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Recommended Books
 A.J. Thomson & A.V Martinent.
Practical English Grammar 3rd Ed.Oxford (University Press, 1986)
 John Langan, College Writing Skills.
MCGraw-Hill Higher Edcuation 2004
 Technical Report Writing Today, Technical Communication,
 A Practical Approach Bizantra, New Dehli, Daniel G Rivdan 8th
Edition, 2007 TVS Palnaja, Dorlong, Kindu Dehli.

 Wren & Martin English Grammar & Composition, 2nd Ed.S. Chand. Latest
 Read Better, Write Better- Reader’s Digest Compilation, Latest Edition
 Report. Technical Writing and Specifications by Gliden H.K, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, Latest Edition.
 Technical Communication by Rebecca E.Burnett, Latest Edition.
 The Course will enable the students to meet their real life

communication needs.

 It will also enhance language skills and will Assist to Develop Critical

thinking among undergraduate learners.

Course Outline
 Business communication, planning messages, writing concise but

with impact. Letter formats, mechanics of business, letter writing,

letters, memo and applications, summaries, proposals, writing

resumes, styles and formats, oral communications, verbal and non-

verbal communication,

 Conducting meetings, small group communication, taking

minutes. Presentation skills, presentation, gathering-material,

organization strategies, time management, opening and

concluding, use of audio-visual aids, delivery and presentation.

 PLO -1 Engineering Knowledge
 PLO-2 Problem Analysis
 PLO-3 Design/ Development of Solutions
 PLO-4 Investigation
 PLO-5 Modern Tool Usage
 PLO-6 The Engineer and Society
 PLO-7 Environment and Sustainability
 PLO-8 Ethics
 PLO-9 Individual and Team Work
 PLO-10 Communication
 PLO-11 Project Management
 PLO-12 Lifelong Learning

Program Learning Outcome
 This course is designed in conjunction with the following PLOs.
 PLO-9 Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively, as an
individual or in a team, on multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary
 PLO-10 Communication: An ability to communicate Effectively , orally
as well as in writing

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

CLO-1 Explain key concepts of effective communication skills and
Understand complex English language text and gain sound
CLO-2. Present a group speech, covering multiple components of
effective communication skills.
CLO-3. Develop skills to avoid common errors usually made by the
learner of English.
Mapping of CLOs to PLOs and
Learning Domains
Course Learning Program Learning
Outcome Outcome Learning Domain

CLO-1 PLO-10 Cognitive 2

CLO-2 PLO-9 Affective 2

CLO-2 PLO-10 Cognitive 3




Engine Power

Communis is noun word, which means common, and it represents
communiality or sharing.
Similarly, communicare is a verb, which means 'make something
Definition of Communication

Types of Skills
Cognitive skills. This relates to the knowledge base of the
profession, that which characterizes it and sets it apart from
others. Barristers must have knowledge of existing legal
structures, doctors need to understand human anatomy, and
so on.
 Technical skills. These are the specialized practical and
manipulative techniques essential to the profession. Thus, a
surgeon must be able to utilize a surgical tool skillfully, a nurse
has to be able to dress a wound, and a surveyor needs to know
how to use a theodolite.
 Communication skills. Here, the professional must have the
ability to interact. This is essential for every walk of life.

Communication is the means through which we interact with the society.

Communication normally means to communicate a message or letter or

information to another person or persons. However, it is defined as:

• Exchange of information or giving or taking of it.

• A process through which facts, ideas, experiences and emotions are mutually
• The process of sharing of information.

• Any behavior that results in exchange of meaning (American Management

• Exchange of facts, ideas or emotions by two or more persons (Newman and

• Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one

person to another …………. (Keith Davis).

• It is the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. More specifically, it

is the process by which meanings are perceived and understandings are reached

among human beings ………. (D.E Mcfarland).

• It is the process by which information is passed between individuals and / or

organizations by means of previously agreed symbols ………(Peter Little).

• Communication is a dynamic process involving a series of actions and reactions

with a view to achieving a goal………………. (Kavita Tyagi and Padma Misra).

