Groundwater Basic Understandingr

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Tapas Acharya
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology
Presidency University, Kolkata 700 073, India

Basic Understanding
Basic understanding of the following terms with proper
example and diagram, where required
• Meteoric water, Connate water, Metamorphic water, Magmatic water,
Juvenile water
• Ground water table, Vadose zone, Phreatic zone, Cone of depression,
• Aquifer, Aquitard, Aquiclude, Aquifuge, Confined aquifer, unconfined
aquifer, Perched aquifer, Perched water table, potentiometric / piezometric
surface, artisian well condition, artesian well / flowing well, spring, hot
spring, geyser
• Darcy’s law, Limitation of Darcy’s law, Hydraulic conductivity, Darcy’s
velocity, Hydraulic gradient
• Groundwater table contour map, groundwater flow-lines, Groundwater
flow-net, Isotropic aquifer, Anisotropic aquifer, Application of groundwater
table contour map in hydrogeological studies, Groundwater recharge area,
groundwater mound, groundwater discharge area, groundwater basin,
groundwater divider
• Groundwater budget, steady state flow, unsteady state flow, specific yield,
specific retention, transmissivity, storativity / storage coefficient.

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