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Bapuji Educational Association ®



Internship Presentation
Applied Computer Vision with Raspberry Pi

Shrinivas Raju Umachagi
USN: 4BD21EC097

Mrs. Poornima G N Dr.G S Sunitha


Internship Guide Program Coordinator

Table of Contents
1. Institute Vision and Mission
2. Department Vision and Mission
3. Course Learning Objectives(CLOs)
4. Work carried out in first week
5. Work carried out in second week
6. Work carried out in third week
7. Work carried out in fourth week
8. Reflection(Main Project)
9. Conclusion
Institute Vision: To be a center of excellence recognized
nationally and internationally, in distinctive areas of engineering
education and research, based on a culture of innovation and

Institute Mission: BIET contributes to the growth and

development of its students by imparting a broad based
engineering education and empowering them to be successful in
their choosen field by inculcating in them positive approach,
leadership qualities and ethical values.

Department Vision

To be in the forefront in providing quality technical education and research in

Electronics and Communication Engineering to produce skilled professionals to
cater to the challenges of the society.

Department Mission
M1. To facilitate the students with a profound technical knowledge through effective
teaching and learning process for a successful career.

M2. To impart quality education to strengthen students to meet the industry standards
and to face confidently the challenges in the program.

M3. To develop the essence of innovation and research among students and faculty by
providing infrastructure and a conducive environment.

M4. To inculcate the student community with ethical values, communication skills,
leadership qualities, entrepreneurial skills and lifelong learning to meet the societal

This course will enable us to:

 Enhance communication skills, teamwork capabilities and develop

professional behavior
 Learn, understand and sharpen the real time technical / managerial skills
required at the job
 Expose to the current technological development relevant to the
subject area of training
 Use Internship experience to develop themselves available to
industry for employment.
 Expose students to the engineer’s responsibilities and ethics
 Gain experience in writing reports in Technical works/projects.
Ⅰ Work carried out in first week :
1. Embedded System With Raspberry Pi :

 Introduction :

• A specialised computer system created for a particular

purpose within a larger system is called an embedded system.
• Due to its affordability, ease of use, and versatility, the
Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, credit-card-sized computer that is
extensively used in embedded systems.
• This makes it perfect for learning, experimenting, and
deploying numerous Internet of Things applications.
• Combination of hardware and software.
• Specific task.
• Real time/given time.
• Home Automation
• Automotive Industry
• Robotics
• Medical
• Missile and Satellites
• Banking and Retail
• Microprocessor • Micro-controller
• Computer processor single integrated circuit.
• Arithmetic, logic, and control circuitry.
• Perform the functions of a computer's central
processing unit (CPU).
• Controlling unit of a micro-computer.
• Fabricated on a small chip.
• Capable of performing ALU operations and
• Communicating with the other devices
connected to it.
• Small computer on chip or SOC  System on Chip
• Small & low-cost microcomputer  designed to perform
the specific tasks of embedded system.
• Processor
• memory(RAM, ROM)
• serial port
• Timer
• adc, etc
• High complexity • Less complexity
• High Cost • Low cost
• More power • Less power /LPC
• General purpose application • Specific task/application
• Efficiency is low • Efficiency is high
Ⅱ Work carried out in Second week :

 Introduction to Embedded system

 Applications of Embedded system
 Introduction to IoT
 IoT Application
Introduction to Embedded System

 Embedded System
 Hardware and Software
 Specific Task
 Given Time / Real Time
Introduction To IoT
 Internet of Things
 IOT = Internet + Things
 The Internet is a vast network that
connects computers all
over the world.
 Things are the Non-living objects /

 Connecting everyday object/things

embedded with electronics, software
and sensors to the internet enabling
them to collect and exchange the data
What is IoT?
⚫ IOT, most commonly known as internet-of- things, is a network of
devices connected together in order to exchange information.

⚫ The devices are embedded with software, sensors and network

connectivity which will help them to collect and exchange data.

⚫ The whole infrastructure creates an opportunity for the machines to

communicate with each other .

⚫ Internet of things will connect non-living things with living things- the
vision of IOT is to connect everything starting from industrial equipment to
everyday objects.
IOT Architecture

IoT Application
 Smart home
 Smart city
 Smart wearables
 Industrial automation
 Connected cars
 Connected health
 Smart retail
 Smart agriculture
Ⅲ Work carried out in third week :
1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi
• Is a fully functional computer in a tiny and low-cost package.

• Is known as a single-board computer or programmable PC.

• Designed for education

• A raspberry pi can do anything a bigger and

more power-hungry computer can do

• Capability:
 Programming
 Electronic Projects
 Office
 Play HD Videos
Raspberry pi Models
Raspberry pi Model A Raspberry pi Model B
Pin Diagram & its Description:
Hardware Requirements :

• Raspberry Pi board
• Prepared Operating System S D Card
• U S B keyboard
• Display (with HDMI, DVI, or Composite input)
• Power Supply

Highly suggested extras include:

• U S B mouse
• Internet connectivity - LAN cable
• Heat sink for Processor
• Case
Power supply (SV,2.5A)
Class 10 micro S D card, 8GB or
more U S B keyboard
U S B mouse
Programming Language:
 The Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends Python

 Any language which will compile for ARMv6 c a n

be used

Installed by default on the Raspberry Pi:

