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Course by Remy Morris

How living things are scientifically classified
In this course, we’ll learn how all living
things are classified into one of seven
groups (or “kingdoms”) according to their
common characteristics.

course title
course outline

Lesson 02
Lesson 03
Lesson 04
Lesson 05

The seven How living things Deeper How genetic The future: beyond
kingdoms of nature are grouped into classification research impacts the seven kingdoms
kingdoms (getting to species) classification

The seven kingdoms of nature
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One-Day Capacity Building Program for
Teachers on Environmental Science
Ice-Breaker Activity
• Please pair up with someone you don't know.
• Introduce yourselves and share one interesting fact about why you are
passionate about teaching Environmental Science.
• You have 5 minutes for this activity.
• 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: - Welcome address and introduction to the objectives of the training session.
• Understanding Environmental Science**
• - Session 1: Key Concepts and CBSE Syllabus Overview**
• - Overview of essential topics in Environmental Science as per CBSE curriculum.
• - Discussion on integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into teaching.
Mor • 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM: Teaching Methodologies and Resources**
• - **Session 2: Innovative Teaching Methods**

ning • - Introduction to effective teaching methodologies: case studies, role plays, and hands-on activities.
• - Demonstration of using multimedia and online resources for teaching Environmental Science.

• 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Practical Applications and Group Activities**
• - **Session 3: Practical Applications**
• - Conducting environmental experiments and field activities.

After • - Group discussions on local environmental issues and solutions.

• **3:15 PM - 4:30 PM: Assessment Strategies and Q&A**

• - **Session 4: Assessment Techniques and Feedback**
• - Designing effective assessments for Environmental Science.
• - Q&A session to address queries and concerns from participants.


• 1. Title Slide
• 2. Ice-Breaker Activity
Index • 3. Introduction
• 4. Morning Session
• 5. Importance of Environmental Science
• 6. CBSE Environmental Science Curriculum
• 7. Teaching Strategies
• 8. Afternoon Session
• 9. Integrating Technology
• 10. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
• 11. Assessing Students
• 12. Challenges and Solutions
• 13. Resources for Teachers
Morning Session (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Understanding
Environmental Science

• Objectives:
• - Enhance understanding of Environmental Science
• - Align with CBSE curriculum
• - Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

• Agenda:
• - Importance of Environmental Science
• - Teaching strategies
• - Integrating technology
Importance of Environmental Science
• Definition and Scope:
• - Environmental Science is the study of the natural world and the
interactions between living and non-living things.

• Relevance:
• - It addresses critical issues like climate change, pollution, and
biodiversity loss.

• Connection to 17 SDGs:
• - Environmental Science plays a crucial role in achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
CBSE Environmental Science Curriculum
• Key Topics:
• - Ecosystems, natural resources, pollution, and sustainable

• Learning Objectives:
• - Understanding environmental issues and developing critical thinking
skills to find solutions.

• Activity: Curriculum Mapping

• - Work in pairs to map these key topics to your current teaching
curriculum. Share your findings with the group.
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Tea/Coffee Break

10:45 AM - 12:30 PM: Teaching
Methodologies and Resources

Teaching Strategies
• Interactive Methods:
• - Group activities, discussions, and hands-on experiments.

• Engagement:
• - Encouraging critical thinking through field trips and practical

• Activity: Strategy Brainstorm

• - In groups, brainstorm interactive teaching strategies you've used or
would like to try. Write them on sticky notes and place them on a
board for everyone to see.
Afternoon Session (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM)
Role of Digital Resources:
- Utilizing online videos, simulations, and virtual labs.

Useful Apps and Tools:

- Enhancing teaching and learninga effectiveness.
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Virtual Labs:
- Providing a safe environment for controlled experiments.

Activity: Tech Demo

- Demonstrate one educational app or tool that you find effective
in teaching Environmental Science.

Participants can follow along or ask questions.

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
Projects and
- Focus on sustainability within the school community.

- Enhancing environmental responsibility among

Examples: - Initiatives like school gardens, recycling programs,

and conservation efforts.

Activity: Project
- Plan a small sustainability project you can implement
at your school. Share your project plan with the group.
Assessing Students
Assessment Constructive Effective
Methods: Feedback: Evaluation:
• - Using quizzes, • Providing • Assessing the • Peer Review
projects, and essential application of • Create a quick
practical exams feedback for knowledge in assessment tool
to evaluate student real-world (quiz or project)
knowledge. improvement. scenarios. and exchange it
with another
participant for
Challenges and Solutions
• Common Challenges:
• - Limited resources, lack of awareness, resistance to change.

