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 HRM is the process of recruiting, selecting, including employees, providing orientation,
imparting training and development, Appraising the performance of employees, motivating
employees and maintaining proper relationship with employees and their trade.
 It is the combined aspects of acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of all the
employees involve in an organization to ensure better productivity and performance in order to
achieve an organization predetermined objectives.
 The main objectives of human resource management is to develop effective coordination and
communication within the organization and it also dedicate time to find the right staff at right
place on right time and developing their skills base.
1) Acquisition: The acquisition begins with human resource planning. It includes the recruitment,
selection, placement and socialization of employees. It affects the development, motivation and
maintenance functions.
2) Development function: It is composed of three major elements they are:
a) Employee training: Emphasizes skills development and the changing attitudes among
workers. It also helps to familiarize employee with prevailing working system.
b) Management development: Focuses on acquiring knowledge and enhancement of manager
conceptual abilities.
c) Career development: Focuses towards continued affects to match long term individual and
organizational needs.
3) Motivational function: It is the act of encouraging someone to perform any kind of task at
their level best to achieve their motive. It begins with the recognition that all individual is unique
and different who requires different motivation technique. It contains elements like job
evaluation, rewards etc.
4) Maintenance functions: It is highly concerned with providing proper worming conditions i.e.
(Physical and Psychological) These conditions create positive employee attitude which is
necessary in order to maintain their commitment to the organization. It ensures better

HRM is a process of bringing people and organization together so that the goals and objectives of
each are achieved. HRM is a part of business strategy as HR leaders help bring their deep people
insights to ensure talent priorities are given adequate importance as a part of the business
strategy. They are the one responsible to execute the organization predetermined plans well to
meet their targeted goals or objectives. Moreover, it also creates ways to attract the top talent,
drive engagement and enhance capabilities.

 The acquisition of staff refers to the process of obtaining and bringing new employees into an
organization. It involves various activities aimed at identifying, attracting, selecting, and hiring
individuals who possess the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to meet the
organization's workforce needs.
 Acquisition of staff typically begins with human resource planning, which involves the
estimating of demand and supplies of manpower. Acquisition component also includes the
recruitment (both internal and external), selection, placement and socialization.

 In the context of Human Resource Management (HRM), "employ" refers to the act of utilizing or
deploying specific practices, strategies, or resources within the HRM function of an
organization. It signifies the implementation or application of various approaches to effectively
manage and support the organization's workforce.

 When referring to "not employ" in the context of Human Resource Management (HRM), it
typically means the absence or exclusion of certain practices or strategies within the HRM
function of an organization. It implies that specific approaches or methods are not utilized or
implemented within the HRM processes.
 An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order
to achieve the goals of an organization. In other words, Organizational structure is the method
by which work flows through an organization and allows groups to work together within their
individual functions to manage tasks.
 In the context of Human Resource Management (HRM), the organizational structure refers to
the framework or arrangement of roles, responsibilities, and relationships within an
organization. It defines how the HRM function is positioned and how HR activities and
processes are organized and managed. The choice of organizational structure in HRM depends
on factors such as the organization's size, complexity, geographical dispersion, industry, and
strategic goals.
 Job analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the content
and the human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in which jobs are
performed. This process is used to determine placement of jobs. Specific internal
approval processes will be determined by the unit’s organizational leadership.
 Job analysis is the process of understanding a particular job role requirement along
with the key skills, roles, responsibilities, workplace processes, organizational
hierarchy. Job analysis involves collecting job related information and highlighting the
basic requirements needed by an employee to successfully fulfill the role & profile in
order to achieve the goals & objectives set by the company.
Job analysis is a critical part of recruiting a person for a particular role. It is an important way to
ensure that the right candidate is selected to deliver the right output.
 A good job analysis helps in understanding the following:
1. Who can perform the job?
2. When and where the job has to be done?
3. What qualifications, skills, work experience etc are required?
 Identify: Identify the need of having a job analysis for a particular goal the company is looking
for to achieve through this role.
 Study: Study the best possible methods to extract maximum information related to the job,
responsibilities etc.
 Understand: Understanding the key parameters to be captured i.e. job requirements, context,

 Interview: Interviewing employees helps in understanding the challenges, difficulties,

emotional requirements etc.
 Observation: Attributes like workplace environment, physical activities, techniques & skills can
all be covered by simply observing existing or similar jobs.

