1-Introduction to Software Project Management & Module - 1-03-01-2024 (1) (1)

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Introduction to Project

What is a Project?
“Unique process consisting of a set of coordinated and
controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to
achieve an objective conforming to specific requirements,
including constraints of time, cost, quality and resources”

• A Project is a planned set of activities

• A Project has a scope
• A Project has time, cost, quality and resource constraints
What is Project Management?
• The art of organising, leading, reporting and
completing a project through people
What is Project Management?
• A project is a planned undertaking
• A project manager is a person who causes things to
• Therefore, project management is causing a planned
undertaking to happen.
Exercise 1
• Write down three attributes of a good Project Manager
Project Manager Role
• A Good Project Manager
o Takes ownership of the whole project
o Is proactive not reactive
o Adequately plans the project
o Is Authoritative (NOT Authoritarian)
o Is Decisive
o Is a Good Communicator
o Manages by data and facts not uniformed optimism
o Leads by example
o Has sound Judgement
o Is a Motivator
o Is Diplomatic
o Can Delegate
Stakeholder Engagement
“A person or group of people who have a vested interest in the
success of an organization and the environment in which the
organization operates”
Exercise 2
• Write down three typical project stakeholders
Exercise 2 - Typical Stakeholders
• Sponsor
• Funding Body
• Customer
• Suppliers
• End User
• Environmental Agency
• Maintenance Team
• Neighbours/Community/Shareholders
• Fusion Community
• Interfaces
Stakeholder Engagement process
• Identify Stakeholders
• Assess needs
• Define actions
• Establish communication channels
• Gather feedback
• Monitor and review
The Project Process
Project Justification Design Approval Readiness for
Strategic and Budgetary Gate 1 Gate 2
Gate 0 - Approve Project Definition - Approval of Gate 3 Manufacture
Approval Undertake Design Final Documents - Approval to
place Contract

Initiate Project
Prepare Technical Design
Ensure Machine Compatibility Prepare
Safety Case Modification
Undertake Tender
set-up Project
Definition Conceptual
Project Scheme
Proposals Design Detailed Tender
Appoint Project Sponsor Design Invitation &
Assess Project Priority Assess
Budget Implications
Est. Proj. Deliverables and
Raise/Extend/Update initial TCD-R/PERF Assessment
Prepare Outline
Objectives Appoint Project Leader
Conceptual Design Define Design Extend TCD-Rs/PERFs
Approve Project Set-up
Constraints Prepare Interface Prepare Sub-system Detailed Design Hold
Requirements Spec. (IRP) Detailed Design Review (DDR)
EFDA/CSU/JOC Management Finalise Conceptual Design Clear Sub-system DDR Issues
Hold Conceptual Design Review Use TCD-I/MMAC for Sub-system DD Approval
(CDR) Clear CDR Issues Prepare Final Documents including:
Initiate Modification Safety Case - Design Documents., Machine *** These will comprise:
Update PMP Compatibility Documents., Safety Case
Approve Proceed to Detailed Design - Technical Specification
- Drawings
Project Team/IRP/EFDA/CSU/JDC Project Team/Interfaces/EFDA/CSU/JDC - Contractual Requirements

Draft Statement of Requirements (SoR) Compile Tender Docs.***

* This will include: Review & Approve SoR Identify Send out
Resources Appoint Project Raise/Extend Sub-system TCD-Rs/PERFs Invitations (ITTS) Hold
- Initial WBS, OBS and CBS Agree Classifications & Interfaces
Team Produce & Maintain Clarification Meetings Receive
- Project Plan - Prepare Sub-system Scheme Design
Procurement Plans Tenders Evaluate
Risk and Procurement Strategies Hold Sub-system Scheme Design Review (SDR)
Undertake Project Risk Assessment Tenders Arrange
Prepare Project Boundary Document Clear Sub-system SDR Issues site visits Approve
Develop Project Management Plan (PMP)* Update PMP changes to Specs. Choose
** These will only take place here Raise initial TCD-R/PERF** Use TCD-I/MMAC for Sub-system SD preferred Company
for large projects demanding DO Prepare Preliminary Conceptual Design** Approval
effort for preliminary Conceptual Project Team/Contracts/EFDA
Project Team/Interfaces
Project Leader/Project Team/EFDA/CSU

