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Module 9

Proofs are used to justify a claim or belief. Using correct

information, and appropriate methods, a mathematical
statement's value is then determined. In this module, you will
be introduced to several methods of proof in mathematics.
Be keen on when each method is most appropriate.
Inductive versus Deductive Reasoning

Science is the application of inductive reasoning to build knowledge

based on observable evidence. That is why every statement in science
is considered a theory. The only way to prove it is to collect more
evidence. However, there is always the probability that future evidence
could prove the statement false.
Mathematics is deductive reasoning applied to relations among
patterns, shapes, forms, structures, and even changes. Deductive
reasoning is always valid.

Inductive reasoning is the process of making general conclusions based

on specific examples.


1. Every object that I release from my hand falls to the ground.

Therefore, the next object I release from my hand will fall to the ground.

2. Every crow I have seen is black. Therefore, all crows are black.

3. House prices are very expensive in Davao City. Gases prices are very
expensive in Davao City. Food prices are very expensive in Davao City.
Therefore, it is very expensive to live in Davao City.

Deductive reasoning is the process of making specific conclusions

based on general principles.


1. All men are mortal. I am a man. Therefore, I am mortal.

2. If , then .
3. Driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal and punishable by
law. Therefore, if a driver is found to have a blood alcohol
concentration above the legal limit during a traffic stop, they are likely
to be charged with driving under the influence.

Direction: Identify whether the statement uses either inductive

reasoning or deductive reasoning.

A dental assistant notices a patient has never been on

time for an appointment. She concludes the patient
will be late for her next appointment.

Direction: Identify whether the statement uses either inductive

reasoning or deductive reasoning.

A person must have a membership to work out at a

gym. Jesse is working out at a gym. Jesse has a
membership to the gym.

Direction: Identify whether the statement uses either inductive

reasoning or deductive reasoning.

If Eduardo decides to go to a concert tonight, he will

miss football practice. Tonight, Eduardo went to a
concert. Eduardo missed football practice.

Direction: Identify whether the statement uses either inductive

reasoning or deductive reasoning.

Every Wednesday Lucy’s mother calls. Today is

Wednesday, so Lucy concludes her mother will call.

Direction: Identify whether the statement uses either inductive

reasoning or deductive reasoning.

I know Joey is a terrible cook, because I've eaten at his house

three times and each time the food has been awful.

Arguments can be shown to be valid if they have

the same symbolic form as an argument that is known
to be valid. The rules of inference tie together the
steps of a proof.
Rule of Inference Name Rule of Inference Name
~q Modus tollens
___________ Addition _________
(the mode of

_________ Simplification _________ syllogism

q ~p Disjunctive
_________ _________ syllogism

p Modus ponens
(the mode of

What rule of inference is used in each of the following

1. Anna is a human resource management major. Therefore,
Anna is either human resource management major or a
computer application major.
2. Ben is a designer and a game developer. Therefore, Ben is
a game developer.
3. If it rains today, the college will be closed. The college is
not closed today. Therefore, it did not rain today.

What rule of inference is used in each of the following

4. If it is rainy, then the oval will be closed. It is rainy.
Therefore, the oval is closed.
5. If I go swimming, then I will stay in the sun too long.
If I stay in the sun too long, then I will get burned.
Therefore, if I go swimming, then I will get burned.

Fallacies are incorrect reasoning which appear to follow the

rule of inference but are based on contingencies rather than
tautologies. These are invalid arguments.


1. The fallacy of affirming the conclusion is based on the
compound proposition: .
2. The fallacy of denying the hypothesis is based on the
compound proposition: .
3. Circulus in Probando or circular reasoning is an argument
that uses a premise as the conclusion.

Determine if the following arguments are valid. If not,

what fallacy was committed?
1. If I have a cold, then I find it difficult to sleep. I find
it difficult to sleep. Therefore, I have a cold.
2. Golden State Warriors is the best basketball team
therefore there is no basketball team that is better
than the Golden State Warriors.
3. If you do every problem in a math book, then you
will learn mathematics. You did not do every
problem in the book. Therefore, you did not learn

An integer a is even if there is an integer

such that .

• 14 is even, because , and 7 is an integer.
• is even, because , and -5 is an integer.

An integer a is odd if there is an integer

such that .

• 13 is odd, because , and 6 is an integer.
• is even, because , and -6 is an integer.
Method of Proof Description

A proof that the implication is true by showing that q must be

Direct Proof
true if p is true.
Indirect Proof
A proof that the implication is true by showing that p must be
false when q is false.
Let P(n) be a proposition for each positive integer n. If the
following two conditions are satisfied, then P(n) is true for all
Proof by
positive integers n:
• The proposition P(1) is true.
• The implication P(k) P(k+1) is shown to be true for every
positive integer n.

When dealing the statement “If P(x) then Q(x)” over a domain
S, there is some connection between P(x) and Q(x). That is,
the truth value of Q(x) for a particular often depends on the
truth value of for that same element , or the truth value of
P(x) depends on the truth value of Q(x). These are the kinds
of implications in which we are primarily interested and it is
the proofs of these types of results

A direct proof starts from the hypothesis and arrives to the conclusion
using only straightforward deductions.
 Start with the Hypothesis: Begin with a statement or proposition that
you assume to be true (often called the hypothesis or premise).
 Logical Deductions: Use logical reasoning, known facts, definitions,
and previously established theorems to derive new statements or
 Arrive at the Conclusion: The sequence of logical deductions should
lead you directly to the statement you want to prove (the conclusion).

