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Institute of Management Technology


Human Resource Management

Dr. Pavan Kumar Balivada
Human Resource ?

 People + Characteristics

 Co-ordination of people and leveraging their skills for

achievement of goals.

 Appreciates over time, rather depreciation.
 Output greater than inputs.
 Provide utility value to each of the physical assets that it controls.
 Flexibility of organization depends more on
human factor than technical factor.
HRM can be defined as:
“… a strategic approach to managing employment
relations which emphasizes that leveraging
people’s capabilities is critical to achieving
sustained competitive advantage, this being
achieved through a distinctive set of integrated
employment policies, programs and practices”.
Why Human Factor is More

• Human resources are unique in character

• HR alone can produce an output greater than its input
• HR is the only resource which are animate
• HR is most complex and unpredictable in its behavior
Old myths New Realities
People go into HR because HR departments are not designed to
they like people. provide corporate therapy or a social or
health-and –happiness retreats. HR
professionals must create the practices
that make employers more competitive,
not more comfortable.
Anyone can do HR. HR activates are based on theory and
HR professionals must master both
theory and practice.
HR deals with the soft side The impact of HR practices on business
of a business and therefore results can and must be measured. HR
is not accountable. Professionals must learn how to
translate their work into financial
HR focuses on costs, which HR practices must create value by
must be controlled. increasing the intellectual capital within
the firm. HR professionals must add
value, not reduce costs.
HR’s job is to be the The HR function does not own compliance-
policy police and the mangers do. HR practice do not exist to make
health and-happiness employees happy but to help them become
patrol. committed. HR professionals must help mangers
commit employees and administer policies.

HR is full of fads. HR practices have evolved over time. HR

professionals must see their current work as part
of an evolutionary chain and explain their work
with less jargon and more authority.

HR is staffed by nice At times, HR practices should force vigorous

people. debates. HR professionals should be
confrontative [sic] and challenging as well as

HR is HR’s job. HR work is as important to line managers as are

finance, strategy, and other business domains.
HR professionals should join with managers in
championing HR issues.
Functions of HRM


Managerial Operative
functions: Functions
Procurement Development: Motivation and Maintenance: Emerging
– Planning Integration:
Compensation: Issues:
Job Analysis Training Grievances
Job design Health Personnel
HR planning Executive records
Work scheduling Discipline
– Organizing Recruitment development
Safety Personnel
Motivation Teams and
Selection Career teamwork audit
planning Job evaluation Personnel
Placement Welfare Collective
Succession Performance and research
– Directing bargaining
Induction planning potential HR
appraisal Social security Participation accounting
Internal Human
mobility Compensation Empowerment
resources HRIS
– Controlling development administration
Trade unions Job stress
strategies Incentives
benefits and Employers’ Mentoring
services associations International
Is this the only job of
Functionalities of HR

 Liaison between top management and employees.

 Smooth working of organization through maintenance of adequate manpower
 Increasing organizational performance through individual skill and productivity
 Enhancement of employee work life quality through physical and psychological
well being at work.
 Maintenance of organizational ethical values.
 Enhancing employer employee relationship through employee motivation.
 Employee benefit schemes.
Liking and making employees comfortable V/s making
them competitive

Anyone V/s Masters of HR theories and practices

Soft side of business V/s Financial Implications
Modern Cost control V/s Value Addition
Views of HRM
Being nice to people V/s Challenging people

HR profile V/s Diversified profile

Skills of HR Professionals

Human Relation Decision Making

Skills Skills

Leadership Skills
Technical Skills
Changing Dynamics of HR in India
Traditional V/s Modern Practices

Administrative V/S Strategic Role

Reactive V/s Proactive

Separated V/s Integral part of company mission

People as expense V/s People as investment

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