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Submitted By

Name : Ordha Nafiz Akbar

Submitted To

Name : Md. Assaduzzaman


Shift and Rotate Instruction 2

Table of Contents
● Introduction of Smart Card
● Smart Card Component
● Types of Smart Card
● Usage of Smart card

Shift and Rotate Instruction 3

What is
Samart Card?

Physical authentication device.
Used to control access to a resource.

”5 Smart Identification 5
Smart Card Components
- Have inexpensive 8 bit
- High end cards contain 16 or 32
bit processor.

Smart Identification 6
● Cryptographic Coprocessor
- Increase the performance of cryptographic operation.

- Store information, contain card OS and some

Smart Identification 7
- Keeps the data as long as the card powered.

- Used for permanent storage of data.
- Allow storing additional application code or specific
Smart Identification 8
● IOS 7816
- Basic smart card standard
- Standard details physical , electrical, mechanical and
programing properties of the smart card.

Smart Identification 9
Types of Smart Card
● Contact Smart Card
● Contactless Smart Card
● Hybrid Smart Card
● Memory smart Card
● Microprocessor Smart Card

Smart Identification 10
Contact Smart Card
● Using physical connection.
● Example – ATM card, Network Security.

Contactless Smart Card

● Using radio frequency identification.
● Example – student identification, electric passport.

Smart Identification 11
Usage of Smart Card
● ATM cards, debit cards and credit card.
● To verify identification
● Cashless payment program
● Time and attendance tracking
● Computer and network security
● Mobile Communication.

Smart Identification 12
You Smart Identification 13

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