Communication Process
Leagans (1961) defined communication
as the process by which two or more
people exchange ideas, feelings or
impression in ways that each gains a
common understanding of the meaning,
intent and use of message
Basic Function of Communication

Information Function
Command and Instructive Function
Influence or persuasive Function
Integrative Function
Explanation of Communication
 Information Function :
 The basic requirement of adapting and adjusting oneself to the
environment is information.
 There must be some information about what is going on in the
environment which concerns the people.
 The getting or giving information underlies all communication functions,
either directly or indirectly.
 Command and Instructive Function:
 Those who are hierarchically superior, in the family, society or
organization, often intimate communication either for the purpose of
informing their subordinates or for the purpose of telling them, what to
do, how to do, when to doetc. The command and instructive functions of
communication are more observable in formal organization than informal
 Influence or persuasive Function :
 According to Berlo (1960), the sole purpose of
communication is to influence people. Persuasive
function of communication i.e. to influence people
is extremely important for in changing their
behavior in the desirable direction.
 Integrative Function :
 A major function of communication is integration
or of continuously offsetting any disintegration at
the interpersonal or the organizational level. This
helps to maintain individual, societal or
organizational stability.

• Face to face
• Verbal Talks
• Telephone
• TV All those Means through which
• Radio we communicate our views, Facts,
• Written letters Attitudes & Feelings to other
• Fax Message person come under purview of
• Light or Smoke Signals
• Gestures

In short listening, speaking, reading and writing are four means or
components of communication.
• The same may be understood what is intended to be understood.
• To obtain reply / response / feedback, preferably favorable.
• To maintain good relations with communicator.
In business / organizations the communication purposes could
• Personal development
• Business / organizational development
• Solution of problems
• Continuity of Business and its critical analysis
• To make the jobs more effective
• Link between management & work-force
• Link between departments
• Communication / exchange of ideas, messages & experiences
• Means of human contracts and ascertaining feed back
• Achievement of business / organizational goals
• In acquiring knowledge.
• In acquiring information.
• In avoiding mistakes.
• In making correct decisions or planning .
• In contacts / coordination with others.
• In exchanging / acquiring experiences.
• In acquaintance with latest conditions.
• In knowing other's expectations from you.
• In enhancing your confidence.
• In development of self- capabilities.

• Person to person Face to face, reading a letter, phone call

• In a small group Planning, problem solving , making decision
Presenting, bargaining, negotiating agreements
• In a meeting
Writing reports and memos, using notice boards,
• In an organization supervising, managing

Speaking in public on radio or TV, writing for media, public

• Using the mass media
• Others
Training , teaching, entertaining (art and cinema)
• Communication process is a complex process in which all our

senses, experiences and feelings are involved and this is not

merely letters, gestures or words, but a continuous inter-action

between two persons. .

• Our own emotions, feelings, experiences and personal goals also

affect them.
Communication Process
The interpretation is not only for words but it

Face impression
Eye impression
Taping on Floor with Heal of shoes
Beating Desk
Meaning of Communication
A process through indls mutually exchange their ideas,
values, thoughts, feeling and action with one or more
Tfr of Info from sender to the receiver so that it is
understood in right context.
The process of initiating , transmitting and receiving
A means of making the tfr of info productive and good
as well.
A process of sharing the info, ideas and attitude more
• Who Communicates?
A sender
A receiver
• What Do They Communicate?
Messages, codes and meanings
• How Do Message Travels?
Via Channels
How Does This Happen?
It is normally described as a nine step process as follows:-