 C
 C++
 Java
 Scratch
 R
Operating System

Pi Supports All operating


 Linux
 Windows
 Android
 Custom O S
 Screen
 OpenHAB
Major Applications of Raspberry Pi
Hobby projects.
Low cost PC/tablet/laptop
IoT applications
Media center
Industrial/Home automation
Server/cloud server
Print server
Security monitoring
Web camera
Wireless access point
Environmental sensing/monitoring (e.g. WEATHER STATION)
Raspberry Pi Setup :
Programming in RPI
 Open terminal
2. What is Python Programming
• Python is an
• general-purpose
• high-level
• programming language.
• Python is an
• high-level Interpreted
• programming language.
• Python Borrows
1. Functional Programming features From C
2. OOP features From C++
3. Scripting languages features from Perl and shell
4. Modular programming features from modula-3
Application of Python
Where we can use Python:
1.Desktop Application
2.Web Applications
3.Database Applications
4.Networking Applications
6.Data Analysis
7.Machine Learning
9.For IoT Applications…
10.Deep Learning
11.Neural Network
Features of Python
1. Simple and easy to learn
2. Freeware and Open Source
3. High-Level language
4. Platform Independent
5. Portability
6. Interpreted
7. Dynamically typed
8. Both object-oriented and procedure-oriented programming
9. Extensible
10. Embedded
11. Extensive Library
Cons of Python
1.Performance-wise Slower
2.Mobile Applications
3.Python is not suitable for large scales enterprise applications.. like
Bank and telecom applications

Getting started with Python

1. To print Something On terminal
Print(“Hello Wolrd”)
2. To get data from Keyboard
var=input(“Enter Any data in keyboard”)
3. To print received data
print(“Received Data from keyboard :”,var)
Data Types in Python
• int
• Bounded integers, e.g. 732 or -5
• float
• Real numbers, e.g. 3.14 or 2.0
• long
• Long integers with unlimited precision
• str
• Strings, e.g. ‘hello’ or ‘C’

+ - * // / % **
• Arithmetic
== != > < >= <=
• Comparison
• Assignment = += -= *= //= /= %= **=
• Logical and or not

• Bitwise & | ^ ~ >> <<

• Membership in not in
• Identity is is not
2.1. Programming using Python

• A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements.
• The file name is the module name with the suffix .py appended.
• Within a module, the module’s name is available in the global variable
name .

Modules Example - C:\
Ⅲ Work carried out in fourth week

1. LED Interfacing with R pi

2. Switch Interfacing.
3. Relay Interfacing.
4. IR Sensor Interfacing.
5. Servo Motor Interfacing.
6. Camera Interfacing
7. DHT11 Interfacing
LED Interfacing with R pi


After Writing the code

Need to save and Exit file
1. Press ctl + x
2. Press Y
3. Hit Enter
Switch Interfacing


After Writing the code
Need to save and Exit
1. Press ctl + x
2. Press Y
3. Hit Enter
Result :
Relay Interfacing


After Writing the code

Need to save and Exit file
1. Press ctl + x
2. Press Y
3. Hit Enter
IR Sensor Interfacing


After Writing the code

Need to save and Exit
1. Press ctl + x
2. Press Y
3. Hit Enter
Servo Motor Interfacing


After Writing the code

Need to save and Exit file
1. Press ctl + x
2. Press Y
3. Hit Enter
Camera Interfacing


After Writing the code Need to

save and Exit file
1. Press ctl + x
2. Press Y
3. Hit Enter
DHT11 Interfacing


After Writing the code

Need to save and Exit
1. Press ctl + x
2. Press Y
3. Hit Enter
Reflection(Main Project)
Title : Image processing based fire detection using
Raspberry Pi
 Introduction :

• The Raspberry Pi's computational skills are used to

analyse video feeds or photos for fire signs in image
processing-based fire detection.
• This technique offers a real-time, affordable, and
effective solution for early fire detection and alert
systems by using algorithms to detect fire features
including colour and velocity.
 Components Required
1. Raspberry Pi
2. Camera Module
3. Buzzer

1. Libraries Import:
 Cv2
 Smtplib
 Numpy
 Playsound
2. Initialization:
• The script initializes a variable `Email _Send` to `False` and a
counter `Fire` to 0.

3. Functions:
• beep (): Plays a sound file ('alarm-sound.mp3') using the `play
sound` library.
• send_email (): Sends an email using a Gmail SMTP server to a
specified recipient email address if a fire is detected. The email
contains a warning message about a fire accident on the BIET

4. Video Capture:
• Opens the computer's camera using ‘cv2.VideoCapture(0)’
5. Fire Alarm and Email Notification:

If the ‘Fire’ counter is greater than or equal to 1 and ‘Email_Send’

is ‘False’, it sends an email, plays a beep sound, and sets
‘Email_Send’ to ‘True’ to avoid sending multiple emails for the
same incident.
Overall connection of the project

Industrial Safety
Campus Security
Home Security
Wildfire Detection

• The internship on Applied Computer Vision with Raspberry

Pi was a valuable experience, integrating hardware and
software for practical applications.
• It explored computer vision techniques, real-time video
analysis, automation, and IoT-based applications, enhancing
technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and innovative
Course Outcomes
• After completion of this course, we will be able to:
• Exhibit their communication skills, teamwork capabilities and
professional behaviour.
• Amalgamate existing and new Information Technology (IT) tools for
engineering applications.
• Get Internship experience to develop themselves available to industry for
• Demonstrate engineer’s responsibilities and ethics
• Demonstrate the experience of Internship on learning project work and
enhance their personal and professional skills, writing reports in technical
Thank you

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