Readiness for Operation

Implement Project Gate 4 - Acceptance of System

Note: Overall Project

Complete Project Management and Reporting will
be as defined in the Project
Equipment Install Management Plan (PMP)
Equipment Test &
Commission Confirm
Completion Project Gates (Formal Decision Points)
Raise Contract Documentation
Place Contract Review See accompanying notes
Hold Kick off Meeting
(KOM) Clarify Issues (Quality Test Equipment against Test Schedule
Plan) Monitor Commission Complete System
Progress Witness key
Procedures Complete Release Undertake Post

Project Team/ICM/EFDA/CSU Project Review
Note Approve Complete
Package**** Approve Release
Note Pack & Dispatch Project Team/CSU

Confirm Technical Completion
Receive Equipment
Project Team/Contractor/ICM Review Project Records Complete
Pre-test Equipment
Handover Documents Resolve
Install equipment
Reservations Obtain
Acceptance of Completed Project
**** This includes Project Team/ICM
supporting documentation
Project Team/EFDA/CSU
Key Points in Project Set-up and Definition

 Create Project Management Plan (PMP)

 Be clear of scope and objectives
 Establish clear statement of what is to be
done (WBS)
 Establish Risks to be Managed
 Establish Costs and Durations
 Establish Resources Required
Project management Plan - PMP
 Master Document for Project
 Defines the following:-
 Project Objectives, Scope, Deliverables
 Stakeholders (Internal & External)
 Work to be done (WBS)
 Project Organisation and Resources (OBS)
 Project Costings (CBS)
 Project Schedule
 Procurement/Contract Strategy
 Risk Management
 Quality management
 Change Management
Project Planning
Project Planning
• Adequate planning leads to the correct completion
of work
• Inadequate planning leads to frustration towards the end of the
project & poor project performance

Project Start Project End

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
• The Work Breakdown Structure is the foundation for effective
project planning, costing and management.
• It is the most important aspect in setting-up a Project

 It is the foundation on which

everything else builds
Work Breakdown Structure -
“A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical (from
general to specific) tree structure of deliverables and tasks that
need to be performed to complete a project.”
Example WBS - Top Level ILW Project

ITE R-Like
W all P roject

R e s ea rc h & E n gin e ering EP2 P ro je ct Be In s talla tion E ro s ion /D e po s ition

D e v elo p m e nt D e s ig n & M an u fac tu re S h utdo w n M a na ge m e nt R e c yc lin g P rep a ration fo r ILW
1 .1.0.0 .0 1 .2.0.0 .0 1 .3.0.0 .0 1 .4.0.0 .0 1 .5.0.0 .0 1 .6.0.0 .0 1 .7.0.0 .0

Be S lic ed B e R e m o te O v e ra ll P ro je ct A ssess JET S lic e d B e T iles E n gin e ering

R e c yc lin g T ile s H a nd ling M a na ge m e nt B e S to c ks In s ta ll P re p. D e s ign & M a n u f.
1 .1.1.0 .0 1 .2.1.0 .0 1 .3.1.0 .0 1 .4.1.0 .0 1 .5.1.0 .0 1 .6.1.0 .0 1 .7.1.0 .0

B u lk W B u lk M e tal T o ru s In s talla tion C o n trac tu al P re pa re & S h ip B u lk M e ta l T iles E ro s ion /D e po s ition

D iv e rto r T ile s G ro up M a na ge m e nt JE T Be In s ta ll P re p. A s s e m b y & C a lib.
1 .1.2.0 .0 1 .2.2.0 .0 1 .3.2.0 .0 1 .4.2.0 .0 1 .5.2.0 .0 1 .6.2.0 .0 1 .7.2.0 .0

W C oa tin gs W C oa ted W a s te M a n. S a fe ty & H P W C o ate d C FC E ro s ion /D e po s ition

1 .1.3.0 .0 C F C T ile s G ro up M a na ge m e nt In s ta ll P re p. In s talla tion
1 .2.3.0 .0 1 .3.3.0 .0 1 .4.3.0 .0 1 .6.3.0 .0 1 .7.3.0 .0

M a rk e rs E m b e dd ed V a cu um Q u a lity E m be d . D ia g. E ro s ion /D e po s ition

1 .1.4.0 .0 D ia g n o s tics G ro up M a na ge m e nt In s ta ll P re p. M a na ge m e nt
1 .2.4.0 .0 1 .3.4.0 .0 1 .4.4.0 .0 1 .6.4.0 .0 1 .7.4.0 .0

R&D E n g ine e ring D & M IL W T ile R e m o v al F Z J C on tra ct In s ta ll P re p.

