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Ren’Py ‘Grooming’

By Sophie Milner, Alicia Rollo and Claire Ljubic

LEarning Intention and success
LI: To create an interactive resource that creates a digital solution to online grooming.

SC: We can create a game that highlights the dangers of grooming that is appropriate
to a primary school audience.
Technology used to create the
Ren’Py- Ren’Py is a free program used to help you use word, images and sounds and
coding to tell interactive stories. The program enabled us a group to create a simple
animated ‘game’ focusing on the topic of grooming.This was the main technology
involved with creating the artefact.

Lunapic- Lunapic is an online platform that enables users to upload, edit and share
different pictures. We utilised Lunapic to make transparent background to create an
efficient and more engaging game for viewers.
Technology used to create the
artefact. Cont.

We utilised and incorporated paint by altering the images of the characters and initial expressions from the
internet where appropriate for each scene.

Google Images -

Our character images were sourced through Google Images where we ensured the games we chose were
appropriate for each characters.

We used Audacity as an open source digital audio editor. We recorded specific lines of what characters said in
our game where we could alter the voice to suit characters.
Unit at a Glance
Unit at a Glance
Step by Step Guide to building our

Image sourced from

Step by step guide- Investigating
● Create a mind map to brainstorm ideas
about what information would create a
solution to the issue of grooming.
● Exploring what programs could be used to
create a decision-making game.
● Discovering what resources were already
available on the internet to solve the issue.
Step by step guide-
● Discovered the Ren’Py program and
generated ideas as to how the program
could be used.
● Created an action plan.
● Decided on a decision-making based
game to help users discover the dangers
of grooming.
● Created our criteria for the task.
● Created a ‘storyboard’.
Step by step guide- Producing
● Learning how to use
coding and scripting.
● Using Audacity and
Lunapic software.
● Adding in our own voice
● Troubleshooting.
● Adding script and creating
Step by step guide- Producing.
Step by step guide- Producing.
Step by step guide- Producing.
Step by step guide- Evaluating
● Comparison of the program to the criteria in the SLG (including criteria specific to
the technology).
● Playing the game to discover what was done well and what could be improved.
● Evaluating how well the program created a digital solution to the outlined
Step by step guide- Planning and
● Outlining and planning the production steps needed to produce Ren’Py (A.K.A- this
step by step guide from the presentation).
● Creating a digital guide to all of the technologies used in the creation of the Ren’Py
program (Lunapic, Ren’Py, Audacity).
● Deep reflection of the action plan.
Utilizing Ren’Py in the classroom
● We carefully considered the audience for using Ren’py and playing our game. Based
on our topic we aimed the game at a year 5 and 6 level.
● Although our artefact involved online gaming Ren’py can be used in the classroom
for digital storytelling as well as online gaming.
● Explores the digital capabilities of coding,scripting, animating and cybersafety.
● A great ‘engage’ artefact to demonstrate to students what they can achieve as a
creator rather than just a consumer.
● Getting students to think about their digital footprint and stranger danger.
We were able to successfully use Ren’py to create our online interactive game with the use of:

● Coding
● scripting
● Animating

We developed a deeper understanding of how digital technologies could be utilized to create a digital solution to grooming.

Problem-solving with technology.

Learning the skills to be able to teach students to become 21st century learners.
Artefact embedded into the
Digital Technologies- Level 5 & 6

Data and Information - Plan, create and communicate ideas, information and online collaborative projects, applying agreed
ethical, social and technical protocols (VCDTDI029)

Creating Digital Solutions - Develop digital solutions as simple visual programs (VCDTCD033)

Creating Digital Solutions - Explain how student-developed solutions and existing information systems meet current and
future community and sustainability needs (VCDTCD034)

Creating Digital Solutions - Design, modify and follow simple algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English,
involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration(VCDTCD032)
Artefact embedded into the
Design and Technology- Level 5 & 6

Investigating- Critique needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate materials, components, tools, equipment and
processes to achieve intended designed solutions (VCDSCD038)

Generating- Generate, develop, communicate and document design ideas and processes for audiences using appropriate
technical terms and graphical representation techniques (VCDSCD039)

Processing- Apply safe procedures when using a variety of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to
produce designed solutions (VCDSCD040)

Evaluating- Negotiate criteria for success that include consideration of environmental and social sustainability to evaluate
design ideas, processes and solutions (VCDSCD041)

Planning and managing- Develop project plans that include consideration of resources when making designed solutions
Artefact embedded into the
English- Level 5 & 6

Creating texts- Use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit and publish written text,
and select, edit and place visual, print and audio elements (VCELY332)

Creating texts- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive print and multimodal texts, choosing text
structures, language features, images and sound appropriate to purpose and audience (VCELY329)

Creating texts- Reread and edit own and others’ work using agreed criteria for text structures and language features
References & resources used for
creating our artefact
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2019). The Victorian Curriculum F–10. Retrieved May 13, 2019, from
Victorian Curriculum Foundation-10:

Australian Institute of Criminology. (2008, April). Online child grooming laws.

Retrieved June 4, 2019, from Australian Government: Australian Institute of
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children. (2017). Online Grooming of
Children for Sexual Purposes: Model Legislation & Global Review. (1st).
Retrieved June 4, 2019, from
Winters, G. M., & Jeglic, E. L. (2016). Stages of Sexual Grooming: Recognizing Potentially Predatory Behaviors of Child
Molesters. Deviant Behaviour, 38(6), 724-733. Retrieved June 2, 2019, from
References & resources used for
creating our artefact
What is grooming, what are the signs and how to protect children-

Online grooming warning signs, what to do and when police assistance is required-

Help for parents-

Teaching kids to recognise grooming-

Grooming lesson plan resource for teachers-

Collaborative resource to plan for the artefact-
References & resources used for
creating our artefact
Download link for Ren’Py

Video on how to create a Ren’Py game and using animation

Video outlining the basics for using Ren’Py

Software useful for quizzing students knowledge on the topic-
Photo editing program-

Transparent PNG generator-

Audio editing program-

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