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Priyanshu kumar

Civil c
Drag line
• Welcome to the presentation on Draglines in mining
• Today, we'll define draglines, explore their advantages
and disadvantages, and discuss their output ratio
Definition of
• A dragline is a heavy-duty crane used primarily in civil
engineering and surface mining applications
• It's equipped with a large bucket suspended from a boom,
which is hoisted and dragged by cables
Types of drag line
Walking Dragline: These are large machines mounted on tracks or
crawler treads, allowing them to move around the work area.

Truck-mounted Dragline: Some draglines are mounted on trucks,

offering more mobility compared to walking draglines. They can
be transported to different job sites.

Crawler Dragline: Similar to a walking dragline, a crawler dragline

is mounted on crawler tracks for mobility across different terrains.
It’s often used in larger-scale construction projects.
Advantages of
• High Productivity: Draglines can move large volumes of materials quickly, making them
efficient for bulk excavation
• Versatility: They can work in various terrains and are suitable for different types of
materials, from soil to overburden
• Cost-Effectiveness: Despite their initial high investment cost, draglines offer low
operating costs per cubic meter of material moved
• Safety: Operators can control draglines remotely, reducing the risk of accidents and
ensuring worker safety
• Scalability: Draglines come in different sizes, allowing for scalability depending on the
project's requirements
Disadvantages of
• High Initial Investment: Acquiring and setting up a dragline is capital-intensive, making
it inaccessible for some smaller mining operations
• Limited Mobility: Draglines are stationary machines and require significant time and
effort to relocate
• Environmental Impact: The extensive excavation associated with dragline operations can
result in habitat destruction and landscape alteration
• Energy Consumption: Draglines consume large amounts of energy, mainly due to their
size and the power needed to move the massive bucket
• Maintenance Challenges: Maintaining and repairing draglines can be complex and costly
due to their intricate mechanical systems
Output ratio
• The output ratio of draglines refers to the amount of material moved
per unit of time, typically measured in bank cubic meters per hour
• This ratio varies depending on factors such as bucket size, digging
depth, soil type, and operating conditions
• In general, draglines can achieve high output ratios, making them
efficient for large-scale earthmoving projects
• Draglines are powerful machines widely used in mining and
civil engineering projects
• While they offer high productivity and cost-effectiveness,
they also come with limitations such as high initial
investment and environmental impact
• Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of
draglines is crucial for making informed decisions about
their use in various applications

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