Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences Education Presentation in Blue White Semi-Realistic Flat Graphic Style

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Complex and

Elaborate, extend and explain ideas!
Ever noticed how
sentences vary in
length and form?
Some sentences seem more
complicated than others.

In this lesson, get ready to ride

the sentence wave from the
simple to the spectacular!
Today, we Review definitions of independent
will learn to and dependent clauses.

Craft complex and

Independent and
Dependent Clauses

Independent clauses can stand alone

as complete thoughts,
while dependent clauses need
an independent clause to complete
their meaning.
A Closer Look at Clauses

Surfing is thrilling. When the waves are big

This is an independent clause This is a dependent clause

because it makes sense as a because it lacks information
sentence. and context.

What will your sentence be if you

combine these two clauses?
Complex sentences are
like catching multiple
waves at once!

It is composed of at least
Dependent clauses in
one independent clause complex sentences
joined by a dependent elaborate, explain and
connect ideas.
Complex Sentence #1

Surfing, a water sport that demands balance and

timing, is a breathtaking experience.

The underlined part of this complex sentence is

the dependent clause. In this example, it ‘glides’ with
the main idea, providing extra details.
Complex Sentence #2
Spot the dependent clause below.

Surfers ride the waves with grace since their speed

matches the wave’s rhythm.

Dependent clauses in complex sentences provide

an extra explanation of why or how things happen.
Complex Sentence # 2

Surfers ride the waves with grace since their speed

matches the wave‘s rhythm.

This is the dependent clause!

Dependent clauses in complex sentences provide

an extra explanation why or how things happen.
Complex Sentence #3
Where’s the dependent clause here?

While new surfers battle

with balance, seasoned
surfers cruise with style.

Dependent clauses in complex sentences connect

two ideas together, even though they may be
Complex Sentence #3:
While new surfers battle
with balance, seasoned
surfers cruise with style.

This is the dependent clause!

Dependent clauses in complex sentences connect

two ideas together, even though they may be
Are you ready for a
It is more complex than a complex
sentence! It has two or more
independent clauses and at least one
dependent clause.
Compound-Complex Sentence #1
Read this sentence. How many independent and dependent clauses
can you see?
clause #1

As soon as I heard the news that I qualified

for the surfing competition, I called my
parents, and we made plans to celebrate.

clause #2
Compound-Complex Sentence #2
Surfing competitions challenge surfers and
demand months of practice; nailing tricks
and techniques is a true art,
so I need to practice!

Compound complex sentences combine elaboration

and explanation, making ideas larger than life.
Can you identify the clauses here?
Compound-Complex Sentence #2
Surfing competitions challenge surfers and
demand months of practice; nailing tricks clause #1
and techniques is a true art,
so I need to practice!
dependent clause
clause #2

Compound complex sentences combine elaboration and

explanation, making ideas larger than life.
Compound-Complex Sentence #3

Surfers brave the waves all day,

finding solace in the ocean’s rhythm;
this connection revitalizes their spirit.

Compound-complex sentences weave ideas

together! Can you identify the clauses here?
Compound-Complex Sentence #3

Surfers brave the waves all day, independent

clause #1
finding solace in the ocean‘s rhythm;
this connection revitalizes their spirit.

dependent clause independent clause #2

The goal of compound-complex sentences is to express complex

relationships between ideas in a more connected way.
Here’s our key takeaways!
Complex sentences = Independent clause + Dependent clause

Compound-Complex sentences = 2 or more Independent clauses

+ 1 or more Dependent clauses.

Both complex and compound-complex sentences

dive into details, explain and connect ideas.

Read more about surfing! Then in a

short paragraph, share what you
learned by writing at least 2 complex
sentences and 2 compound-complex

Add your references here.

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forget to delete this page
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