M a na ge m e nt M a na ge m e nt & R ep la c em e nt M a na ge m e nt M a na ge m e nt
1 .1.5.0 .0 1 .2.5.0 .0 1 .3.5.0 .0 1 .4.5.0 .0 1 .6.5.0 .0

B u lk W E P 2 S hu tdo w n In s ta ll P re p.
T ile s M a na ge m e nt B u lk W
1 .2.6.0 .0 1 .3.6.0 .0 1 .6.6.0 .0

C o m p o ne n t In sp e ct In s ta ll P re p.
& R e -p a ck O th e r A c tiv ities
1 .2.7.0 .0 1 .6.7.0 .0
Example WBS - Top Level TSCL Project
O p tical
S yste m s
5 .5.C .0 .0.0.0 .0

T h o m so n S ca tte ring
C o re (L ID A R)
5 .5.C .1 .0.0.0 .0

L ID A R P ro je ct L ID A R S ystem L a ser C o lle ction L a se r Pa th C o n tro l & L ID A R L ID A R In terfa ce s &

M a na ge m e nt C o n ce p ts S yste m s O p tics O p tics A cq uisition P o rt E n gin ee ring S e rvices In teg rate d T e sting
1 .1.0.0 .0 1 .2.0.0 .0 1 .3.0.0 .0 1 .4.0.0 .0 1 .5.0.0 .0 1 .6.0.0 .0 1 .7.0.0 .0 1 .8.0.0 .0 1 .9.0.0 .0

K e y Pro je ct O ve ra ll C lu ster L a se rs C o lle ction L a se r Pa th C o n trol S ystem S h utte rs W a ter L ID A R

M ile sto n es C o -o rdin a tion 1 .3.1.0 .0 O p tical D e sign O p tica l D e sign In te rfa ce D e fin ition 1 .7.1.0 .0 S e rvices In te rfa ces
1 .1.1.0 .0 1 .2.1.0 .0 1 .4.1.0 .0 1 .5.1.0 .0 1 .6.1.0 .0 1 .8.1.0 .0 1 .9.1.0 .0

K e y Pro je ct P e rfo rm a n ce L a ser C o lle ction L a ser C o n trol L a b yrin th In terspa ce M o ck-up
D e live ra b les A n a lysis L a yo ut W in d o ws W in d o ws S ystem 1 .7.2.0 .0 V a cu um F a cility
1 .1.2.0 .0 1 .2.2.0 .0 1 .3.2.0 .0 1 .4.2.0 .0 1 .5.2.0 .0 1 .6.2.0 .0 1 .8.2.0 .0 1 .9.2.0 .0

K e y IT E R L ID A R L a se r Be am In -V acu um P la sm a Fa cing A cq uisition E xten sio n T ub e s & L ID A R B a sic M o ck-up

M ile sto n e s & IPL N e u tro n ics C o m b in er C o lle ctio n M irro rs L a se r M irro rs S ystem M irro r M o u n ting P o w er T e sts
1 .1.3.0 .0 1 .2.3.0 .0 1 .3.3.0 .0 1 .4.3.0 .0 1 .5.3.0 .0 1 .6.3.0 .0 1 .7.3.0 .0 1 .8.3.0 .0 1 .9.3.0 .0

O ve ra ll S ca tte ring E x-V acu um O th er La ser L ID A R E xte rn a l Po rt O p tics S p e ctro m e ter T o ka m ak

M a na ge m e nt T h e o ry C o lle ction O p tics M irro rs In stru m e n tation M o un ting A rea T e sts
1 .1.4.0 .0 1 .2.4.0 .0 1 .4.4.0 .0 1 .5.4.0 .0 1 .6.4.0 .0 1 .7.4.0 .0 1 .8.4.0 .0 1 .9.4.0 .0

S a fe ty & HP R&D C o lle ction O p tics L a se r Pa th S a fe ty B io sh ie ld L a ser F in a l S ystem

M a na ge m e nt T a sks M e ch an ica l D e sign M e ch an ica l D e sign In te rlo cks 1 .7.5.0 .0 R o om T e sting
1 .1.5.0 .0 1 .2.5.0 .0 1 .4.5.0 .0 1 .5.5.0 .0 1 .6.5.0 .0 1 .8.5.0 .0 1 .9.5.0 .0

