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Class – VI Subject – Computer

Chapter – I (More About Computer)

Session – I: Introduction of Computer -

omputer is an electronic device which converts raw data into
meaningful The word Computer is derived from "Computare"

C – Computer, O – Operate, M – Memory, P – Print , U – Update , T – Tabulate,

–Edit , R – Response.

Benefits of Computer
• Speed
• Accuracy
• Storage
• Diligence
• Versatility

Session – II : History of Computer

Prehistoric man used to calculate by using his fingers, sticks, pebbles, or by

marking lines.
ABACUS was used for counting just by sliding the beeds along the wires.
In 1642, Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline, a numerical Pascaline by creating
the machine that could also multiply.
In 1822, Charles Babbage(Father of Computer) invented "Difference Engine"
which could produce reliable tables, as at that time mathematical and statistical
In 1832, Charles Babbage invented the first general purpose computer, which
is also known as "Analytical Engine".
Herman Hollerith designed the first commercial computer. That was used in
US census in 1890.
 Herman Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company in 1896,
which was merged in IBM in 1911.
 John Mauchly and J Eckert developed the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer) that proved to be turning point in Computer
 John Von Neumann and John Mauchly developed the EDVAC (Electronic
and ) which used the concept of Stored program.
 Eckert and Mauchly later developed the first commercial successful
computer UNIVAC (Universal ).
 J.V. Atansoff invented the first digital Computer that could solve the
system of linear equations.
 Later on over the period of time different technologies evolved that will
we cover in generation of computer.

Session - III : Generation of Computer –

It means the technology evolution over a period of time, which is categorized

in generations.

 First Generation (1940 – 1956) : In this Vaccum tubes were used to

store and process the data in the computer.
 Second Generation (1956 – 1963) : In this Transistor were used in
computers those were small components assembled in circuit.
 Third Generation (1964 – 1971) : In this Integrated Circuit were used.
This IC's have large number of very tiny IC made up of Silicon Chip.
 Fourth Generation (1971 – Present) : Now Very large number of IC's
were used to make VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) which contains
million of Integrated Circuit.

Computer Language – A Computer language also called programming

language consists of some instructions and commands. There are three
levels of programming language are available:
• Machine Language (Binary Language which consists 0 and 1)
• Assembly Language
III. High Level Language (Ex – C, COBOL, FORTRAN, LOGO, C+

 High Level Language enables the user to write code in their own language
like English.
 High level language are able to translate our instructions into machine
language which the computer can understand.
 People who are specialised in working on programming languages are
called programmers.
 Programmers firstly prepares plan before working on any program which
solves the real world problems.
 Programmers make flowchart which show the various steps involved in a
program it makes the job easy for them.

Session – IV : Processing the Computer Program and Data:

 The CPU (Central Processing Unit) know as Brain of Computer is most

important part of computer which performs calculations, process data,
stores information and programs and control the function of computer
components. Three main Parts of CPU are:
• CU (Control Unit): It controls the processing of data inside the
• MU (Memory Unit): It stores the data or information during
• ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit): It is responsible for performing all the
mathematical calculations and logical operations.

Answer the Following Questions:- 1.

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Class – VI Subject – Computer
Chapter – II (Computer Ethics and
Computer Security)
Session – I: Introduction:

Computers are used in education, business, manufacturing, designing,

entertainment, research and development. But it can be used by bad people,
they cause harm to the information, technology or processes.

Computer Ethics: Ethics are beliefs and rules. These rules guide us what is right
and what is wrong. A mature sense ethics is something a person develops over a
period of time.

Major Ethical Issues:

Intellectual Property Rights:

o The rights related to literary or artistic work, inventions, discoveries
etc. are called intellectual property rights.
o Similarly to property, ideas and thinking produced by the mind are
also protected by law. It is illegal to use them without the
permission of the owner or producer.
Copyright: This is a symbol you may have found on the books, magazines
and even web pages. © is used to prefixes before a statement; All Rights
This copyright is legally applied to the items to enable to owner of item receive a
certain amount of incentive or income or royalty from the item.

Session II: Software Piracy:

Software Piracy is a technique of illegal reproduction and distribution of
the applications. It is not beneficial for has also significant effect
on economy.