Sender Receiver
1. Idea 5. Receive Message
2. En-coding 6. Decoding or Interpreting
3. Message 7. Action (No action is also action)
4. Transmission through any medium & route
8. Feed back 9. Follow up
Communication Process
Audience/ Receiver
Sender or communicator is one who starts the process
of communication.
Message :
Information which is relevant to a particular set of
audiences constitutes a message.
A good message should clearly state what to do, how
to do, when to do
He is the person who sends his ideas to another
If a Manager wants to inform his subordinate about
the introduction of new product, he is the sender.
The idea , feeling, suggestion, guide line, orders or any
content which is intended to be communicated is defined as
 It is a process of converting the Idea, thinking or any
component of Message into symbols, Words, actions,
 It is the medium, passage or route through which encoded
message is is passed by the sender to the receiver.
 It may be face to face, Letters, radio. TV. E Mail, in a meeting
through Presentation
 Decoding
 It means translating the encoded message into language understandable to
the Receiver.
 Receiver
 He is the person to whom the message has been sent.
 For example the subordinates are the receiver.
 Feed Back
 It is the response by the receiver.
 It marks the completion of the communication process.
 Noise
 It is the hindrance in the process of Communication
 It reduces the accuracy of communication .
 Causes : Disturbance in the tel lines, An inactive receiver, Improper
decoding of the message
 It constitutes the medium through which information flows
from a sender to one or more receivers.
 Face to face, word of mouth is the simplest and yet one
of the most widely used effective means of
Audience/ Receiver
 The audience or receiver of message is the target of
communication function.
 An audience may consist of a single person or a number
of persons. It may comprise men, women and a child.

Formatting To convert (something, such as a body of

information) from one system of communication
OR into another especially : to convert (a message)
into code

Translation of Idea into Message

Medium in Communication Process
It may be
Printed Words
Electronic Mail
 Siren of Ambulance
 Alarm of Watch
 School Bell
All communicate Certain Messages to
 Horn of Police Petrol the Recipient

• Ideation
• Encoding
• Transmission
• Decoding
• Response
Five Basic Steps of Communication
 Ideation It is formation of the idea or selection of a message to
be communicated. Messages generally have logical and
emotional contents. Logical content consists of factual
information, while emotional content consists of feelings and
 Encoding It is process of changing the information into some
form of logical and coded message. It involves selecting a
language, selecting a medium of communication, and selecting
an appropriate communication forum (i.e. face to face
communication, or group discussion, or written or speaker-
audience communication).
 Transmission It refers to flow of message through a chosen
channel. For communication to be effective, right time, right
place and right method is essential.
 Decoding It is process of converting a message into thoughts
by translating the received stimuli into an interpreted meaning in
order to understand the message communicated. It involves
interpretation and analysis of message.
 Response It is action or reaction to message i.e. feedback.
Formatting the Message
You being Sender must use Symbols that express your
message and create desired response.
A sender may try to choose
Graphics or pictures
This Enables the receiver to understand and react with the
response you desire or expect.
Receiver is influenced by the Context of message
Interpreting the message depends upon
 The mental filter of receiver @
 His /her Experiences
 Physical as well as Emotion and cultural factors
@The receiver decodes, interprets and converts the sender's
message into a thought. When this is complete, they'll
analyse the message and attempt to understand it the way
the sender intended. If they perform the communication
process effectively, the sender and receiver interpret the
same understanding from the transmitted message
Feed Back
Feedback means the response / reply of one’s message.
 Communication cycle completes only when feedback is received.
In other words if there is no feedback, the message / communication is
Particularly in organizations and in business the feedback is most
 In business communication, we want to inspire the
consumers/customers and their feedback will help us to analyze / conclude
and make the right decision.
Example of Feed Back
 In a factory, a foreman receives weekly schedule of production
from the supervisor, like 2000 units are to be produced of job ‘A’ in 20 hours
and 500 of job ‘B’ in 5 hours.
 The supervisor gives feedback after the week.
 If job ‘A’ took 21 hours and job ‘B’ produced 400 units, then their
analysis has to be done to take remedial measures to rectify the production
Noise in Channel/Transmission Process
Anything that Disrupts or interfere the Transmission
process is called as Noise or Barrier to the Comm
Channel Noises can cause disturbance in
Fax Machines and Errors in Typography in E mail
Unclear pronunciation in oral communication
Poor Facial Expression or Poor gestures
Poor selection of channel for xsmn of the message.
General Classification of Communication

On the basis of Expression Method On the basis of Flow of Info On the basis purpose of Org Style

Verbal Non Verbal Vertical Horizonta Diagonal


Oral Written Up-ward Down Ward

Body Language Proximity Sign Language Facial Expression Para Language

Types of Nonverbal Communication
• Body language, Facial Expression,
• Gestures, Postures and Eye Contact etc.

