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Gloria Richard
MA English
What is CLT?

 CLT- Communicative Language Teaching

 An approach of teaching a second language or a foreign language
 Focuses on learners' interaction
 Communicative Language Teaching replaced the Situation Language
Teaching which had been used to teach English as a second or foreign
 It had been considered as the major British approach.
 The focus of SLT approach was to teach the basic structures of language.
 But in the 1960s, the educators realized that language taught on the basis of
situational learning would have been of no use.
 Because to teach the meaning, carried out from the utterances was more
 required as it expressed the intentions of the speaker or writer.
the linguistic structure centered approach to communicative

 Classroom Activities
 Syllabus

An outline of a plan achieved in a big process of Facilitates interaction among the learners of the
teaching. target language like involving in group discussion.

Equips with real life situation in classroom.

Develops learning materials and activities in a
lesson. Role play- adopting identity, pretending to be
someone else.
Imparts factual information.
 Tasks and materials  Roles of Teachers and Learners

The concept of CLT is learner-centred and the

Richard and Rogers argued that, there are three role of teacher is expected as a facilitator who
kinds of materials, which bring CLT approach in can bring learners into communicative learning
language teaching.
a) Authentic materials
transfers what learners cannot learn from
outside world to the classroom and exposes
natural language to learners in a variety of
b) Task- based materials
learn language through certain roles.
c) Test-based materials
provide a theme task analysis, or practice
 Balance skills  Errors

Tolerated during fluency activities and

Students should work on all four skills- corrected during accuracy activities.
speaking, listening,reading, writing.
Factors leading to CLT in ELT

B. The New Concepts of Being Competent In

A. Limitation of previous approaches. Language

I. Competence is used to communicate

I. Grammar Translation Method - learner's lack of effectively.The competence requires teachers of
active role in the classroom fail @ speaking and writing English to use CLT approach a meaningful one.
in target language.
II. Audio-Lingual Method - The learners II. Many educational institutions have set the
communicative competence in target language was not scores of standard English exams like TOEIC,
achieved by accuracy and repetition of the errors. TOEFL, or IELTS as students competence in
english. CLT supports to improve students
Learner's use of creativity is limited. mastery of standard english.
III. Community Language Learning - insufficient in
controlling the language grammar system due to more III. Teachers of English should equip their
focus on fluency rather than accuracy. students with the information of different dialects
among english users.
Current Assumptions of CLT

 Second language learning facilitates meaningful

communication and interaction among the learners.
 Effective classroom learning tasks and exercise provide
opportunities for students to expand their language
 Meaningful communication of students results in engaging
and interesting content.
 Communication is a holistic process.
 Language learning is a gradual process that involves
creative use of language, trial and error.
 Ultimate goal- learning language through collaboration and
 Learning is not individual, its socialized, depends on the
interaction with others.
Merits Demerits
It's challenging to
balance real-life
Students are All 4 skills are language with
motivated by emphasized which will controlled
useful catch different types of exercises
language learners. It's easy to slip into
an "indirect
approach" with no
Cooperation is focus on rules and
encouraged. norms
Feedback is
immediate. Culture is forefront It is difficult
because social context for a non-
is the key to bring native teacher
meaning to to use CLT
In Classrooms

On all
Teachers should
think of components of
themselves as language
On fluency and
accuracy with
CONTEXT integrative tasks that
focus on more than one
objective and serve a
Bring language
real communicative
learning into a real-
world context

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