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Hello everyone!

Today , I want to share about “What types of cells have scientists discovered in
the world?”
Let start it √
Discover of cells
 There are several discoveries that have changed the course of
science and the world. Louis Pasteur discovered how heat can
be used to kill pathogens in food, Nikola Tesla discovered
alternating currents, and so on.

Similarly, the discovery of cells was a major breakthrough in

the advancement of life science.
Antonio Van Leeuwenhoek
When did Antonio van Leeuwenhoek discover the cell?

Cell discover of In 1674

timeline Anton Van Leeuwenhoek first discovered free-living algae

Spirogyra cells in water in the pond in 1674 with the improved
microscope. The living cells were first discovered by Antony Van
Leeuwenhoek. He observed living cells and called them
‘animalcules’. Some small ‘animalcules’ are now called bacteria.
 When did Robert Brown discover the cell?

 In 1831
 Robert Brown discovered the nucleus in the cell . The nucleus
is located in the eukaryotic cells. It is a double membrane that
mainly covers the protoplasmic body, consisting of heredity
Robert Brown information. Robert Brown proved that the nucleus is mainly
the storehouse of heredity information.
 He confirmed that by taking the help of the grafting
experiments on Acetabularia in the year 1953. During that time,
noticed the existence of the structure inside the orchid cells and
many other plants. He is mainly famous for his description of
cell nucle and the Brownian motion.
Thanks for listening my
power point <3
See yah~

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