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Ob j ec t i v es
 Explain the concepts of business ethics and social

 Analyze and judge common ethical dilemmas in the

workplace using case studies.

 Identify the factors that influence ethical and unethical

business practices.

 Describe the stages in the development of ethical

i n ess E th ics ?
Wha t a re B u s

 Business Ethics:
 The standards of conduct and rules based on moral
principles governing how businesses and
employees should conduct themselves.

 Social responsibility
 Balance between what’s right and what’s profitable
 Often no clear-cut choices
 Often shaped by the organization’s ethical climate
g o Sca n d a l
Wells Far
 Wells Fargo employees secretly opened unauthorized accounts
to hit sales targets and receive bonuses

 Bank employees opened over 1.5 million deposit accounts that

may not have been authorized

 Wells Fargo employees also submitted applications for 565,443

credit card accounts without their customers' knowledge or
a Stew a r t
 There are several high profile investigations and
arrests in the headlines

 Martha Stewart had a billion dollar empire when she made

a decision to sell a stock based on an insider trading tip
from her stock broker in 2004.

 Martha Stewart Article “She would never have felt the loss—
she was coming up on a billion
dollars, and by selling those shares
“She was sentenced to she avoided a loss of $45,673—but
prison for five she couldn’t resist the chance to daub
months… and became at the blot on her investment record.”
the very emblem of
corporate greed.”

 Corporate officers and traders charged with

fraud, conspiracy and insider trading in 2001

 ENRON was the Largest Corporate Fraud case in American


 ENRON executives’ and traders’ greed eliminated:

 4,500 ENRON jobs
 85,000 Arthur Anderson jobs
 Investors lost over 60 billion dollars within a few days; for
many it meant losing their old-age security.
l B u sin ess
 Individuals can make unethical choices like:
 Conflict of Interest
 Bribery, gift-giving and receiving
 Invasion of privacy or confidentiality
 Dishonest hiring practices
 Insurance Fraud / Credit Card Fraud
 Internet Abuse

 Conflict of Interest:
 Situation in which a business decision may be influenced
for personal gain.
ob E thi ca l

Telling the truth and

Situation in which a business adhering to deeply felt
decision may be influenced ethical principles in
for personal gain. business decisions.

Business people expect

employees to be loyal
Employee’s disclosure and truthful, but ethical
of illegal, immoral, or conflicts may arise.
unethical practices in
the organization.
g a n i z a ti on s
How Or ct
E th ic a l C o n d u
Sh a p e
 Code of Ethics/Conduct:
 A formal set of guidelines for maintaining ethics in the

 Codes of Ethics cannot detail a solution for every ethical

situation, so corporations provide training in ethical reasoning
along with a Code of Ethics.
v iron men t
Ethical En

 Ethical Leadership:
 Executives must
demonstrate ethical
behavior in their actions.

 Ethical Action:
 Helping employees
recognize and reason
through ethical problems and
turning them into ethical
p on si b ili t y
Social Res
 Social Responsibility:
 The duty to do what is best for the
good of society.
 Management’s consideration of profit,
consumer satisfaction, and societal
well-being of equal value in evaluating
the firm’s performance.
 Contributions to the overall economy,
job opportunities, and charitable
contributions and service.
xa mp l e s
• Ben & Jerry’s • Warby Parker
xa mp l e s
• Dawn • Disney Corporation
i b ili ties t o
e ra l P u b l ic
the Gen
 Public Health Issues: What to do about inherently
dangerous products such as alcohol, tobacco, vaccines,
and steroids.
 Protecting the Environment: Using resources efficiently,
minimizing pollution.
 Recycling: Reprocessing used materials for reuse.
 Developing the Quality of the Workforce: Enhancing
quality of the overall workforce through education and
diversity initiatives.
 Corporate Philanthropy: Cash contributions, donations of
equipment and products, and supporting the volunteer
efforts of company employees.
i b ili ti es to
C u sto m e rs
 The Right to Be Safe: Safe operation of products, avoiding
product liability.

 The Right to Be Informed: Avoiding false or misleading

advertising and providing effective customer service.

 The Right to Choose: Ability of consumers to choose the

products and services they want.

 The Right to Be Heard: Ability of consumers to

express legitimate complaints to the appropriate parties.
i b ili tie s to
E mp l oy e e s

 Workplace Safety: Monitored  US Equal Employment

by (OSHA) Occupational Safety Opportunity Commission
and Health Administration. (EEOC): Discrimination by
 Quality-of-Life Issues: Type protected by EEOC -
Balancing work and family Protects workers against many
through flexible work schedules, different types of
subsidized child care, and discrimination.
regulation such as the Family
and Medical Leave Act of 1993.
 Ensuring Equal Opportunity  Sexual Harassment and
on the Job: Providing equal Sexism: Avoiding unwelcome
opportunities to all employees actions of a sexual nature;
without discrimination; many equal pay for equal work
aspects regulated by law.
without regard to gender.
i b ili ties to
 Obligation to make profits for shareholders.

 Expectation of ethical and moral behavior.

 Investors protected by regulation by the Securities and

Exchange Commission and state regulations.
C a se Stu d i es

We will go to the computer lab to look at

three different Business Ethics Case
You will use the website provided to read
the case studies and answer the following
1. What is the ethical issue?

2. What ethical action should be taken?

CSR A ctiv i t y

Corporate Social Responsibility

Use the internet to find a company that is
“Socially Responsible” like General Mills
(Yoplait) or Proctor and Gamble (Tide)
On the worksheet provided, give a brief
overview of your company, and what
programs they have participated in or
implemented to be socially responsible
corporate citizens.

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