The appearance of person speaks a lot about his personality which
• The way he/she is dressed up
• Accessories Carried away by him etc.

Kinesics is the interpretation of body motion
communication such as facial expressions and
gestures, nonverbal behavior related to movement of
any part of the body or the body as a whole.
Feelings of Emotions
Artifacts are used as Object to convoy different
It reflects the Taste and Choice of a Person
It is used for creating Impression
 Distance maintained by a person while communicating with other tells or
reveals a lot about his/her relationship.

 It is use of Time in communication
 It Tells us about how punctual & Disciplined a man is……..??
 Also how serious the person is regarding any matter.

 Volume, pitch and tone of voice used by the sender to transmit the info is
called as Vocalic

 Use of touch in communication to express
 Emotions
 Feeling and is given the name as Haptics

Haptic communication is a branch of nonverbal
communication that refers to the ways in which
people and animals communicate and interact via
the sense of touch.
Haptics is the study of touching as nonverbal
Touches that can be defined in communication include
handshakes, holding hands, kissing (cheek, lips, hand),
back slap, shoulder pat and brushing arm, etc.
 Each of these give off nonverbal messages as to the
touching person's intentions/feelings.
Example of Hapitics
Haptics – Mother Love to a Baby
Feeling of Emotions
Elms of Communication
The nine elements of communication (Context,
Sender, Encoder, Message, Channel, Decoder,
Receiver, Feedback, and Noise) are essential tools or
components for effective communication between
Explanation of Maj Idea of Comm
Major elements of communication process are: (1)
sender (2) ideas (3) encoding (4) communication
channel (5) receiver (6) decoding and (7) feedback.
Communication may be defined as a process
concerning exchange of facts or ideas between persons
holding different positions in an organization to
achieve mutual harmony.
The communication process is dynamic in nature
rather than a static phenomenon.
The person who intends to convey the message with
the intention of passing information and ideas to
others is known as sender or communicator.
This is the subject matter of the communication.
This may be an opinion, attitude, feelings, views,
orders, or suggestions.
Since the subject matter of communication is theoretical
and intangible, its further passing requires
 Use of certain symbols such as words, actions or
pictures etc.
 Conversion of subject matter into these symbols is the
process of encoding.
The person who is interested in communicating has to
choose the channel for sending the required
information, ideas etc.
This information is transmitted to the receiver
through certain channels.
Receiver is the person who receives the message or for
whom the message is meant for.
 It is the receiver who tries to understand the message
in the best possible manner in achieving the desired
The person who receives the message or symbol from
the communicator tries to convert the same in such a
way so that he may extract its meaning to his complete
Feed Back
Feedback is the process of ensuring that the receiver
has received the message and understood in the same
sense as sender meant it.
Significance of Communication
Acts as a basis of Coordination
Helps in Smooth Working of an
Acts as a basis of decision Making
Increases / Enhances Managerial Efficiency
Improving the Communication Process
Simplify your message:
To ensure the receiver understands and interprets your
message as intended
 Remember to keep your language simple and to the
Keep your audience in mind:
 It's always important to consider the audience that will
receive your message; particularly their needs and
Be an active listener:
Effective communicators know it's important to listen
carefully to what surrounding people are saying.
This ensures they're sending the right message.
Ask questions:
 Ask insightful and engaging questions to keep the
 Active
 Flowing
Take the time to respond:
 Always consider how you might reply to a person so that
you convey your message effectively.
Focus on your body language:
 It's important to be mindful of your body language
 And that of the person you're communicating with,
Maintain eye contact:
Making eye contact with the person or group you're
communicating with will show that you're engaged and
actively listening.
Clarify your message if needed:
If the recipient doesn't interpret your message
 Ensure you clarify it.
 This will help them better understand you and your
communication process.

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