what is cibil score

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Nominal questions

1.Are you aware of your CIBIL Score?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Unsure

2.From which credit bureau did you obtain your recent CIBIL Score?
4. CIBIL TransUnion
5. Experian
6. Equifax
7. Not Sure

3.How often do you check your CIBIL Score?

8. Never
9. Less than once a year
10.Once a year
11.More than once a year
4.What is the primary reason for checking your CIBIL Score?
1. To apply for a loan
2. To monitor credit health
3. To improve credit score (if applicable)
4. Other (Please specify)

5.In which of the following categories does your current CIBIL Score fall?
5. Below 700 (Very Poor)
6. 700 - 750 (Poor)
7. 751 - 800 (Fair)
8. 801 - 850 (Good)
9. Above 850 (Excellent)
Ordinal questions

6. On a scale of 1 (Not at all important) to 5 (Extremely Important), how important do you

consider maintaining a good CIBIL Score?
6. 1
7. 2
8. 3
9. 4
7.How confident are you in your understanding of how CIBIL Score is calculated?
11.Not confident at all
12.Somewhat confident
13.Neutral <bos>- Moderately confident
14.Very confident
8.Rank the following factors in order of their importance in influencing your CIBIL Score
(1 = Most Important, 5 = Least Important).
15.Repayment history
16.Credit utilization ratio
17.Credit mix
18.Credit inquiries
19.Age of credit history
9.To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "Maintaining a good CIBIL Score is
essential for obtaining loans at favorable interest rates."
6. Strongly disagree
7. Disagree
8. Neutral
9. Agree
10.Strongly agree

10.How likely are you to recommend checking CIBIL Score to your friends and family?
11.Not likely at all
12.Somewhat unlikely
14.Somewhat likely
15.Very likely
Hybrid questions

11.Have you ever taken steps to improve your CIBIL Score?

a. Yes (If yes, rank the effectiveness of the methods used on a scale of 1 (Not Effective)
to 5 (Very Effective))
b. No

12.Which of the following resources would you find most helpful in learning more about
CIBIL Score? (Select all that apply)
a. Informational website
b. Educational videos
c. Free credit score monitoring service
d. Consultation with a financial advisor

13.How satisfied are you with the availability of information and resources to
understand and improve your CIBIL Score?
a. Very dissatisfied
b. Dissatisfied
c. Neutral
d. Satisfied
e. Very satisfied
14.Overall, how comfortable are you managing your credit and maintaining a healthy CIBIL Score?
11.Not comfortable at all
12.Somewhat uncomfortable
14.Somewhat comfortable
15.Very comfortable

15.Please indicate your age group.

16.18-25 years old
17.26-35 years old
18.36-45 years old
19.46-55 years old
20.Above 55 years old

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