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1 Kings 19: 1-18

Elijah Flees to Horeb
Elijah flees to Horeb not because
of God’s will but he was in fear.
Many people find themselves in
situations like Elijah
What is Stress
• Is your body’s way of responding to any kind of
demand/threat like Elijah he had a threat .When you sense
danger whether it is real or imagined, the body’s defences
kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as
the “flight-or-fight "reaction or the stress response.
• Stress can also help you rise to meet a challenge.
• When you feel threatened , your nervous systems responds
by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline
and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action. Your
heart pounds faster , muscles tighten, blood pressure rises,
breath quickens, and your senses become sharper.
The effects of Chronic Stress
• Your nervous system isn’t very good at distinguishing
between emotional and physical threats
• If you are super stressed over an argument with a friend ,
a work deadline, or a mountain of bills, your body can react
just as strongly as if you’re facing a true life /death
• Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. I
can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive
system & reproductive system, increase the risk of heart
attack & stroke and speed up the aging process. It can
rewire the brain , leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety ,
depression & other mental health problems.
Health Problems Caused by Stress
• Depression & Anxiety
• Pain of any kind
• Sleep problems ( Sleep too much /lack
• Digestive problems e.g ulcers
• Skin conditions
• Heart disease
• Weight problems ( Weight loss /gain)
Signs & Symptoms of stress
• Stress can easily creep on you. You get
used to it. It starts to feel familiar –even
• You don’t notice how much it is affecting
you , even as it takes a heavy toll.
• That is why its important to be aware of
the common warning signs & symptoms
of stress overload
• Cognitive systems : Memory problems , inability in
concentration , poor judgement, seeing only negative,
racing thoughts, constant worrying.
• Emotional systems: Depression, anxiety & agitation,
moodiness, or anger, feeling overwhelmed , loneliness
and isolation.
• Physical Symptoms : Aches & pains, diarrhoea,
dizziness, chest pains , frequent colds/flu, and loss of sex
• Behavioural systems: Eating more or less, sleeping too
much or too little, withdrawing from others, neglecting
responsibilities, using alcohol, nervous habits e.g eating
finger nails
Common Causes of Stress
• External Causes

a)Major life changes

b)Work/ school
c) Relationship difficulties
d)Financial problems
e)Being too busy
f) Children & Family
• Internal Causes
a) Pessimism
b) Inability to accept uncertainty
c) Rigid thinking , lack of flexibility
d) Negative self talk
e) Unrealistic expectations
f) All-or-nothing attitude
How to reduce Stress, Prevent &
Cope with stress

• Avoid the stressor i.e.

Elijah avoided Ahab
• Alter the stressor
• Adapt to the stressor
• Accept the stressor

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