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The probability of If an event will If an event is sure to The sum of the
any event is a number never happen, then happen, then its probabilities of all
(either a fraction, a its probability is 0. probability is 1. outcomes in the sample
decimal, or a Example: Example: space is 1.
percent). When a single die When a single die is Example:
Example: is rolled, find the rolled, what is the If a fair coin is flipped,
The weather forecasts probability of probability of getting a P (T) = P (H) =
shows 80% rain. getting an 8. number less than 7. P (T) +P (H) =
P (rain) = 80% = 0.8 P (8) = P (number less than 7)
=. =
The probability of any event is a number (either
a fraction, a decimal, or a percent).

The weather forecasts shows 80% rain.
P (rain) = 80% = 0.8 =.
If an event will never happen, then its
probability is 0.

When a single die is rolled, find the probability
of getting an 8.
P (8) =
If an event is sure to happen, then its
probability is 1.

When a single die is rolled, what is the
probability of getting a number less than 7.
P (number less than 7) =
The sum of the probabilities of all outcomes in
the sample space is 1.

If a fair coin is flipped,
P (T) = P (H) =
P (T) +P (H) =
The probability of If an event will If an event is sure to The sum of the
any event is a number never happen, then happen, then its probabilities of all
(either a fraction, a its probability is 0. probability is 1. outcomes in the sample
decimal, or a Example: Example: space is 1.
percent). When a single die When a single die is Example:
Example: is rolled, find the rolled, what is the If a fair coin is flipped,
The weather forecasts probability of probability of getting a P (T) = P (H) =
shows 80% rain. getting an 8. number less than 7. P (T) +P (H) =
P (rain) = 80% = 0.8 P (8) = P (number less than 7)
=. =

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