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Introduction to HP Load Runner

Getting Familiar with Load Runner
 Why LoadRunner
 System Requirements
 LoadRunner Installation
 LoadRunner Terminology
 LoadRunner Components
 How LoadRunner Works
Advantages with Load Runner
1. No need to install it on the server under test. It uses native
monitors. For Ex: perfmon for windows or rstatd daemon for
2. Uses ANSI C as the default programming language 1 and other
languages like Java and VB.
3. Excellent monitoring and analysis interface where you can see
reports in easy to understand colored charts and graphics.
4. Supports most of the protocols.
5. Makes correlation much easier. We will dig into correlation
through a series of posts later.
6. Nice GUI generated script through a one click recording, of
course you would need to modify the script according to your
7. Excellent tutorials, exhaustive documentation and active tool
support from HP.
Advantages with Load Runner
1. A record/replay tool.
2. Supports virtually any protocol. For anything that is not supported, a 1. Built in rules that support auto correlation. You can extend
fall back option is available in the name of WinSock. If there’s a these rules with custom rulesas well.
protocol that is not officially 2. Data format extensions make it easier to record, enhance
3. supported and still communicates using sockets, you can still test and maintain test scripts that are designed using Web 3.0
your applications using LoadRunner. technologies like GWT, ExtJS, JQuery etc.
4. Great GUI. The learning curve is slightly less when it comes to 3. Offers multiple options in designing load test scenarios.
learning this tool. The GUI is so friendly and it offers great flexibility For example, you can run a load test with a target of
in changing run time settings, data files etc. achieving certain throughput during the test.
5. Separate analysis package. The test results can be analysed in a 4. Provides support for multiple programming languages – C
professional and yet easily usable, user friendly analysis component. and Java.
The analysis package offers great drill down features and correlate 5. Exhaustive documentation, excellent learning paths and
graphs that makes it easy to analyze the performance bottlenecks. very good support from HP.
6. Built in feature to monitor hardware resources of the machines under 6. Integration with diagnostic software.
test. LoadRunner comes with 2000 point SiteScope license which If you are trying to make your enterprise a “vendor” shop that
can monitor hardware resources of all the machines involved during caters to all your automation, performance and application
the test and provide a correlation of these metrics with the test monitoring needs, HP offers you really great flexibility when it
metrics. The best thing is, the sitescope is free. comes to licensing.
Minimum Hardware requirements for LoadRunner

A Controller simulates load through Load Generators and these are configured on separate machines. HP had recommended minimum hardware requirements
for Load Injectors:

Processor CPU Type: Intel Core, Pentium, Xeon, AMD or compatible

Speed: 2 GHz or higher recommended, 1 GHz minimum.

Memory (RAM) Minimum: 2GB Recommended: 4GB

Free Hard Disk Space Minimum: 40 GB

Screen Resolution Minimum: 1024 x 768
Operating System · Windows XP (SP3) 32 bit
· Windows 7 (SP1) 32 bit or 64 bit
· Windows 8 64 bit
· Windows Server 2003 R2 32 bit
· Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) 64 bit
· Windows Server 2008 (SP2) 32 or 64 bit

Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, or 10

Load runner Installation
open the installation file. A window will open, click on install
Load runner Installation
Once you click on install, it will start extracting the set up in “Temp” folder
Load runner Installation
You need to have Microsoft .net framework 4.5 installed before you begin installation.
Load runner Installation
Next, HP loadrunner Setup wizard is shown. The setup will enable the Next button once it has
calculated space requirement. Click Next.
Load runner Installation
In next screen, you can choose the directory you wish to install LoadRunner. Click on the check box and
accept for agreement and then click on install Read the license agreement and if you agree, click Install
button to begin copying of files.
Load runner Installation
It will take few seconds to install LoadRunner After validating the package, the setup will copy all files
in directory selected earlier. It will register all components with the system and acknowledge upon
completion. The setup will then show Finish button.
Load runner Installation
The LoadRunner installation is completed at this point. However, you can see the setup has opened
License Utility. Observe this screen and ensure there is at least 1 license installed and its status has a tick
mark in green as shown in below screenshot
LoadRunner Components

LoadRunner Components
The Virtual User Generator captures end-user business processes and creates an automated
performance testing script, also known as a virtual user script
LoadRunner Components
The Controller organizes, drives, manages, and monitors the load test.
LoadRunner Components
The Analysis helps you view, dissect, and compare the performance results.
Thank you !

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