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Number Theory

By Kartikeya Sharma 9C
Number Theory

Definition: Number
theory is a branch of pure
mathematics devoted to
the study of the natural
numbers and the integers.
It is the study of the set of
positive whole numbers
which are usually called
the set of natural
Origin Of Number Theory

Before the dawn of computers, many viewed number theory as the last
hope of “ pure math” which was very useful

Nowadays, this is no longer the case as it only crucial for encryption

algorithms. It is important for everyone these days

Fermat ( A lawyer by profession ) is said to be the inventor of the

number theory by many . Although some do point fingers over Euclid
Applications of Number Theory In Daily Life
For many years number theory was thought to be without many practical
applications. That situation has changed significantly in the twentieth century
with the rise of computers.

Prime and composite numbers play an important role in modern cryptography or

coding systems. Huge volumes of confidential information , credit card numbers,
bank account numbers) and large amounts of money are transferred electronically
around the world every day, all of which must kept secret. One of the important
applications of number theory is keeping secrets.

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