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Characteristics Of Colonial

• Colonialism is the practice of economically
exploiting , obtaining and maintaining political
control over a nation and its people.

• Colonial Era refers to the time period from the late

5th century to the early 20th century during which
European powers established and expanded
colonies over the world.
.• American literature emerged from the original US
colonies during the period from 1607 to the late

• This literature was largely influenced by the British

and was created to inform people about colonial
Colonial literature:
• Colonial Literature refers to a work written during
the period of time when one country was actively
participating in the colonization or imperialistic
exploitation of another geographical area.

• The Colonial and early National period of American

literature took place between the 17th century to
.• This period include the writings of explorers such as
John Smith, Phillis wheatley and Washington Irvy

• Characteristics Of Colonial Literature:

Colonial Literature is characterised by narrative.
Most of the literary works of this genre is composed
of letters, journals, autobiographies
.And memoirs.
Example: "The Sovereignty and Goodness of
God " by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson(1682) .This is a
memoir and captivity of narrative.
It is about a colonial era ,woman (Mary) who was
kidnapped and held for ransom by Native
Americans during king Philip's war(1675).

The literature of this era revolved around the
• Subject of worshipping God and spread his
message. It also focus on the extremist side of
• It suggests that life was a test and the soul would
face damnation if the test was failed.
• This works were usually written in the form of
poetry and paved the way for awakening.
• Some non puritian writers also used religion to
depict the hostility between colonizers and
• During this period many of the works were written
in poetry form. Anne Bradstreet's poetry the "Bay
Psalm Book" and Paster Edward Tylor's "
Preparatory Mediations" are good examples of
religious text of the era.

Practical Purpose :
• Writing had a practical purpose to educate the
people and inspire personal actions.
.• Writing processed the belief that hardwork was
important for happiness . The writers were
interested in human nature and potential.

• The language of colonial literature was direct and
honest language. The writing style of colonial
literature was characterised by simplicity and clarity
and focus on precise communication of ideas and
• Colonists themes present in literature and media
include the power dynamics between colonizers
and colonised, religion, politics , Extremism,
praticality , colonialism and differences in culture.

Major Writers and their Works:

• Mary Rowlandson's account of being imprisoned by
• The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
.• The Declaration of independence by Thomas
Jefferson .
• The poetry of Anne Bradstreet
• Thomas paine's common sense
• Speech in the house of Virginia Convention by
Patrick Henry.

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