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High Voltage Direct

Topic:- Comparison between (HVDC)
VSC based HVDC Transmission system.


ROLL NUMBER: 14201621038
• The electric power grid is experiencing increased needs for enhanced bulk
power transmission capability, reliable integration of large-scale renewable energy
sources, and more flexible power flow controllability. However, it has become a
challenge to increase power delivery capability and flexibility with conventional AC
expansion options in meshed, heavily loaded high voltage AC networks.
• A key constraint in adding transmission capacity to existing AC grid is the
requirement to neutralize environmental impact - often making overhead grid
extensions impossible. AC expansion options, both overhead and underground, are
often limited by voltage or transient instability problems, risk of increased short circuit
levels, impacts of unaccepted network loop flows

Introduction • The favorable economics of bulk power transmission with HVDC together
with its controllability make it an interesting alternative or complement to ac
transmission. Therefore, the strategies for future transmission infrastructure
development go clearly in the direction of hybrid AC/DC grid structure.
• The classical HVDC technique, introduced in the early 1950s, employs line-
commutated CSCs with thyristor valves. Such converters require a relatively strong
synchronous voltage source in order to operate.
• Today there are about 100 classical projects around the world. Typically, a classical

Classical HVDC transmission has a power AC Grid with Embedded VSC-HVDC for Secure and
Efficient Power Delivery One of the major efforts for classical HVDC today is the
development of Ultra High Voltage DC Systems (±800 kV) to transport more power
over longer distances.

HVDC • One major reason for the increased interest in HVDC is that more power can be
transmitted more efficiently over long distance, say over 1000-2500 km, than by ac
lines. HVDC systems can carry 2-5 times the capacity of an ac line of similar voltage.

System • HVDC transmission has been widely used to interconnect two ac systems where ac ties
would not be feasible because of system stability problems or different nominal
frequencies of the two systems.
• VSC-HVDC is a transmission technology based on voltage source converters (VSC)
and insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT).
• The converter operates with high frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) and thus
has the capability to rapidly control both active and reactive power, independently of

VSC each other, to keep the voltage and frequency stable. The maximum power of bipole
HVDC Light® is 1200 MW with cables and 2400 MW with overhead lines.
• The two networks are very weak and the HVDC Light® technology will help

stabilize them.

• Purpose: Both classical HVDC and VSC-based HVDC systems serve the common
purpose of transmitting bulk power over long distances with reduced losses
compared to traditional HVAC (High Voltage Alternating Current) transmission.
• Medium of Transmission: Both technologies use direct current (DC) as the
Similarities of medium for power transmission.
• Stability Enhancement: Both types of HVDC systems contribute to the stability of

Classical interconnected AC grids.

• Interconnection of Asynchronous Grids: Classical HVDC and VSC-based HVDC

HVDC technologies are both employed to interconnect asynchronous AC grids.

• Frequency Independence: Both technologies are relatively independent of the
frequency of the connected AC systems.
And VSC • Point-to-Point and Multi-Terminal Configurations: Both classical HVDC and
VSC-based HVDC can be configured as point-to-point systems, connecting two

Based HVDC specific locations, or as multi-terminal systems, connecting more than two
• Reduction of Line Losses: The use of HVDC technology, whether classical or
VSC-based, facilitates the reduction of line losses during power transmission
compared to long-distance HVAC transmission.
• Power Control: The ability to control the power flow and adjust the transmission
parameters is essential for maintaining the stability and reliability of the power
• Classical High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and Voltage Source
Converter (VSC) based HVDC are two different technologies used for
transmitting electrical power over long distances. They differ in terms
of the converter technology, control strategies, and applications. While
sharing the common goal of long-distance power transmission,

Differences • Classical HVDC (LCC) and VSC-based HVDC (VSC) exhibit

substantial differences in their technology, operation, and performance.
• Here are the key differences between classical HVDC and VSC-based

Between HVDC:

Based HVDC
Based HVDC
Advantages of Classical HVDC And VSC Based HVDC
• Mature technology: LCC technology has been around for decades, making it a well-
established and reliable choice.
• Suitable for bulk power transmission: LCC excels at efficiently transmitting large amounts of
Advantages and •
power over long distances.
Superior controllability: VSC systems offer independent control over both active and reactive

Disadvantages •
power, enabling precise regulation and grid stabilization functionalities.
Flexibility: VSCs can operate seamlessly with asynchronous grids due to their voltage source
nature, facilitating power exchange between grids with different frequencies.

of Classical • Faster fault clearance: VSC systems can clear faults and restore power faster due to their self-
commutating devices, improving grid resilience.

HVDC And •
Disadvantages of Classical HVDC And VSC Based HVDC
Limited controllability: LCC primarily controls active power flow, while reactive power

VSC Based control is limited or requires additional equipment. This limits grid stabilization capabilities
and flexibility.

• Vulnerability to grid faults: Commutation failures in LCC systems can occur during grid
faults, potentially leading to blackouts and extending restoration times.
• Higher upfront cost: VSC systems typically have higher initial costs due to advanced power
semiconductor technology and control systems compared to LCC.
• Complexity: VSC systems involve more complex control algorithms and circuit designs,
demanding higher technical expertise for operation and maintenance.
• Bulk power transmission over long distances: LCC excels in efficiently transmitting
large amounts of power over hundreds of kilometers, making it ideal for connecting
remote hydroelectric or thermal generation sites to distant load centers.
• Interconnecting AC grids with different frequencies: LCC can operate with

Applications synchronous or asynchronous grids, enabling power exchange between incompatible

systems through DC conversion.
• Undersea power transmission: LCC technology has proven success in underwater

of Classical HVDC cables due to its inherent stability and fault tolerance.
• Voltage source applications: VSC's ability to independently control active and reactive
power enables various grid stability and power quality enhancement functions.
HVDC • Multi-terminal HVDC grids: VSC's flexibility allows for easy integration into multi-
terminal HVDC networks, enabling complex power routing and optimization within

interconnected grids.
• Connecting offshore wind farms: VSC systems are the preferred choice for
connecting offshore wind farms to the mainland grid due to their compact footprint,

Based reduced harmonic generation, and ability to handle long undersea cables.
• Large-scale, point-to-point bulk power transmission: LCC remains a cost-effective
choice for this specific application.

HVDC • Grid integration of renewables, grid stabilization, and multi-terminal configurations:

VSC takes the lead with its advanced control capabilities and flexibility.

HVDC and VSC-based HVDC play crucial roles in the modern electricity grid, offering efficient and reliable solutions for
long-distance power transmission and grid integration. While they share the common goal of tackling these challenges, each
technology takes a distinct approach with its own unique strengths and limitations. Classical HVDC remains a mature and
cost-effective choice for high-volume, point-to-point power transmission over long distances. Its proven track record, black
start capability, and suitability for underwater cables make it a valuable asset for specific applications. However, its limited
controllability, harmonic generation, and vulnerability to grid faults necessitate careful consideration in scenarios
demanding flexibility and grid stability. VSC-based HVDC emerges as a powerful and versatile technology for the evolving
energy landscape. Its superior controllability, flexibility, and efficiency make it ideal for integrating renewable energy
sources, enhancing grid stability, and enabling complex multi-terminal HVDC networks. However, its higher initial cost and
potential complexity require careful assessment and planning for optimal utilization.


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