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Table of Content
• What is Data Science?
• The Accelerating Volume of Data
• Data Science Life Cycle
• Data Ingestion
• Data Storage and Preprocessing
• Data Analysis
• Communication Insights
• Application of Data Science
• Data Science vs Different Careers
• Statistics and Probability
• Programming Language

Hands-on Python Visualisation
MCQ Test Prwatech App
• Jupyter Notebook Implementation
• Learning Experience
What is Data Science?
Data science combines math and statistics, specialized programming,
advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning with
specific subject matter expertise to uncover actionable insights hidden in
an organization’s data. These insights can be used to guide decision
making and strategic planning.
The Accelerating Volume of Data
The accelerating volume of data sources, and subsequently data,
has made data science one of the fastest-growing fields across
every industry. As a result, it is no surprise that the role of the data
scientist was dubbed the “sexiest job of the 21st century” by
Harvard Business Review.
The Data Science Lifecycle
The data science lifecycle involves various roles, tools, and processes,
which enable analysts to glean actionable insights. Typically, a data
science project undergoes stages such as data ingestion, data storage
and processing, data analysis, and communication of insights.
Data Ingestion
The data ingestion stage involves collecting both raw structured and
unstructured data from all relevant sources using a variety of
methods such as manual entry, web scraping, and real-time
streaming data from systems and devices.
Data Storage and Data Processing
Data storage and processing involve storing data in different
formats and structures and cleaning, deduplicating, transforming,
and combining the data using methods such as ETL (extract,
transform, load) jobs.
Data Analysis
In the data analysis stage, data scientists conduct exploratory data
analysis to examine biases, patterns, ranges, and distributions of
values within the data. This drives hypothesis generation for A/B
testing and modeling efforts.
Communicate Insights
-Insights presented through reports and data visualizations for enhanced
comprehension by decision-makers
-Data science programming languages like R or Python incorporate features
for generating visualizations
-Visual representations facilitate understanding of insights and their business
Data Science in Healthcare
•Healthcare industry profoundly impacted by data science
•Applications include predicting disease outbreaks, enhancing patient care quality, improving
hospital management, and accelerating drug discovery
•Predictive models aid early disease diagnosis
•Treatment plans customized to patient needs
•Result: Improved patient outcomes
Data Science in Marketing
•Marketing transformed by data science
•Diverse applications: customer segmentation, targeted advertising, sales forecasting, sentiment analysis
•Unprecedented understanding of consumer behaviour
•More effective campaigns created
•Predictive analytics identifies market trends
•Competitive edge gained by businesses
Python: Known for its simplicity and powerful libraries like pandas and NumPy, Python is extensively used in data
science for tasks including data cleaning, preprocessing, and machine learning model development.

R: Valued for its proficiency in statistical analysis and visualization, R offers a wide range of statistical techniques
and packages, making it a preferred choice for researchers and statisticians in the data science field.

Julia: Celebrated for its exceptional performance and speed in numerical and scientific computing, Julia's syntax,
resembling that of Python and MATLAB, enhances accessibility for users familiar with these languages.
Data Science vs Data Analytics
Data science and data analytics both serve crucial roles in extracting
value from data, but their focuses differ. Data science is an
overarching field that uses methods including machine learning and
predictive analytics, to draw insights from data. In contrast, data
analytics concentrates on processing and performing statistical
analysis on existing datasets to answer specific questions.
Data Science vs Business Analytics
While business analytics also deals with data analysis, it is more
centered on leveraging data for strategic business decisions. It is
generally less technical and more business-focused than data science.
Data science, though it can inform business strategies, often dives deeper
into the technical aspects, like programming and machine learning.
Data Science vs Machine Learning
Machine learning is a subset of data science, concentrating on creating and
implementing algorithms that let machines learn from and make decisions based
on data. Data science, however, is broader and incorporates many techniques,
including machine learning, to extract meaningful information from data.
Statistics and
•Proficiency in statistics and probability is essential for data scientists to conduct effective data analysis and make informed
•Statistics aids in uncovering insights, detecting patterns, and validating hypotheses in datasets.
•Key statistical concepts encompass measures of central tendency, variability, probability distributions, and various statistical
•Probability theory allows for the prediction of future events, measurement of uncertainty, and modelling of random processes.
•Crucial probability concepts for data scientists include random variables, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, and
stochastic processes.
•Mastery of statistics and probability empowers data scientists to draw dependable conclusions, evaluate risk, and foster
innovation across diverse fields.

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