class 16

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Presentation Contents…
• Major Organs and their functions 3 slides
• Cause Of Disease (Seven) 10 slides
• Conclusion Pages (Interval) 2 slides
• Cost Of Disease (Major Five) 10 slides
• Asking Question 2 slides
Presentation Impact
 Impact after three Slide
 To create a value of his body (Appreciation)
 Keep Your Organs Healthy
 Impact on Second Session
 Disease Must affect him or his family members
Develop future consequence
 Interval slides (Two Slide)
 Create anxiety to show second slides
 Why Diseases are costly

Powerful Information's (One)
 Lifestyle diseases are biggest killer in India
 People about 30 years prone to life style diseases
like Blood pressure & Diabetes
 According to WHO average Indian adults taking
35.8 g of fruits daily as recommended 200 grams
 And 168 g of vegetables as recommended 300g
 71 % of Indian cannot afford a healthy diet
 More than 17 lakh people die every year due to
unhealthy food
Powerful Information (2)
 According to food and agriculture organization a
healthy diet is 63 % excess cost of our income
 20.8 % Indian suffering from Low immunity
 Chandigarh is healthiest & Kolkata least healthiest
 The basic goal of health checkup is to find out the
hidden disease
 In every minute five People die in road accident
 Road accident is one of the leading cause of India
 Golden hour – First One Hour Treatment of
Powerful Information (3)
 Due to no approve treatment only one person
getting right treatment among 10 people
 More then 30 % using TWO prescription
 Regular use of medicine leads to serious health
problem in future
 Only 0.62 % bed is available in India as
recommended Two bed for 1000 people WHO
 Top Ten Hospitals Of India
 Cancer treatment need immediate hospitalization
Powerful Information (4)
 Why Cancer Is costly
 18 of every 100 Indian have some kidney problem
 Dialysis Patients increase 10-15 % every year
 Chronic Kidney disease is 5th leading cause in India
 60 % kidney patients do not get timely treatment
 Average life expectancy of kidney transplant is 20 Y
 CVD death in India nearly 47 lakh as on 2020
 Death on lungs disease increase 11 % in India WHO
 ICMR estimated 5 % death in India due to COPD
Powerful Information (5)
 There is no cure for liver Cirrhosis
 On & average 2500 liver transplant conducted in
India every year data 2019
 Around 30 % Indian have fatty liver
 Liver disease is 10 most common cause of death in
India WHO
 Around 10 lakh people diagnosed every liver
 Liver disease is 14 th major cause of death in India

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