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Ethical Issues in Blended

Blended learning, which combines traditional face-to-face instruction with
online learning, presents several ethical challenges. These challenges can be
grouped into various categories such as intellectual property rights, privacy
and confidentiality, accessibility, and appropriate use of technology. Below
is a summary of the key ethical issues in blended learning.
Intellectual Property Rights

Copyright Infringement:
With the digitization of educational materials, there is an
increased risk of copyright infringement. Teachers and
students may share materials online without proper
attribution or permission, exacerbating intellectual
property issues​​.
Intellectual Property Rights

Moral and Economic Rights:

Academic authors are concerned with protecting their
moral rights (being acknowledged as the creator) and
economic rights (receiving compensation for their work).
The ease of copying and distributing digital content
makes it harder to control and protect these rights​
Privacy and Confidentiality

The internet offers both Comments made online are

anonymity and visibility, which MESSAGE CONFIDENTIALITY:
persistent and can be seen by
can lead to ethical dilemmas. a wide audience. A
Students might engage in thoughtless remark can lead
behavior online that they to significant negative
wouldn’t consider in a face-to- Online communications, consequences, including
face setting. Ensuring a such as forum posts and
respectful and safe online misunderstandings and
emails, should be treated as escalated conflicts​
environment is crucial​​.
confidential. Using students'
messages in course
assignments or research
without consent can infringe
on their privacy​
Accessibility and Digital Divide

Access to Technology:
Support for Disabled Students:

Not all students have equal access to

technology. Some may lack the necessary Blended learning can be both an
hardware, software, or internet opportunity and a barrier for disabled
connectivity, which can hinder their ability students. Institutions must ensure that
to participate fully in blended learning. online learning platforms are accessible to
This digital divide can exacerbate existing all students, including those with
inequalities disabilities​
Appropriate Use of Health and Safety
Technology Extended use of computers and digital
devices can have health implications,
such as eye strain or repetitive strain
injuries. Institutions should provide
guidance on safe use practices to avoid
Netiquette and Online Conduct these issues​
Clear guidelines for appropriate online
behavior (netiquette) are essential.
These guidelines should cover issues
like respectful communication,
appropriate content sharing, and the use
of institution’s networks and resources
for educational purposes only

By addressing these ethical issues proactively,

institutions can create a more equitable, respectful, and
effective blended learning environment. Ensuring proper
training, clear policies, and ongoing support for both
students and staff are key steps in managing these ethical

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