Reset and Refocus - plan 2022

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Nammuldi WFSF
Stage 3
Reset and Refocus
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As we make our way back to work in January following the Christmas /
New Year break, it is important to ensure we are vigilant about safety from
the moment we re-enter the workplace.

Experience has shown that when staff come back from a break, while well
rested, they are often less focused and prone to distraction from their work
processes for a period of time.

It is critical that we take steps to refocus the attention of our work groups, to
the importance of being alert to danger during work and giving workers time
and support to reset and refocus.

INSERT Refocus & Reset
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Even though distractions are aplenty, we can employ different

strategies to refocus and actually get things done
Here are some to try:
• Explore your mindset if your underlying mindset or habits are
sabotaging your focus, then it isn’t just an issue of you focusing
but your overall mindset

 Try keeping track of what you’re feeling and experiencing

This way you can identify patterns allowing you to
implement different strategies

INSERT Refocus & Reset
It can act as a mini emotional and mental sanctuary in an
otherwise busy day For instance, you might practice deep
breathing or stretch to help you process some frustration Taking
this kind of break also reminds you that you can gain control of
your day at any time.

Make time to move

Sitting for hours on end can actually make your mind start to
fidget and lose focus If you’re failing to keep your mind on task,
get up and move Incorporating movement into your daily routine
can help you get back to work more quickly

INSERT Refocus & Reset
•Use Music
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People can struggle to focus because of the noise related

distractions ambient noise can be hard to ignore. Listen to music.
This can give you a mechanism for blocking out distractions while
allowing you to listen to something you enjoy instead. However,
make sure you select songs without lyrics, as they can actually
make it harder to concentrate instead of helping

Recap and refocus on team and personal goals

Refocusing your team on the what, how and why of their day to
day tasks helps to provide purpose, encourages engagement and
motivates individuals to take personal ownership over their
performance at work

INSERT Refocus & Reset
Insert textyourself
of the importance of being ‘switched on
With up to 95 of workplace events primarily caused by the choices
we make, it’s critical to ensure team members remain vigilant and
actively manage the hazards and risks in their environment. Take
the time to remind yourself of safety tools and procedures, and
their role in ensuring you return home. safe at the end of the shift

• Insert text How about you?

Are you focused for your daily activities?

If not, what danger are you putting yourself and others in?

What price are you willing to pay?

If you see something -

will you say something?

•• Any text
Insert questions?

• Please sign on the sign-off sheet.

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