R is k R a dia tion S p e ctro m e ter B e am S a fe ty BSM P o rt C e ll/ S yste m Asse m b ly

M a na ge m e nt E ffects D a ta S ystem Dump S ystem P e ne tratio ns In terspa ce & D is-a sse m b ly
1 .1.6.0 .0 1 .2.6.0 .0 1 .4.6.0 .0 1 .5.6.0 .0 1 .6.6.0 .0 1 .7.6.0 .0 1 .8.6.0 .0 1 .9.6.0 .0

Q u a lity R e m o te D e te cto rs A lig nm e nt E M A n a lysis for

M a na ge m e nt H a nd ling 1 .4.7.0 .0 S ystem In -P ort Co m p.
1 .1.7.0 .0 1 .2.7.0 .0 1 .5.7.0 .0 1 .7.7.0 .0

Item A lig nm e nt C a lib ra tion

T e st U n it S ystem S ystem
1 .2.8.0 .0 1 .4.8.0 .0 1 .5.8.0 .0

E n gin e ering C a lib ra tion

A n a lysis S ystem
1 .2.9.0 .0 1 .4.9.0 .0
Project Planning – WBS (1)
 Lowest Level of WBS is the Work Package
 WP can be clearly defined allowing package
to be costed, scheduled and resourced
 WP contains a list of Tasks to be Performed
that form the basis for the Schedule
 WP allows assignment of responsibilities
(Work Package Manger, WPM)
Project Planning – WBS (2)
 WBS allows hierarchical build-up of costs
and schedule
 Cost and Schedule can be reported at any
level of the WBS
 WBS facilitates strong management during
project execution (Cost and Schedule
 WBS can be used for many other things -
Document Management, Risk Management
Project Planning
 A word about Scheduling
– Schedules (task durations) can have a wide
– There is no unique answer. Rather, there is a
statistical variation depending on assumptions
– Need to understand the basis of scheduling
(Most challenging; Most likely; Absolute certainty
- bet your life on it!)
– Most people are very optimistic/naive
Common schedule development
Accuracy of Timescale Estimates

70 Estimates

30 First
20 Estimate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Project Planning – Key Points
• Recognise that adequate project planning is essential
• Produce a sound WBS
• Use the framework provided by the Project Management Plan
(PMP) template
• Involve the right people
• Allow enough time
• Be systematic
Project Risk Management
Project Risk – Definition (1)
“Project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs,
has a positive or negative effect on a project objective”
Project Risk – Definition (2)

“A combination of the probability of a defined threat or

opportunity (Likelihood) and the magnitude of the
consequences of the occurrence (Impact) defines a Risk Index”
Risk Impact
Threat → Scope → Poor Quality Product
Threat → Schedule → Late Delivery
Threat → Cost → Overspend

• In addition there are health, safety and environmental threats

that must be managed
Risk Management Process
• Identify Risks
• Assess likelihood and impact
• Rank risks and prioritize
• Define risk management approach & actions
• Implement actions
• Monitor & review
Risk Management – Key Points
• Make the management of risk integral to the way the project is
• Ensure that cost and time contingencies are consistent with
identified risks
• Focus on the “significant few” – don’t try to manage too many
• Be vigilant (be ready for possible problems and
diffuculties)and proactive
Project Monitoring and
Exercise 3
• Write down three typical project control/monitoring activities
Project Monitoring
• Typical Monitoring Activities
o regular reviews of progress against schedule using WBS as basis (Plan against Baseline)
o regular review of actual costs (O/P from SAP) against budgeted costs and Earned Value at
WBS level
o regular review of resource loading
o regular progress meetings with project team
o regular meetings with contractors
o production of periodic progress reports
o risk reviews
o inspections/ audits
Project Control
• Typical Control Activities
o assign responsibilities at Work Package level
o staged authorisation of work to be done
o staged release of budgets (staged release of WBS(e) numbers)
o ensure PM has a ‘Management Reserve’ under his control
o seek corrective action reports when WPs go ‘off track’ (overrunning or overspending)
o release Management Reserve carefully
Project Monitoring and
Control Summary
• Monitor against the plan – status regularly
• Take a factual approach to decisions
• Identify management action early
• Check that defined controls are being applied – correct if
• Apply change control
Confirm Completion
• Ensure design records are complete and accurate
• Ensure any outstanding actions or issues are addressed
• Ensure Maintenance Records are produced
• Ensure User Manuals are produced
• Hold a formal Post Project review

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