 Selection criteria help organizations and job applicants understand what is expected from a
person in a specific position, and help to determine whether an applicant is a good fit for that
 Selection criteria represent the key qualifications, training, abilities, knowledge, personal
attributes, skills and experience that a person must have in order to do a job effectively.
 Remuneration and rewards refer to the compensation and benefits provided to employees in
exchange for their work and performance within an organization. These components are
essential for attracting and retaining talented individuals, motivating employees, and ensuring
their job satisfaction.
 Salary or Wages, bonuses, benefits like health services and retirement plans, training, etc. are
some of the aspects of remuneration and rewards.
 It is important for organizations to design a comprehensive remuneration and rewards strategy
that aligns with their business objectives, values, and the needs of their workforce.

There are various recruitment sources that organizations can use to attract and hire qualified
candidates. These sources can be broadly categorized into two types: internal sources and
external sources. Let's explore each of them:

1.Internal Job Postings: Posting job vacancies within the organization to allow current
employees to apply and be considered for promotion or transfer opportunities.
2.Employee Referrals: Encouraging employees to refer suitable candidates from their network
who might be a good fit for open positions.
3.Talent Management Programs: Identifying high-potential employees within the organization
and grooming them for future leadership or specialized roles.

1.Social Media: Leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share
job postings and engage with potential applicants.
2.Employee Poaching: Actively seeking out and recruiting talented individuals from competitor
3.Recruitment Agencies: Collaborating with recruitment agencies or headhunters who
specialize in sourcing and screening candidates for specific roles.
An employment contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee
that outlines the terms and conditions of the employment relationship. It establishes the rights,
responsibilities, and obligations of both parties involved. Employment contracts typically cover
various aspects, including:
1.Job Position and Description: The contract specifies the position the employee will hold within
the company and outlines the scope of their responsibilities and duties.
2.Compensation and Benefits: It outlines the agreed-upon salary or wage, payment frequency,
and any additional benefits or perks the employee is entitled to, such as health insurance,
retirement plans, vacation days, or bonuses.
3.Work Hours and Schedule: The contract states the expected working hours, whether it's full-
time or part-time, and the days or shifts the employee is required to work.
4.Duration and Termination: It defines the duration of the employment, whether it's for a fixed
term or indefinite, and specifies the notice period required by both parties in case of termination
or resignation.
5.Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: Employment contracts often include clauses to protect
sensitive company information and trade secrets, restricting employees from disclosing or using
such information for personal gain.
6.Intellectual Property: If the employee's work involves creating intellectual property (e.g.,
inventions, designs, software), the contract may address the ownership and rights related to
those creations.
7.Dispute Resolution: The contract may include provisions for resolving disputes, such as
through arbitration or mediation, to avoid litigation.

Maintenance Orientation and Induction refer to the process of introducing and familiarizing new
employees with the maintenance department and its operations within an organization. It is
designed to provide essential information, tools, and resources to ensure a smooth transition into
the maintenance role and maximize their effectiveness in performing their job duties. Here's an
overview of maintenance orientation and induction:
 Purpose and Overview: The orientation session begins by explaining the purpose and
importance of maintenance within the organization. It provides an overview of the
department's goals, functions, and its contribution to overall business operations.
 Introduction to the Team: New employees are introduced to the maintenance team members,
supervisors, and key personnel they will be working with. This helps foster a sense of belonging
and encourages positive working relationships.
 Safety and Security: Safety protocols and procedures are emphasized during the orientation.
This includes information on personal protective equipment (PPE), emergency procedures,
hazard identification, and reporting mechanisms. The importance of maintaining a safe working
environment is highlighted.
 Equipment and Tools: New employees are introduced to the equipment, machinery, and tools
commonly used in the maintenance department. They are provided with basic training on their
proper usage, maintenance, and safety considerations.
 Maintenance Procedures and Policies: The orientation covers the organization's maintenance
procedures and policies. This includes guidelines for reporting and documenting maintenance
tasks, work order systems, preventive maintenance processes, and any specific protocols
related to the organization's assets.
 Training and Skill Development: If there are any specific training programs or certifications
required for the maintenance role, these are discussed during the induction. Employees may be
informed about upcoming training sessions or opportunities for professional development.
 Motivation mechanism is an internal system to stimulate motivation, encourage behavior, and arouse the
enthusiasm to reach or keep people active.
Nature of Motivation:

1. It is internal feeling.
Motivation is a psychological phenomenon which is generated by the mind wherein he feels that
he is lacking something. It includes the urge, drive, desire or need of human being which are internal and
influence human behavior.
2. It is related to needs.
The starting point of motivation is the need which is still unfulfilled. In order to motivate a person,
we have to understand his needs that are not yet satisfied.
3. It produce Goal-oriented behavior
A goal is anything which will alleviate a need and reduce a drive. An individual behavior is directed
toward a goal. For example, a promotion in the job maybe given to the employee with the objective of
improving his performance.
 Optimum utilization of factor of production

