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Pak-Russia Relations

 Diplomatic ties- May, 1948.

 Pakistan saw relations with the Soviet Union from the prism of relations with India.
 Nehru’s agenda against Western Colonialism & promoting socialism
 1950- Invitation from Moscow
 Inconsistent ties in cold war
 Alliance among Soviet Union, India & Afghanistan
 Support for India on Kashmir issue

Pakistan –Russia Relations

Extended /Greater neighborhood
 The relations between Russia and Pakistan in the U.S backed 1958
coup de tat. Previously, under the civil government, the relations were
cordial enough.
 After the 1965 war, attempts were made to strengthen the relations
between the two countries.
• 1960: U-2 incidence…Awkward situation. Serious warning issued to
• 1965- Tashkand pact- Role of Kosygin
• 1971- Dacca debacle
• 1972- Bhutto’s bilateralism, Socialism
• Steel Mills Karachi
• 1979- Soviet invasion in Afghanistan

• 1988- Soviet Union defeated

• Bad consequences for Pak.

 The relations between the Soviet Union and Pakistan during the Cold War have remained
After the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, there was the communist support to the Durand
Line issue in late 1979 and the 1980s, Pakistan began to support the Mujahidden who were
attempting to overthrow the Soviet Union and its communist agenda in Afghanistan.
The main reason why Pakistan sought friendship with the US and joined the American
camp during the Cold War was economic and technical assistance. That the Pakistani
government and policymakers masked the foundation for this assistance in ideological
terms is not surprising though.
 This was backed by aid from the U.S. over its own agenda to counterattack and contain
communism. Apart from the U.S. aid and support was given by various other countries such
as Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom who had their own interests in the ongoing condition.
Pak-Russia Relations Post
Cold- -War
 The fall of Communism was followed by warm relations between Russia and Pakistan.
 In 1989, the Soviet Union offered Pakistan to install their nuclear power plant.
 In 1991, Benazir Bhutto drove a high level delegation to Russia and Central Asia after
the disintegration of USSR.
 In 1996, Russia willingly agreed to launch Pakistan's second satellite, named ‘Badr-B,
from its Baikonour Cosmodrome for the lowest possible charges.
 In 2001, the Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Losyukov paid a
state visit to Pakistan where both countries agreed upon cooperating in economic
development, and to work towards peace. and prosperity in the region.
 After the 9/11 attacks, Pakistan's agreement to fight the war against terror greatly led to
improvement of conditions and circumstances that improved the relations between
Pakistan and Russia.
Post 9/11 era…..
• Changed global paradigm after 9/11/2001

• Dimensions of relationship
• Political-

• WoT- Russia also vowed to help Pakistan in its war against terror.
• But concerns about Pakistan’s support for Taliban
• Security-

• Afghanistan imbroglio, CARs & growing Militancy

• Taliban enhancing regional influence

• Pak Militants
• Economic, Energy & trade- SCO, pipelines, energy club

• Regional integration
• $500 Mn
• CASA 1000, TAPI,
• Khi- Lhr pipe-line. $2 bn. (Oct 2015)
willing to provide Pakistan technical and financial
• Helping in Pak’s energy crisis support for mega transnational projects such as
CASA-1000 power supply and Tapi gas pipeline.
• Ambassador at Faisalabad- Oct 15
• “Relations between Pakistan and Russia are heading in the right
• He saw immense room for improvement in trade and invited the FCCI
members to share proposals for enhancing bilateral trade.
• Chiniot. With Russian experience in exploration and construction of
steel projects, Ashraf expressed the hope that Moscow would assist
Pakistan in setting up new steel mills.
• Military

• Putin was against developing strategic and military ties with Pakistan because
of Russian desire to place emphasis on strategic ties with India.
• An important reason for Russia’s interest in Pakistan is the unfolding situation
in Afghanistan, which has direct implications for Russia’s security
• 2015- Embargo lifted on weapon sale
• 2015- Military cooperation agreement
India shows concerns….
• Helicopters-Mi-35 deal (Sept 2015)
• Feb 2016- Joint Military exercises
• Relations in the After-Math of US forces

