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GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Name: Jonathan Ezeoke-Griffiths

Specification and learning objectives

By the end of this topic, you will be able to:
Define what a computer network is
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer networks
Describe the main types of computer network including: • personal area network (PAN) • local area network (LAN) • wide area network (WAN)
Understand that networks can be wired or wireless
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks as opposed to wired networks
Describe the following common LAN topologies: • star • bus
Define the term network protocol
Explain the purpose and use of common network protocols including: • Ethernet • Wi-Fi • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) • UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
• IP (Internet Protocol) • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) • HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) • SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol) • IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
Understand the need for and importance of network security
Explain the following methods of network security: • authentication • encryption • firewall • MAC address filtering
Describe the four-layer TCP/IP model: • application layer • transport layer • internet layer • link layer
Understand that the HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, IMAP and FTP protocols operate at the application layer
Understand that the TCP and UDP protocols operate at the transport layer
Understand that the IP protocol operates at the internet layer

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GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

About networks

A computer network is: Two Computers Linked so that they can communicate with other computers and Share files.

The advantages of computer networks include: • File Sharing

• Sharing Resources
• Files an Information Shared Quickly
• Allows For better Communication through devices
• Increases Communicable Range

The disadvantages of networks computer include: • Less Control Over Device

• Switches Can Break
• Servers Can go Down
• Access Rights Can be Incorrectly Managed
GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Types of networks

Representation of a local area network (LAN): Representation of a wide area network (WAN):

Description of a local area network: Description of a wide area network:

A network that works over a very small geographical Area with a only a A network Comprised of many smaller networks that can traverse a
few Devices Very large Geographical Area.

Computers that are not connected to a network are called standalone computers.
GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Types of networks

A personal area network (PAN) is:

A personal Area network is comprised of a few Devices and works within a set Radius

The most common technology used in a wireless PAN is:

• Bluetooh

The major limitation with this technology is:

• It has a certain range that it can operate in

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Hardware for a local area network

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Advantages and disadvantages of wired vs wireless connections

Green indicates advantages – red indicates disadvantages.

Wired networks Wireless networks

Advantages: Advantages:

Connections and speeds tend to be more reliable. Transfer speeds tend to be faster.

Easier to secure. Easier to share files, as physical connections are not required.

Far less complicated and disruptive to set up. Users can access this network from anywhere within range.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages:

Less convenient to share files, as a physical connection is required. Transfer speeds tend to be slower.

User location is limited by the need for a cable connection. More steps need to be taken to make sure it’s secure.

Connection tends to be less reliable and can easily be blocked by walls

Lots of cables, connections, ports and physical hardware required. and other physical infrastructure.
GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Star network topology

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Bus network topology



Workstation Workstation Workstation

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Star vs bus network topology

Star network:
Advantages Disadvantages

Reliable if one device fails others will work Signals are sent to all devices instead of just the targeted device

High performance no data collisions Expensive to install as this type of network uses the most cable

If a hub/switch fails all the devices connected to it will have no network

Less expensive as it is only connected to one hub

Bus network:
Advantages Disadvantages

Easy to deploy and set up devices connect in a linear manner If the main Bus Backbone cable fails the network fails

More workstations are connected the performance of the network will

Highly Reliable
become slower because of data collisions

Easy to extend Every workstation on the network sees all of the data on the network
GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Wireless networks
GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Network protocols and Ethernet

Ethernet is a family of related protocols used for communication on a LAN .

Ethernet is a group rather than a single protocol.

Ethernet has largely replaced competing wired LAN technologies.

The original Ethernet used Coaxial Cable as a shared medium , while the newer Ethernet uses Twisted pair and fibre optic Links

with a switch to connect components together. Over the course of its history, Ethernet data transfer rates have been

increased from the original 2.94 megabits per second to 100 gigabits per second.

Systems communicating over Ethernet divide a stream of data into shorter pieces called a Frame .

Each contains a source and destination address and a cyclic redundancy check for error

checking so damaged transmissions can be detected.

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Common network protocols

A network protocol is a set of rules governing the communication between devices on a network. Some protocols include:

Layer 3
IP Internet Protocol Provides routing of packets on a wide area network (IP).
Layer 1
Layer 1
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol A client-server method of requesting and delivering HTML files. (application)

UDP User Datagram Protocol Encryption and authentication for client-server data.

Sending files between computers. Used for uploading web

HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
pages and associated files to a web server for hosting.

