payments related to the Event.

4) Reception Committee – It invites guests and players and also take care of
reception of guests and Teams.
5) Publicity Committee – The role of Publicity Committee is to give the Sports
Event a wide publicity. All the Press releases and Press Conferences are
Conducted by this Committee. The results are also sent to Press by this
6) Boarding & Lodging Committee – This Committees responsible for making
arrangements for the stay of players and Officials. The arrangement is done in
advance as per the expected Strength of the Participant. Cont.----
7) Transport Committee – This Committee deals with the transportation
of players and officials before, during and after the Sports events. The
Committee must ensure arrival and departure details of the Participants
to provide transport.
8) Prizes Committee – The prizes are bought by this committee as Per
the number of expected participants and winners. The mementos are
also obtained by this committee for officials and guest.
Pre, During and Post Tournament
Responsibilities of Committees
It is the primary duty of the officials to organise any sports tournament
or sports event in proper way. So, for this it is essential for the officials to
know the pre, during and post game, responsibilities or duties.
Per – Tournament Responsibilities – 1) To prepare the budget for the
sports event.
2) Prepare the schedule of the tournament i.e. the dates and venue of
the tournament.
3)Form the various committees for organising the tournament.
4)Prepare grounds, courts and sports equipment which are essential for
tournament. Cont.-----
5)Make arrangement regarding boarding and lodging for players and
During Tournament Responsibilities – 1)To ensure that the sports
tournament is being organised as per schedule.
2)Maintain proper discipline
3)Prepare proper score sheet for record.
4)Impart first aid to the injured players.
5)Provide and update information to the electronic and print media
regarding sports tournament.
Post Tournament Responsibilities – 1)Give away the prizes and certificates
to the winners.
2)Collect all the files/ records related to the events.
3)Pay to officials and other concerned persons.

Sports tournament is a Sporting Competition in which Contestant play series

of games to decide the winner.
Types of Tournament –
1) Knock – out Tournament
2) League or Round Robin Tournament
3) Combination Tournament-
a) Knock-out Cum Knock-out
b) League Cum League
c) Knock-out Cum League
d) League Cum Knock-out
4) Consolation Tournament
Knock-out Tournament
It is also known as Elimination tournament. Here losers are eliminated
in Successive rounds and winners to play till the final winner is decided.
It is Conducted when the teams are more in number.
No. of matches = N -1 ( N = Number of Teams)
Advantages – 1) The expenditure for Organizing knock-out tournament
is less as number of matches are lass.
2) Less number of days are needed to Complete the tournament.
3) This type of tournament is more Challenging because one’s a team
Loses is out of Tournament
4) It is more interesting in the Spectator's view of Point. Cont.----
Disadvantages – 1) Some times better teams are eliminated in
first round.
2) Sometime the winner teams may not be the best team of
3) Sufficient Chances are not given to Prove yourself
4) Sometimes the runner up team may not be the second
best team of tournament.
Byes- This means without playing a match a team or player enters in
second round. It is given in first round when the teams are not in power
of two.

Seeding- It is a method employed to keep the reputed or ranked

player/team in separate halves so they cannot compete in early rounds.
If there are four ranked players in the tournament. Top Seed is placed at
the top of the Upper half, Second seed at the bottom of the lower half.
Third at the top of the lower half and fourth at the bottom of the Upper
Special Seeding – In this type of seeding, the seeded players/ team are
brought straight away to quarterfinals or semifinals.
Fixtures of Knock-out Tournament
No. of matches = N-1
Method of Calculating Teams in Each Half –
Upper Half – Total number of teams + 1
It means N + 1 Where ‘N’ is the total number of teams.
Lower Half - Total number of teams – 1
It means N- 1 Where ‘N’ is the total number of teams.
Byes - Power of 2 ----2,4,8,16,32,64 -----------
No. of Byes = Next Power of 2- No. of Teams
Exp.- No. of Teams - 5
No. of Byes = 8 - 5 = 3 Byes
Calculation of No. of Byes in Each half ---- (NB = Total number of byes)
No. of Byes in Upper half =(NB-1)/2=3-1=2/2=1 bye
No. of Byes in Lower half=(NB+1)/2=3+1=4/2=2 byes
Calculation of teams in Each half ----
Teams in Upper half = (N+1)/2 =5+1/2 =6/2= 3 teams
Teams in Lower half = (N-1)/2 =5-1/2 =4/2=2 teams
Number of rounds = 2 x 2 x 2 = 3 rounds
R1 R2 R3
Upper 2
half 3

Lower 4bye
half 5bye
Sequence of Bye
1st bye-Last team of lower half
2nd bye- First team of Upper half
3rd bye- Lower half top team
4th bye-Last team of Upper half
Exp. No. of Teams – 11
No. of Rounds – 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 4 rounds
Power of two – 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64------
No. of matches -10
Teams in Upper half = 6
Teams in Lower half = 5
No. of Byes =16-11 = 5
Bye in Lower half = 3
Bye in Upper half = 2
R1 R2 R3 R4
1 Bye
6 Bye
7 Bye
10 Bye
11 Bye
In a league tournament, each player or team play against every other
player or team in his group. The Positions of teams or individual at the
end of tournament is decided by Point Systems. A team winning or
scoring maximum point wins the tournament.

ADVANTAGES – 1) It gives ranking to all participants team.