Effective utilization of all the other factors of production like equipment, machinery,
finance etc. depends on the manpower of the organization. If the manpower is motivated enough
to give his best to the processes, optimum result is to be attained.
 Good work and Industrial relationship

A motivated worker is satisfied with his work and happy with his quality of life.
Motivated workers share a healthy relationship among themselves and with the organization.
There will be less friction between management and staff.
 Sense of Loyalty

A motivated employee feels a sense of belonging to the organization. Since the

organization takes care of the mental, emotional and financial needs of the employees serving
the organization to the best of their capabilities comes naturally to them.
 Definition

Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of individual with respect to their

performance. In other words, Performance appraisal means deciding the value of work done by
an individual.
1. Know employee performance
Appraisals are helping tool to create and maintain a satisfactory level of performance by
employee to their present job. Appraisal also helps Employer to get the information regarding
the employees' performance according to which changes can be made.
2. Employee development
The appraisal may highlight needs and opportunities for growth and development of the
staff. Growth may be accomplished by self-study, formal training courses or job-related activities.
In other words, the result of performance appraisal helps to identify strength and weakness areas
of employees.
3. Wage and salary treatment
Many organizations relate the size and frequency of pay increase to the rating assigned
to the employee in the performance appraisal. In other words, it is the general practice of the
organization to pay wage and salary according to the performance output.
1. Establish performance standard
Process of evaluation begins with establishment of performance standard. The standard
should be clear enough to be understood. This standard should be discussed with the supervisor
to find out the necessary requirement of a job.
2. Communicate the expected performance to employee
The next step is to communicate these standards to the employee. By doing so
employee would not find it difficult to guess what is expected of them.
3. Measure the actual Performance
To determine what actual performance is, it is necessary to acquire information about it.
We should be concerned with how we measure and what we measure. Measurement of the
performance of the employee helps to find out the contribution of the employee towards the
4. Compare actual with standard.
After measuring the actual performance, it is compared with the standard performance. It
helps to find out that whether the required output is obtained or not. On the basis of this
comparison further process is carried on.
5. Discuss the appraisal with employee
At the next stage, the results of appraisal are discussed with the employees. In this activity
good points, weak points, and difficulties are included. Again, it should be discussed with the
jobholder so that performance is improved.
6. Initiate Corrective Action
The final step is the initiation of corrective action when necessary. Immediate corrective
action can be of two types. One is immediate and deals mainly with symptoms. The other is basic
and deals into causes. This step helps the employer to achieve the required goal.
Termination refers to the end of an employment relationship between an employee and an
organization. It occurs when the employer decides to permanently separate the employee from
their job. Termination can happen for various reasons, such as poor performance, misconduct,
redundancy, or when an employee resigns voluntarily. It involves the finalization of all
employment-related matters, including the cessation of job responsibilities, payment of final
wages, and the return of any company property.

 Voluntary Resignation: This happens when an employee chooses to leave their job willingly.
They may have found another job opportunity, decided to pursue further education, or have
personal reasons for leaving.
 Retirement: When an employee reaches a certain age or completes a designated period of
service, they may choose to retire and end their employment with the organization.
 Termination for Cause: This occurs when an employee's behavior or performance falls below
acceptable standards or violates company policies. It can result from misconduct, repeated
 Layoff/Redundancy: In certain situations, an organization may have to reduce its workforce
due to financial constraints, technological changes, or restructuring. Employees may be
terminated through layoffs or redundancies, which are typically non-performance-based
 Contract Expiration: Some employees work on fixed-term contracts that automatically
terminate upon the completion of the agreed-upon period. These contracts define the duration
of employment, and once the contract ends, the employment relationship concludes.
 Mutual Agreement: Sometimes, both the employer and the employee agree to terminate the
employment relationship through mutual consent. This can happen for various reasons, such as
a change in job requirements, a mismatch in expectations, or a desire for career advancement.
 Employment laws: These laws govern various aspects of the employment relationship, such as
minimum wage, working hours, overtime pay, and leave entitlements. They ensure that
employees are fairly compensated for their work and are provided with certain rights and
 Anti-discrimination laws: These laws prohibit discrimination in the workplace based on factors
such as race, gender, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. They promote equal
opportunities and fair treatment for all employees.
 Health and safety regulations: These regulations require employers to provide a safe and
healthy work environment for their employees. They cover areas such as workplace hazards,
safety training, equipment maintenance, and emergency procedures.
 Privacy laws: These laws protect employees' personal information and require organizations to
handle employee data with confidentiality and security. They often govern the collection,
storage, and use of employee data, such as payroll information or medical records.
 Labor relations laws: These laws regulate the relationship between employers and labor
unions, including collective bargaining, union representation, and the right to strike. They
ensure that employees have the right to organize and negotiate terms and conditions of

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