Devloping a Dietary and Fitness App 2.0

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What is AI project cycle ?

AI project cycle is a 5 step by step process that a

company/individual must follow in order to derive value from the
project and solve the problem.Here are the 5 steps
 Problem scooping
 Data acquisition
 Data exploration
 Modelling
 Evaluation
1.Problem scoping
 Problem scoping, also known as problem formulation, is the process of
precisely defining and structuring a problem or challenge .

 The 4Ws:
So,according to the 4Ws we first identify the stakeholders, who-
The stakeholders here are obese people,fitness freaks and
malnutrtioned people who would benefit from a fitness app.
 Secondly,we determine the nature,identify and justify the
existence of the problem-what-The problem is a health problem
which is obesity, an unhealthy lifestyle many people follow, the
existence of the problem is evident as many who are obese have
heart problems, diabetes or a fatty liver
Where-Currently , In this era fast-food joints like-mc’donalds ,kfc, burger
king have become popular mostly among the age group from 11-27 and
this has led to an increase in obesity so the location of the problem is from
people aging 11-27. So the problem is mostly prominent in youngsters
who have witnessed obesity but didn't experienced it and suffered it’s
consequences which are very severe. So through the app we only have to
bring awareness of the consequences of obesity

why-As we know, The stakeholders are obese people,fitness freaks,

malnutrtioned people but mainly the obese people are the main focus as
fitness freaks and malnutrtioned people are very less or the environment
is such that malnutrtioned people are very less. The society and
stakeholders would greatly benefit as obese people would lose excess fat
and the society would be healthier as obesity plays a significant role in the
diseases ad mortality
2.Data acquisition
The stage of acquiring data from the relevant sources is known as data acquisition.
The important & relevant data
1:global Prevalence of Obesity:
Children and Adolescents: Approximately 18% of children and adolescents aged 5-19
were overweight or obese in 2016 (WHO).
Adults: More than 1.9 billion adults were overweight in 2016, and over 650million of
them were obese (WHO). 2:Health Risks Associated with Obesity:
•Type 2 Diabetes: Over 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese
•Cardiovascular Diseases: Obesity increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. About
44% of diabetes, 23% of ischemic heart disease, and 7-41% of certain cancers are
attributable to overweight and obesity (WHO
3:Economic Impact:
The global economic impact of obesity is estimated to be $2
trillion annually, or 2.8% of global GDP according to McKinsey
Global Institute.

4:fitness and Health:

•Physical Activity Recommendations: WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of
moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week
for adults.
•Mental Health Benefits: Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of
depression and anxiety by 20-30%by WHO .
•5:Fatalities Due to Obesity:
Obesity is linked to at least 2.8 million deaths each year worldwide (WHO).
obesity-related conditions account for nearly 1 in 5 deaths among adults aged 40-
3.Data exploration
 Data Exploration is the process of arranging the gathered data uniformly for a better
understanding. Data can be arranged in the form of a table, plotting a chart or making database.
 If we simplify this Data Exploration means that the data which we collected in Data
Acquisition, in Data Exploration we need to arrange it. Arranged and uniform data
 Approximately 18% of children and adolescents aged 5-19 were overweight or obese in
2016 (WHO)
 More than 1.9 billion adults were overweight in 2016.Over 650 million of these adults were
obese (WHO).
 Over 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese.
 Obesity increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.About 44% of diabetes cases are
attributable to overweight and obesity (WHO).23% of ischemic heart disease is attributable
to overweight and obesity (WHO).7-41% of certain cancers are attributable to overweight
and obesity (WHO).
The global economic impact of obesity is estimated to be $2 trillion annually.
This accounts for 2.8% of global GDP (McKinsey Global Institute).

 WHO Recommendations:
 At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week for adults.
 At least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week for adults.
 5. Mental Health Benefits:
 WHO Findings:
 Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of depression and anxiety by 20-30%.
 . Fatalities Due to Obesity:
 Global:
 Obesity is linked to at least 2.8 million deaths each year worldwide (WHO).
 United States:
 Obesity-related conditions account for nearly 1 in 5 deaths among adults aged 40-85.
 Modeling in AI is the process of creating a mathematical representation of a real-world
phenomenon or system using data, which enables AI systems to make predictions,
decisions, or understandings about that phenomenon.
 The rate at which a person gains or loses weight is influenced by factors like diet, exercise,
metabolism, genetics, and overall health. Environmental, social, and professional factors,
such as access to nutritious food, stress levels, social support, and lifestyle choices, also
play a role. Healthy habits and a supportive environment are key to successful weight
 This is the part where modelling will be used as the AI in the app can predict the rate of loss
or gain of the weight of a human according to it’s lifestyle and environment and then assign
a diet ad a workout plan

 Evaluation in AI refers to assessing the reliability and

performance of an AI model by comparing its outputs with
actual answers. It helps determine how well the system
 We now test the AI by representing it with an obesity case
and if the results are positive, then we successfully created
an app like that of foodvisor
1) For information-credit to Google and
2) For pictures-credit to Wikipedia
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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