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Rights of digital citizen:

• Digital rights, closely linked to freedom of expression and privacy, are those that allow people to access, use, create and publish digital media, as well as
access and use computers, other electronic devices and communications networks. Digital rights are an extension of human rights for the Internet age

• Right to access and use computers and/or other electronic devices

• Right to access and use digital content

• Right to create and share digital media
• Right to privacy in digital communities
• Right to express your ideas and opinions freely
• Right to report anyone or anything that seems inappropriate
• From google
Responsibilities of a digital
• Key Digital Rights:
Right to access and use computers and/or other electronic devices

• Right to access and use digital content

• Right to create and share digital media
• Right to privacy in digital communities
• Right to express your ideas and opinions freely
• Right to report anyone or anything that seems inappropriate

from weeble
What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying (sometimes referred to as online bullying), by
definition, is the practice of using digital technology, such as a
phone, tablet, gaming console, or computer, to bully another person
(or people) via email, direct messaging platforms, social media,
audio and video platforms, or text messaging. This includes the
sharing or posting of content aimed at causing the embarrassment
or humiliation of another person. According to the
National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice, 16
percent of students in the US, from grades 9–12, have personally
experienced cyberbullying in some form (that’s approximately 1 in 6
With its link to social media and the internet at large, it can
sometimes be difficult to spot an example of cyberbullying. Even
more worryingly, some cases of cyberbullying can turn into larger
criminal acts very quickly. As a result, we’ve listed some of the most
prominent examples of online bullying, so you can be prepared
moving forward.
. How to Prevent and Stop Cyberbullying?
Like physical bullying, there are a number of measures that you can take (as an adult
or a minor) to prevent cyberbullying from continuing.
1. Tell Someone
According to a study on the long-term effects of bullying the vast majority of
teenagers, up to 90% by some estimates, agree that cyberbullying is a problem, with
other estimates citing around 63% of teenagers believing it to be a “serious”
problem. Unfortunately, many young people also believe that schools, the
government, and social media companies are failing to address the problem, leaving
many of them feeling disenfranchised and isolated. In stark contrast, many teenagers
see their parents as effective allies in the fight against cyberbullying. This leaves a
large responsibility in the hands of the parents to remain vigilant and reach out to
their children if they think there could be a possible incident of cyberbullying.
In many cases, teenagers will hesitate to tell their parents or other adults if they are
the victims of cyberbullying. Similar to other forms of bullying, this lack of
communication tends to stem from embarrassment or fear. Victims often worry that
teachers and parents won’t be able to stop the abuse and that the harassment will
only worsen once the bully finds out that they’ve told an adult. If you believe that
your child is being cyberbullied (or is a cyberbully), it’s critical for you to reach out as
soon as possible. Look for practical ways to address the issue, such as involving
school administrators and/or a therapist. If you think that you are the victim of
cyberbullying, tell a teacher, parent, or appropriate adult immediately.
. 2. Keep Everything
Once you’ve reached out to your child, save all posts, digital messages, and
communications from the cyberbully by taking screenshots, or photos on your
smartphone. In addition, make sure to record the time and date, and any other
relevant information that could be used in a court of law. Bring everything to
the school administration and consider involving the police if you feel that
things are severe enough. In many cases, cyberbullying crosses the line from
aggravation to criminal harassment.
3. Don’t Engage
With increases of up to 70% in the amount of bullying/hate speech among
teens and children since the Covid lockdown, researchers have found non-
engagement to be one of the main ways to combat certain kinds of
cyberbullying attacks. Victims of cyberbullying are often better off ignoring or
avoiding an attack and immediately reporting the situation to an appropriate
adult. The goal of any bully is to goad his or her victim into anger and
acknowledgment of ridiculous claims or malicious statements. Ignoring a
cyberbully’s attempts minimizes their power in the digital setting. Equally,
those observing the attacks must be willing to report problems to friends,
family members, or teachers.
The best option for victims is to block the bully from social media and email
accounts altogether. For many social media apps, such as Facebook or
Instagram, blocking not only removes the bully from the victim’s view but also
means that the bully can no longer directly link to the victim’s profile or even
see posts by mutual contacts that tag the victim
Being confident and capable of using information
communication technologies
Using technology to participate in educational, cultural, and
economic activities
Developing and using critical thinking skills in cyberspace
Using technology to relate to others in positive, meaningful
Respecting the concepts of privacy and freedom of speech in a
digital world
Contributing to and actively promoting the values of digital
From google
Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual
property. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to copy. This
means that the original creators of products and anyone they
give authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right
to reproduce to work.
What is copyright act in short?
So, Copyright meaning, acts as a protection to legally
safeguard that original creation. The copyright law states that
a work is original if the author made it by thinking
independently and not copying it from somewhere. If you have
that copyright to your product, no one can use or replicate
your work.
When a person creates an original work, fixed in a tangible
medium, he or she automatically owns copyright to the work.
Many types of works are eligible for copyright protection, for
example: Audiovisual works, such as TV shows, movies, and
online videos. Sound recordings and musical compositions.
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1. Respect Matters
Treat others online with respect, kindness, and empathy, just as you
would in face-to-face interactions. Avoid cyberbullying, harassment, or
spreading hate speech.
2. Practice Online Etiquette
Follow proper online etiquette, such as using appropriate language,
refraining from excessive capitalization (which can be perceived as
shouting), and avoiding offensive or inappropriate content.
3. Identify Privacy And Security That Fit Your Use Of Digital Spaces
Protect your personal information online and respect the privacy of
others. Use strong and unique passwords, be cautious about sharing
personal details, and think twice before posting or forwarding sensitive
4. Manage Your Digital Footprint
Remember that your online activities leave a digital footprint that can
impact your reputation. Be mindful of the content you share, comment
on, or engage with, as it can have long-term consequences.
From google

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