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Nuclear Power Plant

Mustansir Nadeem
• A nuclear power plant is a complex facility designed to harness the immense energy released during nuclear
reactions to generate electricity. These plants are categorized based on reactor type and reaction type.

1. Reactor Type Classification

Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR)
Boiling Water Reactors (BWR)
Heavy Water Reactors (HWR)
Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR)

2. Reaction Type Classification

Fission Reactors
Fusion Reactors

Scope and Aim

• Nuclear power, contributing 18% to global electricity, is pivotal for emission reduction. In the UK, coal and
gas plants produce one-third of CO2 emissions. To meet a 30-35 GW capacity demand over two
decades, a stable regulatory environment is vital. Replacing retiring plants with fossil fuels could add 8-16
MtC yearly to emissions, undermining carbon reduction efforts.
• The US grapples with energy shortages due to inadequate capacity growth amid rising demand.
Constructing nuclear plants takes about 8 years for approvals and 5 years for building. They won't
significantly contribute before 2020.
• Although renewable energy grows, fossil fuels persist. By 2023, 3 GW of nuclear capacity remains. Clarity
is crucial now to keep nuclear as a low-carbon option beyond 2050. The 2003 approach recognized
nuclear's importance but raised economic and waste concerns, signaling potential reconsideration with
public input.
High nuclear capital costs and market uncertainty pose financial risks. EU-wide regulations
can boost competitiveness and support Generation-III tech. The nuclear industry in Europe
has shrunk, creating bottlenecks like delays in component delivery. Public acceptance is
changing, but dialogue is essential. Asian competition and a shortage of nuclear experts are
challenges for the EU nuclear sector.

Nuclear energy is very efficient and long reliable form of green energy.
Current generation of nuclear reactors are unable to attain the maximum energy output of nuclear reaction.
It will take longer period of time to upgrade and globlize it.
Nuclear power plant projects are very time taking , costly and critical. A simple mistake can lead to glabal threat.
Nuclear waste is very critical step in Nuclear energy system.

Safety of nuclear powerplant must be first priority.
Disposal of nuclear waste should be appropriate and according to international protocols.
Generation IV reactors should be installed for maximum nuclear energy output.
Globalization of nuclear power plants should commenc in order eliminate emissions of green house gases.

Nuclear Power Plants
Hrinchenko, H.; Koval, V.; Shmygol, N.; Sydorov, O.;Tsimoshynska, O.; Matuszewska,D.
Approaches to Sustainable Energy Management in Ensuring Safety of Power Equipment Operation.
Energies 2023, 16, 6488.

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