• Sept 2016- Military exercises

• …..the unfolding situation in Afghanistan has direct implications for
Russia’s security
• Dec 2016- Tripartite talks on Afghnistan
• Russia-China-Pak. A new axis??
Ted talk by Joseph Nye- Video
• How India sees this friendship?
• Pakistan: Russia's New Best Fried
• Sep 27, 2015 - As the U.S.-India embrace tightens, former Cold War
foes Pakistan and Russia are bolstering ties with one another
• Oct 2016
• Russia-India signed multi-billion dollar Energy & Defence pacts
• India to get lethal missile system & 200 HELICOPTERS (Joint venture)
• “Old friend is better than two new ones’. (Modi)
• Pak should diversify its foreign policy
• Economic boost.
• Balancing ties with America- Bargaining position
 Russia also vowed to help Pakistan in its war against terror.
In 2003, the bilateral trade between Russia and Pakistan reached to 92
million US dollar, which increased to 411.4 million in 2006.
 In 2007, the relations between Pakistan and the Russian
Federation were revived after the 3-day official visit of Russian Prime
Minister Mikhail Fradkov. It was the first visit of a Russian PM after 38
years of the post cold-war era.
In 2010, both countries established the “Russian–Pakistan
Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic, Scientific and
Technical Cooperation to cooperation in science and technology and
In 2010, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin of Russia stated that Russia was
against developing strategic and military ties with Pakistan because of
Russian desire to place emphasis on strategic ties with India.
 In 2011, Russia changed its policy and Putin publicly endorsed Pakistan’s bid to join the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and affirmed that Pakistan was a very important
partner in South Asia and the Muslim world for Russia.
 Putin offered Russia's assistance in expansion of Pakistan Steel Mills and provision of
technical support for the Guddu and Muzaffargarh power plants and Russia was interested in
developing the Thar Coal Project.
 2015- A military cooperation agreement that Russia and Pakistan signed during Russian
Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu’s recent visit to Islamabad marks an important shift in
relations between those two countries. After a long history of bilateral turbulence, Russia and
Pakistan appear to have initiated a new era of cooperation that is likely to be closely watched
in New Delhi and Washington.
 In June 2015, what was a clear sign of things to come, Russia lifted an embargo on weapons
sales to Pakistan. It began negotiating the sale of Mi-35 multi-role helicopters to Islamabad.
 An important reason for Russia’s interest in Pakistan is the unfolding situation in
Afghanistan, which has direct implications for Russia’s security. In recent years, Russia
China and Pakistan have met several times to “coordinate” their strategies. During the
Russian defense minister’s recent visit, the two sides are said to have exchanged views on
 Bilateral trade needs to be boosted between the two countries in order to promote
economic prosperity and hence strengthen their ties.
 Alexey Yuri Dedov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation, on his visit this year to
Faisalabad, talked about how the two countries could benefit from each other and
pointed out that negotiations were under way to steer Pakistan out of the energy crisis.
 He saw immense room for improvement in trade and invited the FCCI (Faisalabad
Chambers of Commerce Industry) members to share proposals for enhancing bilateral
 FCCI President Engineer Rizwan Ashraf, while talking about the economic potential of
Faisalabad, pointed out huge reserves of iron ore had been discovered just 20 to 25
kilometers from this city near Chiniot. With Russian experience in exploration and
construction of steel projects, Ashraf expressed the hope that Moscow would assist
Pakistan in setting up new steel mills.
 Russian Federation Counsellor Habib Ahmed said Russia was willing to provide
Pakistan technical and financial support for mega transnational projects such as
CASA-1000 power supply and TAPI gas pipeline.
 Premier Nawaz stressed upon the need to increase bilateral trade between the
two countries which currently stands at $542 million and does not correspond
to their trade potential.
 He appreciated Russia’s support to Pakistan in its quest to become full
member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
Pakistan has offered to Russian oil companies that they could either set up a
new concession block or work on the existing ones.
The Russian companies will build a 1100-kilometre long pipeline connecting
Karachi Port with Lahore to transport LNG, which will be funded through a $2
billion loan from Moscow. Russia has also offered to sell gas to Pakistan and
the first LNG exports will start as early as 2016. (Oct 2015)
(Geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the relation):
 Russia is the fastest growing economy in the G8, averaging 7% annually since 2003. After
years of underachievement, Russia has now emerged as the world’s leading natural gas
exporter and the second largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia. Fuelled by oil revenues, it
repaid its Soviet-era debt to Paris Club creditors and the International Monetary Fund.
 Pakistan has an important place in Russia’s foreign policy, being one of the major influential
Muslim country.
 Pakistan’s foreign policy is now rightly gravitating towards Central Asia and close relations
with Russia would pay us a rich dividend. Instituting a high-level dialogue on strategic and
political issues and building up a mechanism to focus on economic cooperation through
increased market access to Pakistani products in Russia and building connectivity in trade and
energy sectors will benefit both the countries.
 Friendly and cooperative relations with Moscow will also assist us in securing full
membership of the SCO and to open the door for significant economic activity with all
Central Asian States, rich in oil and energy resources.
 Hydro power generation is yet another area in which Pakistan can seek expertise from Russia.
MoU on investment will facilitate the private sector of the two countries to benefit from the
potential in trade among the regional countries.
• Afghanistan factor

• Russia-China-Pak. A new axis??

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