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Table of Contents

Saddam Hussein
01 Invasion

Russia’s affair with

02 Ukraine

Internal political
03 challenges in Middle East

Regional Organizations
Challenging State Autonomy
Sa dda m Hus s e i n I nva s i on
Saddam Hussein was the ruler of Iraq in 1990, he decided he
was going to take over the oil fields of Kuwait.

He invaded Kuwait and s dislodged by an international

coalition led by the took it over.

As a result, he was dislodged by an international coalition led

by the United States.
Russia intervention into Ukraine
• Ukraine argues to have
• Russia intervenes in the autonomy to determine the
aff airs of people in Crimea case for Crimea. As a result,
who want to become part there is current confl ict
of Russia again though between Ukraine, not
they are part of Ukraine. recognizing Crimea's
sovereignty, and Russia, not
• Crimea declared its recognizing Ukraine's
independence from sovereignty over Crimea.
Ukraine and re-affi liated
with Russia • This is a case of how there might
be nati onal identi ty within a
country that is assisted by a
neighboring country .
Internal political challenges in
Middle East
• Internal political challenges can also happen. For example, after the
Arab Spring in Egypt, a new constitution was created and a government
was elected.

• That government was more fundamentalist and rejected the notion of a

plural society that included religious diversity. The military staged a
coup that deposed the government in order to restore stability.

• Other examples include the Taliban's efforts to control the government

of Afghanistan. In Syria, the original rebellion against Assad came from
the country's own internal dissenters who wanted to replace the
government even though they were also Syrian nationals.
Regional Organizations Challenging
State Autonomy

The United Nations intervened in Sudan

due to years of civil war. It also
interfered in the Greek debt crisis in
Europe, specifically in Greece.

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