• Practical Solutions:
• - Best practices to overcome challenges in teaching Environmental

• Sharing Experiences:
• - Learning from insights and experiences of fellow educators.
Resources for Teachers
• Professional Development:
• - Continuous improvement through workshops and training.

• Useful Resources:
• - Websites, journals, online courses for ongoing learning.

• Collaboration:
• - Sharing resources and ideas among teachers for mutual benefit.

• Activity: Resource Exchange

Q&A Session
• Open Discussion:
• - Invite questions and discussions from participants.

• Sharing Experiences:
• - Encourage sharing of ideas and experiences related to
Environmental Science teaching.

• Addressing Concerns:
• - Respond to queries and concerns raised by participants.
• Summary:
• - Recap of key points discussed: Importance of Environmental
Science, CBSE curriculum alignment, effective teaching strategies,
sustainability initiatives, assessment methods, and available resources.

• Thank You:
• - Express gratitude for participation and engagement.

• Further Support:
• - Provide contact information for additional support or inquiries.
CBSE Circular 1: Mission Life Style for
Environment (LiFE)
• Mission LiFE:
• - Promotes mindful utilization of resources.

• Incorporate into Classroom Activities:

• - Encourage discussions and projects related to Mission LiFE.

• Sharing Ideas:
• - Foster sharing of ideas and experiences among educators.
CBSE Circular 2: Virtual Laboratories
• Virtual Labs:
• - Discuss the role of virtual labs as a quality education tool.

• Enhancing Teaching:
• - Conduct hands-on sessions and discussions using virtual labs.

• Integration into Lessons:

• - Incorporate virtual labs into regular teaching practices effectively.
SDG Goals Overview
• 17 SDGs:
• - Overview of the Sustainable Development Goals.

• Matching Activity:
• - Align SDGs with Environmental Science curriculum topics.

• Discussion and Sharing:

• - Facilitate discussion on integrating SDGs into teaching practices.
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• Incorporating SDGs:
• - Strategies for integrating SDGs into Environmental Science lessons.

• Mini-lesson Plan:
• - Create a brief lesson plan focusing on one SDG.

• Presentation and Discussion:

• - Present and discuss SDG-based lesson plans among participants.
Circular 42/2019
• [Include the contents from the file `42_Circular_2019.pdf`]
Circular 81/2023
• [Include the contents from the file `81_Circular_2023.pdf`]
Topic 1: The animal kingdom​

Topic 2: The plant kingdom​

Topic 3: The fungi kingdom​

Topic 4: The chromista & protista kingdoms

Topic 5: The bacteria & archaea kingdoms

course title 0
topic 1
The animal kingdom

Animals have these traits in common:​

Multicellular Heterotrophic Aerobic Sexual Mobile

They have two or They feed on other They need oxygen They need a partner They are able to
more cells living things to breathe to reproduce move from place to

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topic 2
The plant kingdom

Multicellular Autotrophic Aerobic Immobile

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topic 3
The fungi kingdom

Mushrooms + lichen​ Yeasts Molds

• Multicellular • Unicellular • Unicellular

• Heterotrophic • Eukaryotic • Heterotrophic

• Aerobic • Aerobic • Aerobic — but can survive

extremely low oxygen levels
• Spore reproduction • Asexual reproduction
through mitosis • Spore reproduction

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topic 4

• Includes algae and seaweeds

The chromista & protista
• Either multi- or unicellular
• Autotrophic: Creating their own food
through photosynthesis


• Includes amoebas and diatoms

• Unicellular

• Unable to be classified as an animal, plant,

or fungus

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topic 5
The bacteria & archaea
Bacteria and archaea throughout the ages
50% Bacteria
Proterozioc Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic

course title
lesson summary

• The seven kingdoms of nature are animals (animalia), plants (plantae), fungi, chromista, protozoa, arachea,
and bacteria.
• The number of recognized kingdoms has grown over time, from 2 in 1735, to 5 in 1969, to 7 in 2015. As we learn more, this number
might grow.
• Viruses are not currently included in any kingdom of nature.

course title
course progress
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

Reading complete Jan 7 Jan 21 Feb 4 Feb 18 March 4

Coursework done Jan 14 Jan 28 Feb 11 Feb 25 March 14

Test date Jan 17 Jan 31 Feb 17 Feb 28 March 17

course title
Remy Morris

contact info 206-555-0146

course title

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