Strategy for T&D

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Strategy for Training

and Development
Presented to : Prof. Dr. Ghada Elkot
Advanced Human Resource management
MBA – 2024

Prepared By:
Esalm EL-Gebaly
Mohamed Gamal
Mohamed EL-Shahat
What is Training and Development
Strategy ?
Training and Development strategy

a systematic and comprehensive plan that outlines how an organization

trains and develops its workforce, improves employee skill sets, and fosters
a culture of continuous learning

Elements of human resources development

Learning Development Training Education

Relatively educational process that learning process where The development of
permanent change focuses on overall employees acquire the
in behavior that growth. It prepares specific skills and knowledge ,values,
occurs as a result of employees for future knowledge related to and understanding
practice or challenges and career their job requirements. required in all
experience progression. aspects of life
What is Training and Development
Strategy ?
Training Vs. Development

Focus: It is short-term and job-oriented, aiming to improve
employees’ abilities for their current roles.
Motivation: The trainer provides guidance, and the focus is on skill
Aim: Enhancing work performance.

Focus: It is long-term and career-oriented, emphasizing conceptual
and general knowledge.
Motivation: Self-driven growth.
Aim: Preparing employees for future roles and challenges.
What is Training and Development
Strategy ?
Training Vs. Learning
Strategic Roles of Training and Development
Focusing on T&D to enhance employability
and align with organizational goals.

Attract and

Providing learning opportunities for

Motivate Create a Using L&D to foster community and
growth and satisfaction
values- appeal to values-driven employees.
and engage
employees based

Build an Develop Investing in T&D to maintain

Investments in T&D can help to
employer people human capital value and
enhance company’s brand and boost
its reputation as an “employer of brand capabilities adapt to changing
choice knowledge.
Benefits of a successful
T&D strategy

Employee benefits Organization benefits

Increase Engagement Improved performance and productivity

Greater Collaboration between the team Attract the top talent

Increasing Job security Provide competitive advantages

Increasing Employability Increasing employee retention

Internal mobility Resilience

How to create T&D strategy

Align T&D strategy with the business strategy

Collaborate with business leaders
Analyze the training need
Design learning journeys
Develop the training
Implement the training
Evaluate effectiveness and make adjustments
How to create T&D strategy
Align T&D strategy with the business strategy

Internal Company External

Understand Business Map T&D Initiatives Environment Strategy Environment

T&D strategy
Consider internal and Set clear corporate
external environment T&D objectives
Evaluate and
Needs Analysis Adjust

How to create T&D strategy
Collaborate with business leaders

communicate L&D strategies to employees, informing them of the
aim and expected outcomes. receive feedback and learn how
employees like to learn.

Buy-in from managers and supervisors is critical to the success
of an T&D strategy. managers should also be considered

define the goals of an organization’s corporate training
program, they set the organization’s learning culture, and
their actions are an example for everyone below.
How to create T&D strategy
Analyze the training need

task analysis involves Performance analysis is the

breaking down a job or role process of verifying that there
into specific tasks, is a performance deficiency
CURRENT identifying the skills and and determining whether the
knowledge required for TALENT employer should correct such
TRAINING NEEDS deficiencies
each task, and assessing MANAGEMENT
ANALYSIS employees’ proficiency in through training or some
those areas other means (like transferring
the employee).

Talent management involves

strategically attracting,
identify gaps between
developing, and retaining
existing and desired
TASK ANALYSIS: employees to meet
competencies, understand
organizational goals
why these gaps exist, and ANALYZING NEW Competency Models: PERFORMANCE
determine appropriate
EMPLOYEES These define desired ANALYSIS
training methods to bridge
TRAINING NEEDS behaviors and skills. Include
Behavioral and Technical
How to create T&D strategy
Design learning journeys

Methods Sources Assessment

The methods of delivering The resources you will provide Review and assessment
educational content including employees – Whether they are methodology – How you, as an
formal scheduled training sessions generated in-house, outsourced, or organization, will assess the
and self-motivated study where purchased, new L&D strategies will performance of employees post-
employees are responsible for their require new resources. training.
own learning.