Layer 2 Layer 1
(transport) (application)
Layer 1
Layer 1 Used by email clients to retrieve email from a mail server, and (application)
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(application) to manage remote mailboxes.

IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol Sends mail to a mail server.

Layer 1 Layer 2
(application) (transport)

Layer 1 Sending files between computers. Used for uploading web

FTP File Transfer Protocol
(application) pages and associated files to a web server for hosting.

TCP Transmission Control Protocol Provides an error free transmission between two routers (TCP).
GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

The concept of layers

The concept of layering is to divide the complex task of networking into smaller, simpler tasks that work with each other.

The hardware and/or software for each layer has a defined responsibility.

Each layer provides a service to the layer above it. The advantages of layering include:

• Allows for categorising the Protocols therefore packets can be transfereed easier
• Allows for

Link error Transport Link
layer IP handling layer layer

IP routing
Internet Application Browser
layer layer

Twisted Application
pair, fibre layer Twisted
optic, Wi-Fi Internet
FPT, HTTP, pair
SMTP, Transport
IMAP layer
GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Network security

Making sure any network is secure is an essential task. By their very nature, networks are much more vulnerable to attacks

than a standalone system because a potential hacker could access any device of an unsecure network via a single

point of entry.

Once a way into a network has been found, the potential implications are serious, from the installation of malware causing corruption and

damage through to .data theft

There are many goals to network security, but the two mains ones are to make sure authroized users are able to access

everything they need while preventing unathorized access to any area of the network.

Various methods and techniques can be used to help increase and maintain a networks security, including the use of firewalls ,

encrypting files and data traffic, implementing a robust and strong password policy and setting up

.intrusion detection systems

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Methods of network security

Authentication When it would be used: Firewall When it would be used:
Authentication is one aspect of network Ensure that only authorized Firewall is a crucial element of network When packets are being
security that involves verifying the identity of devices have accsess to security designed to monitor and control transferred to your device
a user, device, or entity attempting to access sensitive info incoming and outgoing network traffic
network resources. based on predetermined security rules.

[picture here]

Encryption When it would be used: MAC address filtering When it would be used:
Encryption is a critical method in network On banking websites or MAC Address Filtering is a security Permit or deny network
security that involves converting data into important files that’s can technique used to control access to a accsess to the computer
a coded form to prevent unauthorized be accsessed easily if a data network based on the physical addresses
access. It ensures that even if data is breach coulkd occur (MAC addresses) of devices. Each network
intercepted, it cannot be read without the device has a unique MAC address, which
correct decryption key. can be used to permit or deny network

[picture here] [picture here]

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Assessment Target: Overall grade:

Minimum expectations by the end of this unit

 Learn terms 21-48 from GCSE Level Key Terminology.
 Complete all pages of the workbook.
 Score 80% in the end of unit test.

Breadth Depth Understanding

 All aspects complete  Excellent level of depth  All work is accurate

 Most aspects complete  Good level of depth  Most work is accurate

 Some aspects complete  Basic level of depth shown  Some work is accurate

 Little work complete  Little depth and detail provided  Little work is accurate

Comment and action Student response

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Reflection and Revision checklist

Confidence Clarification
 I can define what a computer network is.

 I can explain what a local area network (LAN) is.

 I can explain what a wide area network (WAN) is.

 I can explain what a personal area network (PAN) is.

 I can explain the benefits of networking.

 I can explain the risks of networking.

 I can explain that networks can be wired or wireless.

 I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks.

 I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of wired networks.

 I can explain the difference between copper and fibre optic cables for wired networks.

 I can explain what a star network is.

 I can explain what a bus network is.

 I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of a star network.

 I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of a bus network.

My revision focus will need to be:

GCSE 8525 Paper 2 | SLR3 Computer networks, protocols and layers Craig'n'Dave

Reflection and Revision checklist

Confidence Clarification
 I can explain what is meant by the term network protocol.

 I can explain what the Ethernet protocol family is and why it is important.

 I can explain what the Wi-Fi protocol family is and why it is important.

 I can describe the use of a range of common network protocols including TCP, UDP, IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP and IMAP.

 I can explain why protocols are layered.

 I can describe the four layers that make up the TCP/IP protocol model.

 I can list which common network protocols operate at each layer of the TCP/IP model.

 I can explain the need for and importance of network security.

 I can explain the following method of network security: Authentication.

 I can explain the following method of network security: Encryption.

 I can explain the following method of network security: Firewall.

 I can explain the following method of network security: MAC address filtering.
My revision focus will need to be:

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