2) It produces deserving winner.
3) It keeps the interest alive up to the end as all the participants have to
play up to end of league tournament. Cont.----
4) The Contestant or team do not have to wait for others to
play a round.
DISADVANTAGES – 1) League tournament requires more time
to Organize.
2) Since the number of matches is more the cost also
3) More officials, grounds and other facilities are needed to
organize such tournament.
4) Sometime such type of tournament gets boring as it
requires more time to Conduct.
Fixture of League Tournament
Single League Tournament –
No. of matches = N(N-1)
N = Number of Teams

Double League Tournament-

No. of matches = N(N-1)

N = Number of Teams

Methods of fixture in a League Tournament – 1) Cyclic Method 2) Staircase Method

Cyclic Method
Number of round – If teams are in even number Than (N-1) or in odd
number rounds remain the same.
Exp. - Number of Teams - 4
Number of matches = N(N-1)/2 = 4x3/2 = 6 matches
No. of round = (N-1) =4-1=3
Rd -1 Rd - 2 Rd – 3
1-4 1-3 1-2
2-3 4-2 3-4
Exp. Number of teams - 7
No. of Matches -21
No. of Rounds -7
Rd -1 Rd-2 Rd -3 Rd -4 Rd -5 Rd -6 Rd -7
B -7 B-6 B-5 B-4 B-3 B-2 B-1
1-6 7-5 6-4 5-3 4-2 3-1 2-7
2-5 1-4 7-3 6-2 5-1 4-7 3-6
3-4 2-3 1-2 7-1 6-7 5-6 4-5
Staircase Method
Exp. No. of Teams- 5
No. of matches -10

1-3 2-3
1-4 2-4 3-4
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5
Exp. -
No. of Teams – 9
No. of Matches – 36
1-3 2-3
1-4 2-4 3-4
1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5
1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6
1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 6-7
1-8 2-8 3-8 4-8 5-8 6-8 7-8
1-9 2-9 3-9 4-9 5-9 6-9 7-9 8-9
3) League Cum Knockout Tournament - In Such type, teams initially play
league matches and after league matcher teams play knockout matches.

4) Knockout Cum League Tournament- Teams play Knockout initial

stages and last four(4) teams play league matches to decide winner.
Intramural – Meaning, Objectives &
Meaning - The word ‘Intramural’ is derived from the Latin words ‘Intra’
and ‘Muralis’. ‘Intra’ means‘ within’ and ‘Muralis’ means ‘wall’. It means
that the activities which are performed within the walls or within the
campus of an institution are called ‘intramurals.’
Objectives –1)Opportunity to Every Student to Participate in Games
and Sports.
2) Develop Leadership Qualities Among Students.
3) Provide Recreation.
4) Develop Cooperation and Feeling of Sportsmanship.
5)Identify Talented and Opportunity to Develop Personality.
Significance –
1) Lay Stress on moral and ethical values of Students.
2) Develop health of Children.
3) Recreation of the Students.
4) Opportunities to participate in Games & Sports.
5) Develop Leadership qualities in Students.
Extramural – Meaning, Objectives &
Meaning - The word ’Extramural’ is derived from the Latin words ‘Extra’
and ‘Muralis’. ‘Extra’ means ‘outside’ and ‘Muralis’ means ‘wall’. It
means that the activities, which are performed outside the walls of an
institution or a school.
Objectives - 1) Improve the Standard of Sports.
2) Develop Sportsmanship and a Feeling of Fraternity.
3) Provide Enriching Experience to Students.
4) Provide Knowledge of New Rules and Advanced
Significance –
1) Provide Knowledge of New Rules and Advanced Techniques.
2) Provide Appropriate Knowledge of Sports Technique.
3) Plan and Implement the Programmers of Physical Education
More Effective.
4) Enhance the Standard of Sports Performance.
5) Improve the Opportunities to Participate in Sport.
Community Sports Program
Sports Day- In Sports day physical and recreational activities are included.
Sports day provide ample opportunities for recreation of Children and
Owing to that they do not fall in the trap of stress, tension and depression.
Various Social qualities like honesty, brotherhood, friendship, cooperation,
tolerance, Unity and feeling of respect are developed among Children.
Organization of Sports day - In Sports day, Various sports activities are
conducted. the day is fixed for the conduct of sports day in a year. the young
children especially take interest in this. A proper plan is Prepared for
Organizing Sports day. After that, Organizing Committee is formed. the
Committee Conducts all the Program Systematically. The various committee
such as playground, ceremony, prize, first-aid committee etc. are formed for
successful organization of Sports day. Cont.-----
Health Runs - Health runs are Organized by different departments like
sports department or social organizations. Health run is such a physical
activity that offers a significant health benefits. In is for raising of funds
for Charity.

Run for Fun - It is Organized with an objective to spread message among

people to remain healthy and fit. Run for fun is friendly race for owe
enjoyment and recreation rather them Competition.

Run for Specific Causes - It is the run which is related to a noble Cause
most of social non-profit Organization organize marathon or run for
various noble causes Such as helping the cancer patient mentally and
physically handicapped, arthritis, AIDS etc. Mumbai and Chennai
marathon are organized for Such causes. Every year lots of person
including Children, adult take part in run and in this way they help in
raising fund for cause. The distance of run may vary for different
Categories of people.
Run for Unity - Specific purpose, i.e. to show Unity and peace among the
people of different religions. People from Corporate world, Film stars
and Marathon Runners are participate in this. First three position holder
will get Cash prize. Such runs promote harmony, peace and Unity among
people of different religions.

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