learning Allocate a Define the Plan Content

objectives Budget Audience and Timelines
How to create T&D strategy
Design learning journeys
70/20/10 model
Learning and development model

continuous learning opportunities

to help people develop the required
new competencies in the most 70% 20% 10%
effective and efficient way and to
support the transfer of learning to
the job.  Mentorship 
 On-the-Job Training Onboarding courses
 Gamification  Discussion Boards  Lectures
 Online Simulations  Online Meeting  Instructional videos
 Virtual Reality formats  Textbooks
 Scenario-based  Webinars  Training program
Learning  Social Media
How to create T&D strategy

Develop the training program

 Involves assembling and creating training content and

 Includes selecting the actual content the program will
 Also involves designing or choosing specific instructional
methods (such as lectures, cases, or web-based
 Training equipment and materials can include iPads,
workbooks, PowerPoint slides, web-based activities, and
 Employers can create their own training content or choose
from a wide range of online and offline options.
How to create T&D strategy

Implementing training program

This means actually doing the training, using one or more of

the training methods:

On the Job training Lecture

means having a person learn quick and simple way to
a job by actually doing present knowledge to large
coaching , rotation or Special groups of trainees

Orientation Onboarding
provided to new hires, A comprehensive process that
orientation introduces them to includes orientation but extends
the company culture, policies, over time, covering various
and procedures. department-specific training
How to create T&D strategy

Implementing training program

programmed learning Apprenticeship training

step-by-step, self-learning a combination of formal
method to ensure learners learning and long-term on-the-
acquire specific knowledge job training
or skills

E-learning Behavior modeling

Utilize digital platforms to showing trainees the
deliver training content model of doing something,
letting trainees practice
that way

Mentoring and coaching case study

Involving experienced employees solve realistic problems after
guiding less experienced studying written or video
colleagues offering advice , case descriptions
feedback and support
How to create T&D strategy
Implementing management development program
Management development is efforts aimed at enhancing managerial performance by providing
knowledge, changing attitudes, and improving skills.

Succession planning

Projection Skills Inventory Replacement Charts Development Selection

Based on strategic review skills inventory Summarize potential Provide experiences selecting
plans, identify future to identify the existing candidates and their for viable candidates candidates who will
key position needs talent (education, development needs. (e.g., job rotation, actually fill the key
experience, training). positions
How to create T&D strategy

Evaluate effectiveness and make adjustments

Reaction Behavior
Evaluate trainees’ reactions to is trainees’ behavior changed
the program because of the training program?.

Pre & Post-Training

Assessment Application of Learning, ROI Calculation , KPIs
Satisfaction, Engagement and
acceptance Organizational Impact

surveys, questionnaires, or
Learning KPIs related to behavior,
discussions Survey did the training achieve the
test the trainees learning level, desired results?.
assess learning outcomes .

Validation of Objectives, ROI,resources allocation ,

Individual and Group Progress business goals
Training and Development Challenges

Resource Constraints: One of the major challenges is the limitation of resources,

both in terms of time and finances

Employee Engagement: If employees feel that the content is not relevant to their

Measuring Effectiveness: combination of both qualitative and quantitative metrics

and the data may not always provide a clear cut answer.

Tailoring Programs to Individual Needs: Every employee has different learning

styles and professional development goals which make Designing a program a daunting task.

Maintaining Relevance: The rapidly changing business landscape requires that skills and
knowledge are constantly updated

In today’s dynamic business landscape, an effective T&D strategy becomes essential—it’s a necessity.
As we’ve explored, a well-crafted strategy:

 Aligns with Organizational Goals: By linking training initiatives to business objectives, we ensure
that every investment contributes to overall success.
 Encourage Continuous Learning: A culture of learning fosters innovation, adaptability, and
employee satisfaction. Regular upskilling keeps workforce competitive.
 Measures and Adapts: Regular assessment—whether through feedback, learning outcomes,
behavior change, or business results—allows us to adjust the strategy and keep it dynamic .
 Engages Stakeholders: Collaboration with leaders, managers, and employees ensures buy-in and
sustained commitment.

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