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Subject: Science

Topic: Endocrine System

Grade: X

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Endocrine Glands -
“The Producers Of Chemical
• Pituitary Gland

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Pituitary Gland


It is a small projection which hangs from

the base of the mid-brain below the
It weighs
the size
hypothalamus. one-half
of a pea

It is located below the

thalamus of the mid-brain

Anterior Posterior
Lobe Lobe


Pituitary gland has two distinct lobes –

The Anterior pituitary and
The Posterior pituitary.
Also known as
Also known as

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Pituitary Gland


Anterior Posterior
Lobe Lobe


The front part of the posterior pituitary is different from

the rest of the lobe and is called the intermediate lobe.
The intermediate lobe is almost absent in humans but
much larger and more functional in some lower animals.

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Pituitary Gland

Pituitary Gland
is known as
“Master Gland”

As it seems to control practically

all other endocrine glands.

The hormones secreted by

Pituitary stimulate other
endocrine glands to secrete their
respective hormones

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Endocrine Glands -
“The Producers Of Chemical
• Hormones secreted by Anterior

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Now let us study the
hormones secreted by
Anterior Pituitary

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Abbreviated as GH
Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

Growth hormone is essential for normal growth.

It is also called Somatotropin.

Somatic – Body Thus, these hormones

Tropic - Stimulating stimulate growth of
the body cells

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

What happens due

to deficiency of
Growth Hormones

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

A dwarf, though fully
developed, retains
body proportions of a child.
y The long bones lengthen beyond
In childhood What
- happens due to
normal and human giants upto
Excess ofare
2.7 metres Growth
Exces Hormones
In childhood - Gigantism

In adult - Acromegaly

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

What is Acromegaly???
Acro – height/extremity
Acromegaly is a condition caused
Megalydue to over
- large
secretion of GH suddenly in an adult.
There is an extra growth of bones in the face
(particularly the jaws) and in the hands and feet.
The person develops a large nose and thick lips.

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

The term tropic hormones refers to such

hormones which stimulate other
endocrine glands to produce their
So, Whatspecific
are Tropic
the different hormones.
Tropic Hormones???
Hormones are…

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

Abbreviated as
Thyroid Stimulating
It stimulates thyroid to secrete

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

Abbreviated as
It regulates the activity of
adrenal cortex.

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

Also known as Gonad Gonadotropic

Stimulating Hormone Hormone
It regulates the activities of
Gonads- Testes and Ovaries.

These are mainly of four

types :

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

It stimulates egg-
formation in females and
sperm formation in males Hormone
1. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
Abbreviated as FSH

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

1. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
2. Luteinizing Hormone
Abbreviated as LH
Stimulates formation of
corpus luteum to produce the
luteum female hormone progesterone.

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

1. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
2. Luteinizing Hormone
3. Interstitial Cell Stimulating
Abbreviated as ICSH Hormone

Stimulates the interstitial cells

in the testes to produce the male
hormone testosterone.

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Hormones secreted by Anterior Pituitary

Growth Hormones Tropic Hormones

1. Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
2. Luteinizing Hormone
3. Interstitial Cell Stimulating
4. Prolactin milk

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Endocrine Glands -
“The Producers Of Chemical
• Hormones secreted by Posterior

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Now let us study the
hormones secreted by
Posterior Pituitary

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Hormones secreted by Posterior Pituitary

Anti-Diuretic Hormone Oxytocin

Abbreviated as
It constrictsAlso
blood vessels
known as with rise in blood
pressure. Vasopressin
It also acts on the kidney increasing
reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules.

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Hormones secreted by Posterior Pituitary

Anti-Diuretic Hormone Oxytocin

Deficiency of ADH causes Diabetes insipidus.

Insipid – tasteless
Symptoms of Diabetes insipidus “There is no sugar in urine”

• Frequent and copious urination

resulting in loss of water from the body.
• Extreme thirst.

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Hormones secreted by Posterior Pituitary

Anti-Diuretic Hormone Oxytocin

It stimulates vigorous contractions

of the uterus in a pregnant mother,
leading to child birth.

It also stimulates milk ejection.

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