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Present Simple

• David Watches Tv every night.

• She reads a book once a week.

• They play tennis on Saturdays.

• We eat lunch at noon.

• What time do you wake up every morning?

• Do they like to travel during holidays?

• Does he speak spanish fluently?

• Do you listen to music while working?

Present Perfect Simple

• He has already finished his work.

• They have never visited Europe.

• Have you ever tried sushi?

• Has he ever done yoga?

• They have already visited the Grand Canyon.

• Has she ever swum in the ocean?

• Have you ever sung karaoke?

• They have not visited Asia yet.


• One of my favourites movies is Romeo and Juliet that was written and directed by Williams Shakespeare.

• I like la Gioconda paint by Leonardo Da Vinci.

• I like the rock music Maria Magdalena was composed by Sandra

• I love all the pictures by Vincent Van Gogh.

• Last year I bought my car by Myself.

• I am hearing the best music by The Beatles.

Possessive pronouns

• Pedrito is one of Julio’s nieces. Pedrito is a niece of Julio. Pedrito is a niece of hers. He is one of my
roomie. He is a roomie of mine.

• This is my computer. It’s Robert’s Computer. Yours is over there!

Possesive Pronouns
• Look at this picture. These are my daughters. Theirs names are Jane and Laura.

• John was born in Bristol. But his father was born in Manchester.

• I want to go to a Rihanna concert. I really like hers.

• I don’t have my mobile pone. Can I use yours?

• We need help. Can you help us?

• Carla and Ned have a really nice car. I love their car.

• This T-shirt is not mine. Is it yours?

• I am going to see the Rolling Stones. Do you like them?

Quantify & Qualify

• I have a hat in my room.

• I have a few posters in my room.

• I have a few papercrafts in my desktop.

• I have a lot of coins in my wallet.

• I have a few cups in my dektop.

• I have a Little of oil in my kitchen.

• My father has a Little of green makeup in her dresser.

• I have a bit of time to learn English.

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