Gamma Ray Log

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Mr. Prasun Baniik Bikram Acharjee PE-186/20
Darshana Parasar PE-188/20
Debismita Das PE-190/20
Nitish Kumar Kalita PE-210/20
Prandeep Chutia PE-213/20
Prithiraj Kalita PE-214/20
⦿ The gamma ray log measures the total natural gamma radiation
emanating from a formation.

⦿ This gamma radiation originates from potassium-40 and the

isotopes of the Uranium-Radium and Thorium series. The most
prominent of GR in uranium series originates from decay of 214Bi
bismuth and thorium series from decay of 208 thallium.

⦿ The gamma ray log is commonly given the symbol GR.

⦿ Gamma rays interact with matter in three different ways:

• Pair production,
• Compton scattering and
• photoelectric effect.
The gamma rays are emitted from an isotope in the formation, they
progressively reduce in energy as the result of collisions with other atoms
in the rock (Compton scattering). Compton scattering occurs until the
gamma ray is of such a low energy that it is completely absorbed by the
formation. The noticeable energy level of GR emitted by Potassium,
Uranium, Thorium are 1.46, 1.76, 2.614 MeV’s respectively.
Determination of Lithology:

•In sedimentary rocks, potassium is, in general, the principal source of

natural gamma radiation, primarily originating from clay minerals such as
illite and montmorillonite. Since sandstones exhibit low radioactivity.

•Since shales are composed of small clay particles, shales tend to be

considerably higher in radioactivity than other formations.

•Carbonate rocks are generally low in radioactivity but limestone’s and

dolomites maybe radioactive, especially in vuggy and/or fractures intervals.

⦿ Hence, the gamma ray intensity that the log measures is a function of:

1. The initial intensity of gamma ray emission, which is a property of the

elemental composition of the rock.
2. The amount of Compton scattering that the gamma rays encounter, which
is related to the distance between the gamma emission and the detector
and the density of the intervening material.
⦿ The tool therefore has a limited depth of investigation.

⦿ The gamma ray measurement device accepts gamma rays from almost a
hemisphere that includes the formation and the drilling mud between the
formation and the sensor. Gamma rays may therefore come from the
formation at any angle from horizontal to almost vertically, and indeed may
come from the drilling mud itself (beware: some drilling muds are very

⦿ The gamma ray log is combinable with all tools, and is almost always used as
part of every logging combination run because of its ability to match the
depths of data from each run

⦿ Gr emittion is not at a constant rate and speed, but at random, as it is a

natural phenomena. Thus, logging speed should be slow to reduce this
Principle: Gamma ray log
•The tool consists simply of a highly sensitive gamma ray detector in
the form of a scintillation counter.
•When a gamma ray strikes the crystal a small flash of light is
•This flash is too small to be measured using conventional electronics.
Instead, it is amplified by a photomultiplier.
•The flash of light hits the photocathode and causes a number of
primary electrons to be produced.
•The primary electrons are accelerated towards the first anode. For
every electron that hits the anode, a number of secondary electrons
are emitted (between 4 and 8 usually).
• These electrons are accelerated towards the next anode, where each
of the secondary electrons produce even more secondary electrons.
•The whole process takes an extremely short time, and the final
current from scintillation counter is proportional to the incident
gamma ray.
FIG: Gamma ray logging tool
GR Tools:
Natural Gamma ray log
⦿ TotalGamma Ray logging tool
⦿ Spectral Gamma Ray logging tool

Diffused Gamma ray log

⦿ Density
⦿ Litho-density log

The gamma ray log measures the total natural gamma radiation emanating
from a formation. This gamma radiation originates from potassium-40 and
the isotopes of the Uranium-Radium and Thorium series. The gamma ray log
is commonly given the symbol GR.

Once the gamma rays are emitted from an isotope in the formation, they
progressively reduce in energy as the result of collisions with other atoms in
the rock (compton scattering).

Hence, the gamma ray intensity that the log measures is a function of:

• The initial intensity of gamma ray emission, which is a property of the

elemental composition of the rock.
• The amount of compton scattering that the gamma rays encounter, which
is related to the distance between the gamma emission and the detector
and the density of the intervening material.

• The spectral gamma ray log measures the natural gamma radiation
emanating from a formation split into contributions from each of the
major radio-isotopic sources. Analysis of the sources of the natural
gamma radiation give us added information concerning the
composition and likely lithology of the formation.

• The spectral gamma ray log is commonly given the symbol SGR.

• It will be remembered that the amplitude of the output from the

gamma ray sensor is proportional to the energy of the incident
gamma ray. We can use this information to measure the proportion
of the total gamma radiation coming from each of potassium-40, the
uranium-radium series, and the thorium series for a particular


Naturally radioactive elements tend to have a far greater

concentration in shales than in other sedimentary lithologies.
Therefore, Gamma-ray logs are important for detecting
alteration zones, and for providing information on rock
2. Evaporitic environment:

NGRT can -
• Differentiate between shales and potassium salts since the latter have
higher K content.
• Recognize the mineral types present in the rocks and evaluate their
percentage (computation from a set of equations).

3. Sand – Shale series:

• Clean sandstones especially orthoquartzites have low radioactivity

(i.e. Th, U and K content is very low).
• In sandstones, high K values may be caused by the presence of
potassium feldspars or micas.
• In ocean floor volcanics, K can become significantly enriched in
secondary alteration minerals, which are typically found where the
formation is more permeable and intense fluid-rock interactions can
occur (Brewer et al. 1992).
The SP log measures the natural The GR log measures the natural
electrical potential between the radioactivity of the formations.
borehole wall and the formation

Identify permeable beds Identify radioactive beds Less

Sensitive to formation water sensitive to formation water
salinity salinity, comparatively

The SP log can be used to The GR log can be used to

estimate the thickness of shale estimate the uranium content of
beds. the formations.
Advantages of gamma ray logging:
• It is a simple and cost-effective method.
• It can be used in any type of borehole.
• It can provide information about the lithology and
porosity of the formation.
• It can be used to identify shale beds and quantify shale
• It can be used to map the distribution of radioactive
elements in the subsurface.

Disadvantages of gamma ray logging:

•It is not as sensitive as other logging methods, such as
neutron logging.
• It can be affected by the presence of borehole fluids.
• It can be difficult to interpret in formations with high
• It is a surface radiation hazard, so it must be used with
A gamma-ray log provides valuable information about rock formations in
geology and petrophysics. It helps determine mineral composition, shale
content, and stratigraphic correlation. The log aids in identifying clay,
estimating porosity and permeability, and correlating well logs. Additionally,
it can indicate hydrocarbon presence, geological boundaries, and guide well
placement. Interpreting gamma-ray logs requires expertise and integration
with other data for a complete understanding of subsurface conditions.

1. Petrophysique_Paul%20W.%20J.%20Glover%20(1).pdf

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