Prove that being human implies one is mortal.

I am a man. Every man is mortal. Therefore, I am

Give a direct proof of the statement, “If n is odd, then is odd.”

Suppose is odd. Then, by definition of odd numbers, for some integer .

Now, it follows that

𝑛2 = ሺ2𝑘 + 1ሻ2
= 4𝑘 2 + 4𝑘 + 1
= 2ሺ2𝑘 2 + 2𝑘ሻ + 1
Since is an integer.
Therefore, is odd.

Give a direct proof of the statement, “If n is odd, then is an even integer.”

Suppose is odd. Then, by definition of odd numbers, for some integer .

Now, it follows that

3𝑛 + 7 = 3ሺ2𝑘 + 1ሻ + 7
= 6𝑘 + 3 + 7
= 6𝑘 + 10
= 2ሺ3𝑘 + 5ሻ
Since is an integer.
Therefore, is odd.

An indirect proof is a method of establishing the truth of a statement by

showing that assuming the opposite (or negation) of the statement
leads to a contradiction or an absurdity.
There are two primary forms of indirect proof:
1. Proof by contradiction
2. Proof by contrapositive

A proof by contradiction is a proof where we use as part of our hypothesis the

negation of the conclusion we want to prove, and if by doing so we deduce a fact that
we know to be false, then we consider the conclusion to be proven.
 Assumption: Begin by assuming the opposite (negation) of the statement you want
to prove.
 Derivation: From this assumption, derive logical consequences.
 Contradiction: Demonstrate that these consequences lead to a contradiction or an
 Conclusion: Since the assumption led to a contradiction, the assumption itself must
be false. Therefore, the original statement is true.

Example: In a village, there are 367 inhabitants. Prove by

contradiction that at least two of them share the same
Proof: If none of the inhabitants shared the same birthday,
then there would be at least 367 different days in a year. This
is impossible as there are only at most 366 days in a year.
This contradiction leads to the conclusion that at least two of
them share the same birthday.

If 𝑛 is an integer and 𝑛2 + 1 is odd, then 𝑛 is even.

Let 𝑛 is an integer so that 𝑛2 + 1 is odd.
Assume that 𝑛 is odd. Then 𝑛 = 2𝑘 + 1 for some integer 𝑘.
It follows that 𝑛2 + 1 = (2𝑘 + 1)2 + 1 = 4𝑘2 + 4𝑘 + 1 + 1
= 4𝑘2 + 4𝑘 + 2
= 2(2𝑘2 + 2𝑘 + 1 )
Hence, 𝑛2 + 1 is even, which is contradictory with our hypothesis.
Therefore, 𝑛 is even.
Give a proof by contradiction of the statement,
“No odd integer can be expressed as the sum of three even integers”
Assume that there exists an odd integer that can be expressed as the sum of
three even integers and .
Then, , , with
𝑛 =𝑥+𝑦+𝑧
= 2𝑎 + 2𝑏 + 2𝑐
= 2ሺ𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐 ሻ
Since is an integer, is even. This is a contradiction.

A proof by contrapositive is a proof where we prove the

contrapositive of the statement, which is logically equivalent
to the original statement.

 Concept: If a statement "If P, then Q" is true, then its

contrapositive "If not Q, then not P" is also true.
 Method: Instead of proving the original statement directly,
you prove its contrapositive.

Give an indirect proof of the theorem, “If 3n +2 is odd, then n is odd.”

Assume that n is even (negation of odd). Then n = 2k for some integer

k. It follows that 3n + 2 = 3(2k) + 2= 6k + 2
= 2(3k + 1). Hence, 3n + 2 is even. Since the negation of the
conclusion of the implication implies that the hypothesis is false, the
original implication is true.
Give a proof by contrapositive of the statement,
“Let . If is even, then is odd.”

Assume that is even. Then for some integer . So

5𝑥 − 7 = 5ሺ2𝑘 ሻ − 7
= 10𝑘 − 7
= 10𝑘 − 8 + 1
= 2ሺ5𝑎 − 4ሻ + 1
Since , the integer is odd.
Proof by Induction

A proof by induction is a proof in which we want to

establish a property to be true for every natural number
𝑛 ≥ 1 by the following 3-step process to prove 𝑃(𝑛):
i. The initial case: prove that 𝑃(1) holds.
ii. The induction step: prove that for every 𝑛 ≥ 1, if
𝑃(k) holds then 𝑃(k + 1) holds. In other words,
assume that the statement holds for some
arbitrary natural number k ≥ 1 and prove that the
statement holds for k + 1. (Hypothesis of
iii. Conclude by stating that the statement holds for

Prove: 1 + 2 + 3+ … + n = for every positive integer n.

I. Verification
If n = 1, verify if P(1) is true.

If n = 2, verify if P(2) is true.


If n = 3, verify if P(3) is true.

II. Hypothesis of Induction
Assume that the statement is true for n = k, that is, P(k) is true.
1 + 2 + 3+ … + k = (eq. 1)

Prove that the statement is true for n = k + 1, that is, P(k + 1) is

1 + 2 + 3+ … + k + (k + 1) = (eq. 2)
Since eq. 1 is 1 term away from eq. 2
1 + 2 + 3+ … + k + (k + 1) = + (k + 1) (eq. 3)
Substituting the LHS of eq. 3 with that of eq. 2
= + (k + 1)

= + (k + 1)

III. Conclusion
Since the statement is true for n = k + 1, then it must
be true for all higher natural number.

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