Types of Software Piracy:

I. End-User Piracy: When someone copies software without the appropriate

license for every copy, it called End-user piracy.
II. Internet Piracy: Any unauthorized copies downloaded from internet fall
under the category of Internet piracy.
Pre-installed Software Piracy: When a computer manufacturer takes one
copy of a particular software and illegally install it on more than one computer,
it is considered as Pre-installed software piracy.
I. Conterfeiting: This is the process of making and distributing illegal copies
of software package that reproduce the developers packages.
II. Online Auction Piracy: This takes several form like selling of software that
is never authorized for resale by a third party.
Limitation of Software
I. Quality: Pirated software does not have warranty protection or
upgrade options.
II. Viruses: Pirated software that contain viruses, may destroy company
Privacy: Privacy is an important part of life. It is desirable condition or a
moral right of a person to be allowed a privacy in his or her life.
Session III: Computer Security:

Computer security includes the various procedures and technique that are
designed to protect a computer from accidental or intentional theft,
unauthorized access or manipulation by an individual or for an organizations.
Computer security breaches can have following categories :-

Hardware Breaches: It can be both intentional or accidental. Ex – cable,

modems, phone lines.
 Software Breaches: It includes viruses, password cracking, various sniffer
programs, etc.
 Networks: Networks are vulnerable to security breaches.
 Natural Disasters: These can cause security violations.

Computer Security Controls:

Computer security controls are established and implemented to reduce

security breaches. There are many types of control.

 Application Control: It includes input, output, and processing controls,

storage of information, etc.
 Development Control: It includes data security, documental etc.
 Access Control: It includes managing user accounts and password to
ensure authorized access to data, program, etc.
 Physical Security Control: These are used to protect systems physically
form damage it includes CD,DVD, etc.
 Personal Control:

Computer Crimes: Hacking and Cracking:

The people who are associated with computer crimes are often called Hacker,
Crackers, Virus Programmer, Information Warriors, etc. They violate
computer security.

 Hacker: A Hacker is a person who breaks into a computer system to get

access the information stored there.
 Cracker: A cracker is a person who breaks into a computer system to steal
information or cause harm to the computer system.
 Virus Programmer: It is a cracker who breaches into a computer system,
in order to steal information our cause harm to computer system.

Information Technology Act 2000:

This act came into force on 17th October, 2000. There are numerous laws to
control computer crimes and numerous measures to control security breaches.
There are numerous occasions of software piracy.

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Class – VI Subject – Computer

Chapter – III
(Computer Language)
Session – I: Computer Language:

To Communicate with the computer user needs to have a language that should
be understood by the computer. For that different languages comes with time.
There are two categories:
•Low Level Language: These are machine codes or close to it. It can be of two
• Machine Language: It is lowest and most basic level of language and
first was to be developed. It is also called binary language which computer can
only understand.


 It makes fast and efficient use of the computer.

 It requires no translator.


 All operation codes have to remember.

 Hard to find errors in written program.
 These languages can be used on only one type of computer.
• Assembly Language: It uses alphanumeric symbols instead of 1's and
0's. These symbols are called mnemonics ex –
ADD,SUB,START,LABEL, etc. This language need to converted to
machine code by language translator which will be executed by

Easier to understand and use.

Easy to locate and correct errors.
It is modified easily.


Like machine language it is also machine dependent.

Programmer should have the knowledge of hardware also.

2. High Level Language: It enables the user to write programs easily and
in their own language (English). HLL are basically symbolic language that
uses English word. It also needs to be translated to understand by

Types of High Level Language:

I. Algebraic Formula-type Processing: This language is oriented towards
the computational procedures for solving maths and statistical problem.
Ex are BASIC (Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code),
FORTRAN(FORmula TRANslation), PL (Programming Language), ALGOL
(Arithmetic Language) , APL (A Programming Language).
II. Business Data Processing: It emphasize their capabilities
for maintaining data processing procedures and files handling problems.
Ex are COBOL, RPG, etc.
III. String and List Processing: Used for string manipulation including
patterns, inserting and deleting characters. Ex are LISP, PROLOG, etc.
•Object Oriented Programming: Computer program is divided into
objects. Ex are C++, Java, etc.
•Visual Programming Language: These are designed for building
windows based applications. Ex are Visual Basic, Visual Java, Visual C,

It is user-friendly.
It requires less time to write.
 Similar to English with words and symbols.
 Easier to maintain.
 It is independent of the machine on which it is used.


 It has to be translated into the machine language by a translator

thus price in computer time is paid.
 Generated by a translator might be inefficient compared to
assembly language.

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