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A Brief History
Blogger Types of Blogging

Prof. Dr. Shumaila Mazhar

English Department

The word “blog,” a contraction of “web log,” is an

informational web page that consists of discrete units
called “posts.”
The term “log” comes from the history of nautical
navigation and originally referred to a record of
chronological events kept by a ship’s crew.

The act of creating and maintaining a blog.

• The act of posting a content on a blog (a web log or online journal) or
posting comments on someone else’s blog.
•A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or
informational website displaying information in reverse chronological
order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top.
•It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an
individual subject.
What is blogging? The History and Trends

 Unofficially, the first blog ever was made by Justin Hall ( in 1994. At that time,
no-one actually knew the word “blog” or “weblog”. Actually, Justin’s web property was
more or less of a simple website, but it looked like a blog. He posted regularly about the
“stuff” he found on the internet and it was sort of “personal diary”.
 The term “weblog” was first (officially) announced in 1997 by Jorn Barger. In 1999,
weblog was shortened to blog. At this point, some people (who had computers and internet
access) started blogging, still, it wasn’t popular at all…
 Then came WordPress (in 2003) and it changed a lot. WordPress started to offer FREE
blogging platform. A lot of people have found it useful since it’s really easy to install,
maintain and use. More than 75% of the blogs are using WordPress blogging platform.
More about Blog

A “blog” (or “weblog”) is a web site that:

• is organized chronologically by date
• self-archives by date
• is updated somewhat regularly with relatively short entries
• includes links, more links, and still more links
• uses a unique URL (called a “permalink”) for each individual post
• uses blogging software
To Sum Up

“Blog” is short for “weblog,” a term coined by Jorn Bargerin 1997 and
popularized by Cameron Barrettin 1999.
• Peter Merholz decided to pronounce the term “wee-blog,” which was
eventually shortened to just “blog.”
• “Bloggish” sites existed long before 1999, but it was during this time
that “like” sites were identified and collected in lists, patterns emerged,
and the number of blog sites began to increase significantly.

An individual who is the blog owner. The person who keeps the blog alive (posting
new posts, sharing the latest news, information, case studies, opinions, etc…)
A blogger is a person who owns or runs a blog or a person who maintains the blog.
That is, posting articles or new posts, information, sharing the most up-to-date
news, opinions and case studies to name but a few. Such entries are known as blog
Most such writers called themselves diarists, journalists, or journalers. A few called
themselves "escribitionists".
Types of Blogs
Types of Blogs

Art and design blogs

News blogs
Book and writing blogs
Movie blogs
Personal finance blogs
Religion blogs
Interior design blogs
Sports blogs
Political blogs
Types of Blogs

Sports blogs
Art and design blogs
News blogs
Book and writing blogs
Personal finance blogs Movie blogs
Interior design blogs Religion blogs
Political blogs

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