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Conjunctive Adverbs



Conjunctive adverb adalah adverb (kata keterangan) yang dapat menghubungkan dengan
logis dua independent clauses.


o The weather is beautiful today; therefore, I think I’ll ride my bike to the beach.

o The vaccine was created; in summary, cases of the virus decreased.

Jenis Conjunctive Adverbs

Conjunctive adverb ditambahkan untuk menghubungkan dua independent clauses secara

logis. Hubungan yang dibangun antara lain:

 addition (penambahan)

 contrast / comparison (pertentangan / perbandingan)

 result / cause-effect (hasil / sebab-akibat)

Jenis Conjunctive Adverbs

 time / time sequence (waktu / tahapan waktu)

 emphasis (penekanan)

 summary (ringkasan)
Jenis Conjunctive Adverb Contoh Conjunctive Adverb

Addition (Penambahan) •furthermore
•in addition

•in spite of
Contrast / Comparison •nevertheless
(Pertentangan / Perbandingan) •instead
•on the other hand
Jenis Conjunctive Adverb Contoh Conjunctive Adverb
•as a result
Result / Cause and Effect •consequently
(Hasil / Sebab dan Akibat) •so

•at last
Time / Time Squence •at the same time
(Waktu / Urutan Waktu) •finally
Jenis Conjunctive Adverb Contoh Conjunctive Adverb

•of course
Emphasis (Penekanan)

•in conclusion
Summary (Ringkasan) •in summary
Contoh dalam Kalimat
1. Bob loved Mary with all his heart; however, he knew he could not be with
her. (contrast)

2. I cleaned my room; then I went to the store. (time)

3. Jack wants a toy car for his birthday. Meanwhile, Jill wants a dollhouse for
her birthday. (time)
Contoh dalam Kalimat
4. I was up all night and therefore I fell asleep at my desk. (result)

5. Tia was my classmate at school; also, she was my neighbor. (addition)


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